Death of Aminah (Prophet's Mother) IN 576
Death of 'Abd Al-Muttalib (Prophet's Grandfather) IN 578
Journey to Syria (with his Uncle Abu Talib) IN 582
Marriage to Khadijah (a Widow, Age 40) IN 595
Embargo and Boycott of Banu Hashim (Prophet's Family) by Quraysh IN 617 – 620
Death of Abu Talib (Prophet's Uncle) IN 620
Death of Khadijah (ra) (She was the only wife until this time) IN 620
Mir'aj (Ascention) IN 621
Prophet's Emigration to Yathrib (Medina ) IN 12th Rabi'al Awwal, 1 AH Sept. 24, 622
Completion of Marriage to 'Aisha (ra) Shawwal, IN 1 AH April 623
The Change of Qiblah Rajab, IN 2 AH January 624
Battle of Badr 17th Ramadan, IN 2 AH March 13, 624
Expedition to Banu Qainuqa Shawwal, IN 2 AH April 624
Marriage of Fatimah (ra), Prophet's Youngest Daughter Dhul Hijjah, IN 2 AH June 624
Battle of Uhud 15th Shawwal, IN 3 AH March 625
Expedition of Banu Nadir Rabi' al-Awwal, IN 4 AH August 625
Expedition of Second Badr Rajab, IN 4 AH December 625
Expedition of Banu Quraizah Dhul Qa'dah, IN 5 AH March - April 627
Expedition to Khaybar Muharram-Safar, IN 7 AH May - June 628
Performance of Missed Umrah Dhul Qa'dah, IN 7 AH March 629
Opening of Mecca Ramadan, IN 8 AH Dec. 629 - Jan. 630
Birth of Ibrahim (Prophet's Son) Dhul Hijjah, 8 AH March 630
Expedition of Tabuk Rajab, IN 9 AH Oct. - Dec. 630
Death of Ibrahim Shawwal, IN 9 AH January 631
Khalid bin Walid (ra) Sent to Najran Rabi' al-Awwal, IN 10 AH June 631
Ali (ra) Sent to Yemen Ramadan, IN 10 AH December 631