English Translation of Holy Quran- Surah 06 to 11

Surah Number 6: Al-An`âm (Animal, Cattle, Livestock)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 165

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

1. All Praise to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and brought into being the darkness and the light,
yet the infidels ascribe equals to their Lord.
2. It is He Who created you from clay, then He decreed a term, and there is a determined promise with Him,
thereafter you doubt.
3. And He is the very Allah of heavens and earth He knows all your secrets and what you reveal and knows your
4. And there comes to them no sign of the signs of their, Lord, but they turn away, their faces from it.
5. Then undoubtedly, they belied the truth when it came to then. So now, they are to be informed of that they
were mocking at.
6. Have they not observed how many a generation We have destroyed before them? We gave them such
establishment in the earth, which We gave you not, and We sent them rain in torrents and caused rivers flow
beneath them, then We destroyed them on account of their sins, and after them raised up another generation.
7. And if We had sent down on you something written on paper so that they would have touched it with their
hands, even then the infidels would have said, 'this is nothing but manifest magic'.
8. And they said, 'Why not any angel has been sent on him? And if We would have sent an angel the affair would
have been finished, and they would not have been given time.
9. And if We had made the prophet an angel, even then We would have made him a man, and they would have
the same doubt in him as they have now.
10. And assuredly, O beloved prophet! Messengers before you were mocked at; then those who were mocking at
them their mockery surrounded them selves.
11. Say you, Go about in the land, then see how has been the end of beliers'.
12. Say you, 'To whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth? Say you 'To Allah, 'He has written mercy
upon His generosity. Undoubtedly, He will surely gather you on the Day of judgement There is no doubt in it.
Those who have put their souls in loss would not believe.
13. And to Him belongs whatever dwells in the night and day. And He is the Hearer the Knower.
14. Say you, 'Shall I take for protector any other than Allah Who has created heavens and earth, and He feeds and
is not fed? Say you; I have been commanded to submit first and never to be of polytheists.
15. Say you; 'If I disobey my Lord then, I fear the torment of a Mighty Day'.
16. On that day, from whomsoever the torment is averted Allah indeed has had mercy on him And this is the
manifest triumph.
17. And if Allah causes any evil to you, then there is none to remove it but He. And if He brings you good, then He
can do everything.
18. And He is all Dominant over His bondmen. And He is the very Wise, the Aware.
19. Say you, 'Whose evidence is the greatest'? Say you, 'Allah is witness between you and me this Quran has been
revealed to me so that with it may warn you and whomsoever it reaches.' Then do you give this evidence that
besides Allah there are other gods? Say you 'I do not give this evidence. 'Say you, 'He is the only one to be
worshiped and I am quit of all those, you associate with Him'.
20. Those whom We gave the Book recognise this prophet as they recognise their sons. Those who have put their
souls in loss would not believe.
21. And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah or belies His signs Undoubtedly, the unjust will
never get prosperity.
22. And the day when, We shall raise them all together then will say to the polytheists, 'where are those your
associates whom you used to assert'.
23. Then there remained not any fabrication for them but to say, 'by Allah, Our Lord, We were not polytheists.
24. See! How they lied against themselves and were lost from them the things, which they had been concocting.
25. And among them are some who give ear (listen) to you and, We have put veils over their hearts so that they
understand it not and in their ears is heaviness. And if they may see all signs even then they will not believe in
them. In as much as when they come to you disputing, then infidels say, 'this is not but the stories of the
26. And they forbid from it and keep a far from it and they ruin not but their own souls and they perceive not.
27. And if you could see when they will be made to stand before the fire then they will say, 'would that We might
be resumed and belie not, the sighs of their Lord and might become Muslims.
28. But it has become manifest to them what they used to conceal before. And if they were sent back, they would
do the same from which they were forbidden and undoubtedly, they are surely liars.
29. And they say, This is the only our life of the world and we are not to be raised'.
30. And if you could see when they shall be made to stand before their Lord. He will say, is not this truth? They will
say, 'why not by our, Lord' He will say, 'then now taste the torment, the reward of your infidelity.'
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

31. Undoubtedly, they remained losers who denied the meeting with their Lord, so much so, that when the Hour
came to them suddenly, they said, 'Oh alas for us, that we committed mistake in accepting it and that we bear
our burden on our backs O what an evil burden they are bearing?
32. And worldly life is nothing but a play and amusement. And undoubtedly, the last abode is better for those who
fear. Do you not then?
33. We know that what they say, grieves you, they belie you not, but the evil doers deny the signs of Allah.
34. And the Messengers were belied before you, but they endured patiently when they were belied and were
persecuted, until Our help came to them. And there is none to change the words of Allah; and the news of the
Messengers has already come to you.
35. And if their turning away of faces has grieved you, then if you can do, seek any tunnel in the ground or a
ladder unto heaven, and bring a sign for them. And if Allah has willed, then He would have gathered them on
the guidance, so O listener! Be never you an innocent.
36. Those very accept who listen, and Allah will raise those of dead hearts, then towards Him they will be driven.
37. And they say, 'why has not a sign been sent down to them from their Lord? Say you, 'Allah has power to send
down a sign, but most of them are fully ignorant.
38. And there is no one crawling on earth nor any bird that flies on its wings but are the communities like you. We
have left out nothing in the Book. Then to their Lord they shall be raised.
39. And those who belied Our signs are deaf and dumb in utter darkness. Allah sends astray whom He will, and
places on the straight path whom He will.
40. Say you, 'tell you then if the torment of Allah comes to you or the Hour is established, will you call upon any
other than Allah, if you are truthful?
41. But you will call Him alone, so if He please He would remove that for which you call for Him, and you would
forget the associates.
42. And undoubtedly, We sent; Messengers towards communities before you then seized them with adversity and
distress so that they might beseech.
43. Why did it not happen that when Our torment came upon them, they would have beseeched? But their hearts
were hardened and the devil (Satan) made fair seeming to them their deeds in their eyes.
44. Then when they forget that with which they were admonished We opened unto them the gates of all things
until when they became delighted at what they were given, then We seized them suddenly, now they were left
in disappear.
45. Then the unjust were uprooted completely; and a praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
46. Say you, 'look you, if Allah should take away your ears and eyes and seal up your hearts, then who is the God
other than Allah Who could bring these things back to you? See how in different manners We explain the signs
but they turn away their faces.
47. Say you, look you, if the torment of Allah comes upon you suddenly or openly then who will be destroyed save
the unjust people.
48. We do not send the Messengers but to give glad tidings and to warn, then those who believed and amended
themselves then to them there is neither fear nor any grief.
49. And those who belied Our signs, torment shall reach to them because of their disobedience.
50. Say you, 'I do not say to you, I possess the treasures, of Allah, 'and nor I Say,' I know the unseen myself, and
nor do I say to you, 'I am an angel. I follow only that which is revealed to me.' Say you, shall the blind and the
seeing become equal? Do you then not ponder?
51. And with this Quran warn those who fear that they shall be raised towards their Lord in a manner that there
shall be neither supporter nor any intercessor for them beside Allah, in the hope that they may be come Godfearing.
52. And drive not away those who call upon their Lord morning and evening seeking His pleasure. Nothing on you
from their account, and nothing on them from your account, then if you drive them away, this thing is far from
53. And thus We made one of them a trial for the other on that the wealthy infidel may say seeing the needy
Muslims, 'Are these people whom Allah has favoured among us? Does not Allah know well the grateful?
54. And when those who believe in Our signs come to you then say to them, 'Peace be upon you,' your Lord has
prescribed mercy on Himself, that whoso of you does some evil ignorantly and repents thereafter and amends,
then undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
55. And in this way We explain fully Our signs, and in order that the way of the guilty may become evident.
56. Say you, 'I have been for bidden to worship those whom you worship besides Allah. 'Say you, 'I follow not your
vain desires, if it be so then I would go astray and would not remain, on the path'.
57. Say you, 'I am on a shinning proof from my Lord and you belie it; I have not that with me for which you are
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

hastening.' There is no order but of Allah. He explains the truth and He is the Best of judges.
58. Say you 'If I had that thing for which you are hastening, then the affair would have been already ended
between me and you. And Allah knows well the oppressors.
59. And with Him is the key of unseen, He only knows them And He knows whatever is in the land and in the sea.
And the leaf that falls He knows it. And there is not any grain in the darkness of the earth, and nor anything
wet and nor dry which is not written in a luminous Book.
60. And He is the very Who takes hold of your souls by night and knows whatever you earn by day, then He raises
you in the day so that the appointed term may be completed, then you have to return towards Him, then He
will tell you what you used to do.
61. And He is the Dominant over His bondmen and He,' sends guardians over you, until when death comes to any
of you, Our angels take his soul and they do not fail.
62. Then they are turned back towards their true Lord Allah. (Do you hear?) His is the order and He is the Quickest
in taking account.
63. Say you, 'Who is that Who delivers you from the calamities of the forest and sea Whom you call upon in
humility and secretly that if He saves us from this, then we shall certainly be grateful.
64. Say you, Allah delivers you from this and from every distress, yet you associate partners with Him.
65. Say you, 'He is powerful to send torment on you from above you or from beneath your feet or He may make
you to encounter by making different groups and to make you, taste the severity of one another,' see, How We
explain the signs in various ways haply they may understand.
66. And your people belied it, and it is the truth. Say you; 'I am not an advocate over you'.
67. For every thing, there is a time fixed and soon you will come to know.
68. And O listener! When you see those who plunge in Our signs then turn away your face from them until they
plunge in some other discourse, and whatever they say the devil (Satan) may make you forget then sit not you
after recollection with the unjust people.
69. And there is nothing on the righteous from their account yes, but to admonish them, haply they may abstain.
70. And leave those alone who have made their religion a mockery and play thing and the worldly life has deceived
them and admonishes them with Quran, so that a soul may not be caught on account of its doings. It shall
have neither helper nor intercessor beside Allah. And if it gives every compensation for itself, it shall not be
accepted from it. These are they who have been caught on their doings. For them is a drink of boiling water
and painful torment, the recompense of their infidelity.
71. Say you, 'shall we worship beside Allah that which neither does us any good nor does any harm, and shall we
be turned back on our heels, after that Allah has shown us the way, like one whom the devil has made to
forget his way in the earth, he is bewildered, (while) his companions are calling him towards the way that come
to us? Say you, 'The guidance of Allah is the only guidance, and we are commanded to submit to Him only who
is the Lord of all worlds.
72. And this that establishes prayer and fears Him and it is He towards Whom you are to rise.
73. And it is He who has made the heavens and earth rightly. And the Day when the destruction will occur, He will
say to everything, 'be then it will become atonce. His word is the truth. And His is the kingdom on the day
when the trumpet will be blown He is the Knower of every secret and open and He is the Wise, the Aware.
74. And remember when Abraham said to his father, Azar, 'Do you take the idols for gods'? Undoubtedly, I find you
and your people in manifest error.
75. And thus We show to Abraham all the Kingdoms of heavens and earth and in Order that he might become of
the convinced at sight.
76. When the darkness of night came on him, he saw a star, said he, 'you take this as my Lord! Then when it set,
said he, 'I do not like the setting ones'.
77. Then when he saw the moon shining, said he, 'you tell this my Lord, then when it set, said he, 'if my Lord
would not have guided me I would also have been of tee same who have gone astray.'
78. Then when he saw the sun shining, said he, au say this my Lord! This is biggest of all then when it set, said he
'O people, I am quit of all those things which you associate with God.
79. I diverted my face towards Him who have made the heavens and earth, being of Him only and I am not of the
80. And his people began to dispute with him, said he, 'do you dispute with me in respect of Allah, then He has
already told me the way, and I do not fear those that you tell as His associates, but yes if my Lord, wishes
anything. My Lord comprehends every thing in His knowledge. Then, do you not accept the admonition?
81. And how should I fear those you associate and while you do not fear that you associated with Allah that for
which He has not sent down to you any certificate. Then which of the two groups is more entitled for security,
if you know?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

82. Those who have believed and mixed not any injustice with their faith, these are the people for whom there is
security and they are the very who are guided.
83. And this is Our argument that We gave to Ibraham against his people; We raise in degrees Whom we please.
Undoubtedly, your Lord is Wise, Knowing.
84. And We gave him Ishaque and Yaqub We showed the path to all of them and showed the path to Nuh before
them, and of his progeny, to Daud and Suleman and Ayub and Yusuf and Musa and Haroon, and thus We
recompense the righteous.
85. And to Zakaria (Zacharia) and Yahya (John) and Isa (Jesus) and Ilyas (Elias). These are all entitled to be Our
near ones (righteous)
86. And to Ismail and Yasa (Elisha) and Yunus (Jonah) and Lot, And to each one We preferred above all in his
87. And also to some of their fathers and their progeny and some of their brothers, and We chose them and
showed them the straight path.
88. This is the guidance of Allah. He gives whom He will of His bondmen, and if they would have committed
polytheism, then surely, all that they had already done would have been destroyed.
89. Those are they to whom We gave the Book and order and prophet-hood, then if these people reject it. Then
We have appointed for it such a people who are not the rejecters.
90. These are they whom Allah has guided, then follow you their path. Say you; I ask you no wage for Quran that
is not but an admonition to the entire world.
91. And the Jews did not know the estimation of Allah as was necessary for Him when they said, 'Allah has not
sent down anything on any man.' Say you, 'who has sent down that Book which was brought by Moses, a light
and a guidance for the people of which you have made separate papers to show and much of it you conceal;
and you are taught that which you knew not neither you nor your fathers 'Say, 'Allah.'' Then leave them playing
in their absurdity.
92. And this is a blessed Book ' that We have sent down confirming those Books which were before it and in order
that you may warn the chief of all cities (Mekkah) and to all those around it in the entire world. And those who
believe in the Hereafter believe in this Book and guard their prayer.
93. And who is more unjust than one who fabricates a lie ' against Allah or Says, 'I have received a revelation and
nothing has been revealed to him and who says, 'just now I send down the like of what Allah has sent down,
and if you could see the unjust when they are in the agonies of death and the angels have stretched their
hands; (saying) 'yield up your souls', this day you will be awarded the punishment of disgrace for you used to
forge lie against Allah and because you were big with pride against His signs.
94. And undoubtedly, you have come to US alone as We created you for the first time, and you have left behind
your backs whatever wealth and had given you; and We see not with you your intercessors of whom you
asserted as your partners in your affairs, undoubtedly, the ties between you are cut off and gone is that from
you who used to assert.
95. Undoubtedly! Allah is the Cleaver of seed-grain and date stone. He brings forth the living from the dead and is
the Bringer forth of the dead from the living. This is Allah! Where are you going back?
96. He brings forth the dawn after cleaving the darkness and He has made the night for rest and the sun and
moon as reckoning. This is the measurement of the Mighty, the Knowing.
97. And it is He who has made the stars for you that you may get the way in the darkness of the Land and the sea.
We have explained the signs in detail for people who know.
98. And it is He who has produced you from a single soul, then you have to stay some where and to remain as
repository at some other place. Undoubtedly! We have explained the signs in detail for a people of
99. And it is He who has sent down water from the heaven, then We brought forth every things of growth and out
of it We brought forth the green (foliage) from which We bring forth-clustered grains and out of the sheaths of
palms the bunches close to one another and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, similar in some
respect and dissimilar in some other respects. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and its ripening. Undoubtedly
there are signs in it for the persons believing.
100. And they have made jinns as associates of Allah whereas He created them and they devised for him sons and
Daughters without any knowledge. Holy is He and exalted far above from their affairs.
101. The Originator of the heavens and earth, from where He have a son whereas there is no woman for Him and
he has created everything and He knows all things.
102. This is Allah, your Lord none is to be worshipped except He, the Maker of every thing, then worships Him, He is
Guardian over everything.
103. Eyes comprehend Him not and all eyes are under His comprehension and it is He Who is the Innermost, All
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

104. There have come to you the eye Opener arguments from your Lord, then whosoever saw it, then it is for his
own good and whosoever became blind, then it is for his own bad and I am not a guardian over you.
105. And thus We variously explain the signs and because the infidels may say, 'you have studied' and that We may
make it clear over the people who know.
106. Follow you what has been revealed to you, none is to be worshipped except He and turn your face from the
107. And had Allah willed they would not have committed polytheism and We made not you watcher over them, nor
are you an advocate over them.
108. And abuse not those whom they worship beside Allah because they will commit rudeness in respect of Allah
through their excessiveness and ignorance. Thus We have mace fair the deeds of every nation in their eyes,
then they have to return back towards their Lord and He will tell them what they used to do.
109. And they swear by Allah in their oath with utmost earnest that if there come to them any sign then they would
surely believe therein. Say you, 'The signs are with Allah and what you know that when they would come then
they will not believe therein.
110. And We turn about their hearts and their eyes, as they believed not therein at the first time and We leave them
to wander about in their contumacy.
111. And if We had sent down angels towards them and the dead had spoken to them and We had brought
together all things before them, even then they would not believe but if Allah would have willed, but most of
them are totally ignorant.
112. And in like manner We have made for every prophet an enemy, devils from among men and jinn, that in them
one inspires the other secretly with fabricated discourse in order to deceive and had your Lord wished, they
would not have done so then leave them on their fabrications.
113. And because that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline towards it, and that they
may like it, and may earn sin what they are to earn.
114. Then, shall I seek the judgement of some one other than Allah, when it is He who has sent down towards you
this detailed Book? And those whom We have given the Book know that it is sent down by your Lord in truth;
so O' Listener' be never then of the doubters.
115. And Complete is the word of your Lord in veracity and justice. There is no one to change His words: and He is
the Hearer, the Knower.
116. And O listener! There are majority of those on earth that if you follow their saying, then they would mislead
you from the way of Allah. They are only behind their imaginations and they are in mere conjecture.
117. Your Lord knows well who has gone astray from His way, and He knows well the guided ones.
118. Then eat of that on which the name of Allah has been pronounced, if you believe in His signs.
119. And what happened to you that you should not eat out of that on which the name of Allah has been
pronounced. He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, but when you be compelled to it? And
undoubtedly, many mislead by their own desires without knowing. Undoubtedly, your Lord knows well the
120. And leave the apparent and secret sins. Those who earn sin, soon they will get punishment of their earning.
121. And eat not that over which the name of Allah has not been pronounced for undoubtedly that is dis-obedience
And Surely the devils inspire their friends that they may quarrel with you, and if you obey them, then at that
time you are polytheist.
122. And will he who was dead, then We gave him life, and made for him a light by which he walks among mankind,
become like that who is in darkness from which he is not to come out? Thus, in the eyes of infidels their deeds
have been made fair looking.
123. And thus have We made in each town the leaders of the guilty, so that they may plot therein. And they plot not
but against their own souls, and they perceive not.
124. And when any sign comes to them, then they say, 'We shall never believe unless we receive the like of what
has been given to the Messengers of Allah. Allah knows well where to place His Messenger-ship. Soon the
guilty ones will receive humiliation before Allah and severe torment for their plotting.
125. And whomsoever Allah wishes to show the way, He opens his breast for Islam, and whomsoever wishes to lose
his way, He makes his breast narrow, straitened well as if he is climbing up into the sky forced by some one
else And thus Allah inflicts Punishment on those who believe not.
126. And this is the straight path of your Lord. We have explained the signs in detail for the people accepting
127. For them is the home of safety with their Lord, and He is their Protector, this is the fruit of their doings.
128. And the day He will raise all of them and will say, 'O company of Jinn! You have gathered many men," and
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

their allies among men will say. 'O our Lord! We made use of one another and we have reached the term you
had determined for us.' He will say, 'Fire is your abode, abide therein for ever but as Allah will.' O beloved
prophet Undoubtedly your Lord is Wise, Knowing.
129. And thus We set over one against the other among the unjust for what they have done.
130. 'O company of Jinn and men! Did not Messengers come to you from amongst yourselves reciting My signs to
you, and warning you of seeing this day of yours? They will say, We bear witness against our souls,' and the
worldly life deceived them and will themselves bear witness against their souls that they were infidels.
131. This is so because your Lord destroys not the town unjustly while their people are unaware.
132. And for every one there are degrees in accordance with their deeds. And your Lord is not unaware of their
133. And O beloved prophet' Your Lord is Self sufficient, Merciful O mankind! If He please, He may take you away,
and bring some other whom He will in your place, just as He created you from the off springs of other people.
134. Undoubtedly, what is promised to you is sure to come and you cannot get it tired.
135. Say you. 'O my people! Go on acting in your places do my work, 'then now you wish to know for whom
remains the ultimate Abode. Undoubtedly, the unjust get not the welfare.
136. And whatever filth and cattle Allah has produced they made Him a sharer in them, then said, 'this is for Allah
according to their fancies and this is for our associates.' Then that which is of their associates does not reach
God and that which is for God reaches their associates. What an evil judgement they assign?
137. And thus their associates have made fair-seeming the killing of offsprings in the eyes of many polytheists, so
that they may ruin them and may confuse them in their religion. And had Allah willed, they would not have
done so, then you leave them, they are with their fabrications.
138. And they say, 'this cattle and tilth are taboo, only those can eat them whom We please with their false notions,
and there are some cattle over which riding is forbidden, and some cattle over which they do not pronounce
the name of Allah at the time of slaughtering, this all is to assert lie against Allah. Soon He shall recompense
them for their fabrications.
139. And they say, 'what is: within the bellies of those cattle solely belong to our males and is forbidden to our
women, and if it be born dead, then they all are partners therein. Soon Allah will recompense them for their
such actions. Undoubtedly He is Wise, knowing.
140. Undoubtedly, those who kill their offsprings by their foolish ignorance are ruined and make unlawful what Allah
has provided for them, forging a lie against Allah. Undoubtedly, they have strayed and have not got the way.
141. And it is He who has produced gardens, trellised and untrellised, and date palms and filth in which are various
kinds of food and olives and pomegranates similar in some respects and dis-similar in some other respects. Eat
of their fruits when bear fruits and pay due thereof on the day of harvesting, and spend not wastefully.
Undoubtedly, He does not like those who spend wastefully
142. And of the cattle some are for carrying burden and some lying on earth (too small) Eat of what Allah has
provided for you and do not follow the footsteps of the devil (Satan). Undoubtedly, he is your open enemy.
143. Eight males and females, one pair of sheep and one pair of goat; say you, 'has He made both males unlawful
or both females or that which the wombs of two females contain? Inform by any knowledge, if you are
144. And a pair of camel and a pair of cow; say you, 'has He made both males unlawful or both females or that
which the wombs of both females contain?" Were you present when Allah gave you this order, then who is
more unjust than one who forges lie against Allah, that he may misguide the people with his ignorance.
Undoubtedly, Allah does not show the path to unjust.
145. Say you, 'I find not in what has been revealed to me any meal forbidden to any eater, but that it be a dead
body, or flowing blood of veins or the flesh of a vile animal (swine) for that is foul or an animal of disobedience
in slaughtering of which the name other than God has been pronounced, then whoso is driven by necessity
neither willing himself nor exceeding beyond the necessity, then undoubtedly. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
146. And to the Jews We forbade every animal having hoofs and the fat of cow and goat We forbade them but what
their backs or intestines carry or what is attached to their bones. We recompensed them for their contumacy,
and undoubtedly, We are surely the Truthful.
147. Again if they belie you say you, 'your Lord is of extensive mercy and His torment is not turned aside from the
guilty people.'
148. Now the polytheists say, 'if Allah had willed, we would not have committed polytheism, neither our fore-fathers,
nor had We forbidden anything.' In the same manner belied those who were before them until they tasted Our
torment. Say you, 'Have you any knowledge that you bring it forth to us? You are only behind your conjecture
and without nothing you estimate.
149. Say you, 'then the argument of Allah is conclusive; so if He had wished, then. He would have guided you all.'
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

150. Say you, 'Bring your those witnesses who testify that Allah has forbidden this, 'then if they testify, then you O
listener! Bear not witness with them, and follow not the desires of those who belie Our signs, and who believe
not in the Hereafter, and they ascribe equals to their Lord.
151. Say you, 'Come I will rehearse to you what your Lord has forbidden to you, 'that you associate not anyone with
Him, and that you do good to parents, and that you kill not your children because of poverty. We shall provide
for you and for them, and that you approach not shameful deeds whichever them is open and whichever is
hidden; and slay not unjustly the life which Allah has made sacred. This has He ordered you that you may
152. And do not approach the property of the orphans but in the best way, until he reaches the maturity and fill up
the measure and weight with justice. We burden no soul but to its capacity, and when you speak, then say
just, event though it be a matter of your relative, and fulfil the covenant of Allah. This He has en-joined you
strictly that haply you may accept admonition.
153. And that, this is My' straight path, then follow it and follow not other paths for they will deviate you from His
path. This He has ordered you that haply you may be self-restrained.
154. Again We gave the Book to Moses for doing full favour upon him who is righteous, and the details of
everything, and a guidance and mercy that haply they may believe in the meeting of their Lord.
155. And this blessed Book We have sent down, follow it then and be self-restrained, so that you may receive
156. Lest you should say, The book was sent down to the two peoples before us, and we were unaware of their
reading and teaching.
157. Or lest you should say, If the Book had been sent own to us, then we would have be better guided than they.'
So there has come to you a luminous argument from your Lord, and guidance, and a mercy. Who is then more
unjust than he who belies the signs of Allah and turns his face from them? Soon We shall punish those with
great torment who turns away their faces from Our signs, the recompense of turning away their faces.
158. What they are waiting for, but for this that the angels should come to them, or that the torment of your Lord
should come, or that a sign off your Lord will come? The day when that one sign of your Lord will come.
Believing will not profit any soul that did not believe before or had not earned any good in its belief. Then say
you. 'Wait, we also wait.'
159. Those who have created separate paths in their religion and have become many serfs O beloved prophet! You
have no concern at all with them. He will inform to them what they used to do.
160. Whoso brings one good, then for him there are ten like thereof, and whose brings an evil, shall not be
recompensed but to its equal and they shall not he wronged.
161. Say you, 'Undoubtedly, my Lord has shown me the straight path, a right religion, the creed of Ibrahim who was
aloof from every falsehood and was not a polytheist.'
162. Say you, 'Undoubtedly, my prayer, and my sacrifices, and my living and my dying are all for Allah Who is the
Lord of all the worlds.'
163. No one is associated to Him, so I have been commanded and I am the first muslim.
164. Say you, 'shall I seek a Lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of everything. And whatever one earns it is
on his, own account. And no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. Then you have to return
towards your Lord, He will inform you of that in, which you used to differ.
165. And He it is Who has made you vicegerent in the earth and has raised one over the other in degrees among
you that He may try you in what He has given you. Undoubtedly, your Lord is not late in tormenting, and
undoubtedly, He is necessarily Forgiving, Merciful.

Surah Number 7: Al-A`râf (The Heights)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 206

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O beloved prophet! (Alif Lam, Mim, Saad.)
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

2. A Book has been sent to you, so let there be no impediment in your heart because of it, so that you may warn
therewith and an admonition to the muslims.
3. 'O people! Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not go behind other masters leaving
Him. Very little you understand.
4. And many a town We have destroyed then Our torment came upon them by night or while they slept in the
5. Then nothing came out from their mouths when Our torment came upon them but they said, 'we were unjust
6. Then undoubtedly, We are necessarily to ask from those to whom Messengers were sent and undoubtedly, We
are necessarily to ask from the Messengers.
7. Then surely We shall tell them with Our knowledge and We were not absent.
8. And the weighing on that day is sure then those whoso scales are heavy, they are to attain their objects.
9. And those whose scales are light, then they are the persons who have put their souls in loss, the recompense
of those excesses which they used to do with Our signs.
10. And undoubtedly, We established you in the earth, and have made therein the means of your livelihood. How
little thanks you give.
11. And undoubtedly, We created you, then made your shapes, then We said to the angels, 'prostrate before Adam
then all those fell prostrate, but Iblis (devil); he was not of those who prostrated.
12. He said, 'what prevented you that you did not fall prostrate when I ordered you? Said he, I am better than him,
You created me of fire and made him of clay.'
13. He said 'get you down from here, it is not for you that you may behave proudly living here, get out, you are
amongst the degraded ones.
14. Said, he' give me time till the day they are raised up'.
15. He said, 'you are given time.'
16. Said he, I swear that because You have seduced me, I shall necessarily sit on Your straight path in wait for
17. Then, surely I will come near them, from before them and from behind them, and from their right and from
their left. And You will not find most of them thankful.
18. He said, 'get out from here rejected, banished. Surely those of them who will follow you, I will fill Hell with you
19. And O Adam! Dwell you and your mate in the Paradise then eat there from where so ever you will, and
approach not this tree, otherwise you will be among transgressors.
20. Then the devil (Satan) put evil suggestion in their hearts, so that he might open to them the things of their
shame which were hidden from them and said, 'your Lord has for bidden you from this tree only because you
may not become two angels or become immortals.
21. And he swore to them both that, I am well wisher of you both.
22. Then he caused them to fall with delusion, then when they tasted that tree, the things of their shame became
manifest to them, and they began to stick the leaves of the Paradise on their bodies. And their Lord said to
them, 'Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that the Devil (Satan) is your manifest enemy'.
23. Both of them submitted, 'O Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves, if You forgive us not and have not mercy on
us, then certainly we are among losers.'
24. He said, 'Get down, in you one is enemy of the another and you are to stay in earth till a fixed time and there
is provision for a time.
25. He said, 'you will be alive in it, and will die in it, and therefrom you will be raised.'
26. 'O children of Adam! Undoubtedly, We have sent down towards you a dress that may cover your shameful
parts and one that be an adornment to you; and the dress of righteousness, that is the best. This is one of
Allah's signs, that I they may be admonished.
27. 'O children of Adam! Beware! Let not the devil (Satan) tempts you, as he brought your parents out from the
paradise, stripping them of their dress that they may see their shameful parts. Undoubtedly, he and his tribe
see you whence you see them not. Undoubtedly, We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28. And when they commit any indecency, they say, 'we found our forefathers on it and Allah commanded us so.
Then say, 'undoubtedly Allah commands not acts of indecency.' Do you allege against Allah what you know
29. Say you, My Lord has commanded justice and set your faces aright at the time of each prayer, and worship
Him being exclusively His bondmen. As He originated you so you will return.'
30. A party He has shown path and the error of a party has been proved. They have taken the devils (Satan) as
guardians leaving Allah and they think that they are guided.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

31. 'O children of Adam! Take your adornment whenever you go to mosque and eat and drink and do not cross the
limit. Undoubtedly, the persons crossing the limit are not liked by Him.
32. Say you, 'who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He brought forth for His bondmen and the pure
foods? Say you. 'That is for the believers in the world and is exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection.
Thus We explain fully the signs for the people who have knowledge.
33. Say you, 'My Lord has forbidden the indecencies, which of them are open and which are hidden. And sin, and
unjust excesses, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any warrant and that
you say of Allah what you know not.
34. And for every people there is a promise (been), then when their term will come, they cannot remain behind for
an hour nor they get ahead of it.
35. 'O children of Adam! If the Messengers come to you from among you, reciting to you My signs! Then whoso
refrains from evil and amends, on them there is neither any fear nor any grief.
36. And those who have belied Our signs and waxed proud against them, they are the people of Hell, in it they are
to abide.
37. Then who is more unjust than he who has forged lie against Allah or has belied His signs? They will receive
what is written in their lot till when Our Messengers came to them for taking away their souls, then they say to
them, 'where are those whom you used to worship beside Allah.' They say, 'they are lost from us.' and they
bear witness against their own souls that they were infidels.
38. Allah says to them, enter the same Fire where other communities of Jinn and mankind went before you when a
community enters it, it curses the other; until when all have arrived therein, then the last will say to the first, 'O
our Lord, these led us astray, then award them double torment Of the Fire. He will say, 'all have double, but
you know not.'
39. And the first will say to the last, 'you have then not been anyhow better than us, taste therefore the torment
the recompense of what you did'.
40. Those who belied Our signs and waxed proud against them, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them,
nor they will enter the paradise until the camel enters-through the eye of a needle. And thus We requite the
41. To them Fire will be the bed and Fire will be the covering. And thus We requite the unjust.
42. And those who accepted faith and did good deeds to their strength. We put not burden on anyone beyond his
strength. They are companions of Paradise; they are to abide therein.
43. And We have taken out the rancours from their breasts. Beneath them will low rivers and they will say. 'all
praise belong to Allah Who has guided us to this, and we could not have found the way, if Allah had not guided
us, undoubtedly, the Messengers of our Lord brought truth And it was proclaimed that this is the paradise you
have inherited the reward of your doings.
44. And the companions of the Heaven called the companions of the Hell, 'We have found what our Lord promised
us to be true, then have you too found what your Lord promised you to be true? They said, 'yes,' and in
between them a caller called out: 'the curse of Allah be upon the unjust.'
45. Who bar from the path of Allah and desire to make it Crooked and dis-believe in the Hereafter.
46. And between Heaven and Hell there is a veil and on the Heights, there shall be some men who will recognise
both groups by their fore-heads' and call the people of Heaven, '(saying) peace be upon you, 'these have not
entered into the Heaven but are greedy for it.
47. And when their eyes will turn towards the people of the Hell, they will say 'O' Our Lord! Keep us not with the
unjust people.
48. And the people of the heights will call to certain men whom they recognise by their foreheads, and will say,
'what did your multitude avail you and that in which you took pride'?
49. Are these the people on whom you used to swear that Allah would not amend His mercy a least to them? They
were rather told, enter Paradise, no fear upon you nor any grief.'
50. And the companions of the Fire will call the companions of the Heaven that give us some benefit of your water
or of that Allah has provided for you as food. They will say 'undoubtedly, Allah has for bidden these both to the
51. Those who made their religion as a plaything and amusement and the life of the world has deceived them.
Therefore to day We shall leave them as they had left the conception of meeting of this Day and as they used
to deny Our signs.
52. And surely We have brought them a Book which We have detailed with great knowledge, a guidance and
mercy to the people who believe.
53. What they are looking for, but only this that the result of the sayings of the Book should come before. The day
when the foretold result will occur, those who had forgotten it before will say. 'Undoubtedly the Messengers of
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

our Lord had brought the truth, then, is there any intercessor for us who could intercede on our behalf? Or
could We be sent back so that we might do deeds other than that we did before. Surely they put their souls at
a loss, and I have been lost from those who used to calumniate.
54. Undoubtedly, your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and earth in six days, then established Himself on
the Throne befitting to His Dignity. He covers the night and day by each other following it swiftly, and made
the sun and moon and stars all subservient to His command. Behold! His is the creation and command. Blessed
is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
55. Call on your Lord humbly and secretly. Undoubtedly, He likes not those who cross the limit.
56. And spread not mischief in the earth after it has been set right and call on Him fearing and longing. Surely the
mercy of Allah is nigh to the good doers.
57. It is He who sends forth winds bearing good tidings before His mercy till they have carried heavy clouds, We
drive it towards any dead land, then send down water therewith. Then caused to grow varied fruits there with.
Thus shall We bring forth the dead, haply you may accept admonition.
58. And the land, which is good, its vegetation comes forth with the command of Allah and from that which is bad
comes forth nothing but very little. Thus we explain signs variedly for those who are grateful.
59. Undoubtedly, We sent Nuh towards his people then he said. 'O my people! Worship Allah, you have no God
other than He. Surely I fear for you the torment of the Mighty Day.'
60. The leaders of his people said, 'undoubtedly, we see you in apparent error.
61. Said he, 'O my people no error is in me; but I am Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds'.
62. I deliver to you the messages of my Lord and wish your good and I know that from Allah, which you know not.
63. And have this surprised you that an admonition has come to you from your Lord through a man from amongst
you, so that he may warn you and you be god-fearing and haply you may be shown mercy?
64. Then they belied him, so We delivered him and those with him in the Ark and drowned those who belied Our
signs, certainly that was a blind group.
65. And to Aad send Hud from their brethren. He said, `O my people! worship Allah, you have no god other than
He.' Then do you not fear?
66. The leaders of his people said, 'surely, we find you foolish and we surely think you to be one of the liars.
67. Said he, 'O my people there is no concern of foolishness with me, I am indeed a Messenger from the Lord of
the worlds.
68. I deliver to you the messages of my Lord and I am your trustworthy well wisher.
69. And have this surprised you that an admonition has come to you from your Lord through a man from amongst
you, so that he may warn you? And remember when He appointed you as successors of the people of Huh and
increased the stature of your body; then remember the bounties of Allah that haply you may fare well.
70. They said, 'Have you come to us that we should worship Allah alone and leave what our fathers used to
worship, then bring you that you are promising for us if you are truthful.
71. He said, 'surely there have befallen you the torment and wrath of Lord. Are you disputing with me only about
those names which you and your fathers have named for which Allah has sent down no authority? Wait then; I
also wait with you.
72. Then We delivered him and those with him by showing a great mercy from Us and cut off the roots of those
who used to belie Our signs and they were not believers.
73. And to Thamud We sent, Saleh from their brethren. He said. 'O my people! worship Allah, you have no God
other than He. Undoubtedly, there has come to you bright proof from your Lord, this is a she-camel of Allah a
sign for you. So leave her that she may eat in Allah's earth and touch her not with evil lest a painful torment
will overtake you.
74. And remember when He made you successors of Aad, and assigned you a place in the land that you build
palaces in its plains, and hew out houses in its mountains. Then remember the bounties of Allah and wander
not in the earth spreading mischief.
75. The proud leaders of his people said, 'to the weak Muslims, 'do you know that Saleh is a Messenger of his
Lord'? They said, 'We believe in what has been sent with him.
76. The proud ones said, 'in that which you belied we disbelieve.'
77. Then they hamstrung the she-camel and rebelled against the command of their Lord and said, 'O Saleh, 'bring
upon ' us that which you are promising for, if you are a Messenger.
78. Then the earthquake took them so in the morning they lay prostrate in their homes.
79. Then Saleh turned back his face from them and said, 'O my people! Undoubtedly, I did deliver to you the
messages of my Lord, and wished your good, but you do not approve the well wishers.
80. And sent Lut, when he said to his people, do you commit that indecency which was ' not committed by any one
in, the world before you?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

81. You rather approach men lustily instead of women on the contrary you people have crossed the limit.
82. And there was no answer of his people but this: They said, 'turn them out of your town, these people aspire to
be pure.'
83. Then We delivered him and his family saves his wife, she was of those who remained behind.
84. And We rained down upon them a rain, then behold how was the end of the sinners?
85. And to Madyan We sent Shuaib from there brethren. He said, 'O my people worship Allah, there is no God for
you other than He Undoubtedly, there has come to you bright proof from your Lord, then fill up the measure
and weight, and give not the people goods after diminishing and spread not mischief in the earth after fair
ordering This is good for you, if you believe.
86. And sit not on every path threatening and barring from Allah's way to the wayfarers who have believed in Him,
and desiring crookedness in it: and remember, when you were few. He multiplied you, and beholds how was
the end of the mischief-makers.
87. And if there is a party of you who believe in that with which I have been sent and a party who believe not,
then wait till Allah decides between us; and Allah's decision is the
88. The proud Chiefs of his people said, 'O Shoaib, we swear that we will drive you out and the Muslims who are
with you from our town or you come back to our faith'. He said. What, even though we hate it?
89. Certainly we shall forge a lie against Allah, if we returned to your faith after Allah has delivered us from it. And
it is not for we Muslims that we should come back in your faith but that Allah Who is our Lord so willed. The
knowledge of our Lord comprehends everything. We have relied on Allah. O our Lord! Decide between us and
our people with truth and Your decision is the best.
90. And the infidel chiefs of his people said, 'if you follow Shoaib, you shall certainly be the losers.'
91. Then an earthquake over took them; so in the morning they fell prostrate in their homes,
92. Those who belied Shoaib as if they had never been dwelling in those homes. Those who belied Shoaib were the
people who were ruined.
93. Then Shoaib turned his face from them and said,' O my people, I have already delivered to you the messages
of my Lord and admonished for your good, how then should I lament over infidels.
94. And We have not sent any prophet in any town but We seized the people thereof with adversity and suffering
that anyhow they might lament.
95. Then We changed the place of evil with good until they became numerous and said, "no doubt, sufferings and
comforts visited our fathers," then We seized them suddenly while they were unmindful.
96. And if the people of the towns had believed and feared, then We would surely have opened upon them
blessings from heavens and earth but they belied, then We arrested them on account of their doings.
97. Do the people of the towns not fear that Our torment might come upon them at night while they are sleeping?
98. Or do the people of the towns not fear that Our torment might come upon them in daylight while they are
99. Are they unaware of the secret devise of Allah? And none becomes fearless against the secret devise of Allah
but the losers.
100. And do those who inherited the land after the owners of it not get so much guidance that if We please, We
would have afflicted them for their sins? And We put a seal upon their hearts so that they hear nothing.
101. These are the towns the stories of which We relate to you, and undoubtedly, there came to them their
Messengers with bright proofs, but they were not able to believe what they had first rejected. Thus Allah put a
seal upon the, hearts of the infidels.
102. And We found not most ' of them true to their words, and necessarily, We found most of them disobedient.
103. Then, after them, We sent Moses towards Firawn (Pharaoh) and his Chiefs with Our Signs, but they did
injustice to those signs, see then how was the end of the mischief
104. And Moses said, 'O, Firawn! I am a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.
105. It is my duty not to say anything about Allah but the truth. I have come to you all with sign from your Lord,
then let the children of Israel go with me.
106. He said, 'If you have come with any Sign, then bring forth if you are truthful.
107. Then Moses cast his staff, it atonce became a serpent manifest.
108. And he drew forth his hand after putting it into his collar, then it began to shine before the beholders.
109. The Chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, 'this is indeed a magician knowing.'
110. He desires to turn you out from your land, what is your advice then?
111. They said, 'put him off and his brother, and send into the city men to collect.
112. That they may bring to you every magician having knowledge.
113. And the magicians came to Pharaoh (Firawn) and said, we shall get some reward if we win.'
114. Firawn said, 'yes', and then you shall be near ones.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

115. They said, 'O Musa, either you throw first or we be the throwers'.
116. Musa said, 'you throw,' when they threw, they enchanted the eyes of the people and frightened them and
brought forth a great magic.
117. And We revealed to Musa, throw your staff, then suddenly it began to swallow their lying shows.
118. Then the truth was established and their works proved vain.
119. Then they were laid vanquished here and returned humiliated.
120. And the magicians were made to prostrate.
121. They said, 'We believe in the Lord of the World.'
122. Who is the Lord of Musa and Haroon?
123. Firawn said, 'you have believed in Him before I gave you leave. This is indeed a big plot which you all have
plotted in the city that you may drive forth its people therefrom; so now you shall know.'
124. I shall assuredly cut off your hands and your feet on alternate sides, and then I shall hang you all.
125. They said, 'We are to return towards our Lord.
126. And what looked you bad of us, save this that we have believed in the signs of our Lord, when they came to
us, O our Lord pour upon us patience and cause us die as Muslims.
127. And the Chiefs of the people of Firawn said, 'Do you leave Musa and his people for this that they may spread
mischief in the land and leave you and your gods? He said, 'now we shall kill their sons and let live their
daughters and surely we are dominant over them.
128. Musa said to his people, 'seek the help of Allah and have patience, no doubt, Allah is the owner of the earth.
Makes successor whomsoever He pleases of His bondmen. And the end is in the hand of the God-fearing
129. They said, 'We were oppressed before your coming to us and since you have come to us', He said, 'it is near
that your Lord may destroy your foe and make you successor in the land to see then how you act.
130. And no doubt, We seized the people of Firawn with years of dearth and scarcity of fruits, haply they may
accept admonition.
131. Then whenever, they pot good, they used to say, 'this is for us', and whenever evil smote them they took it as
bad omen with Musa and those with him. Behold!, their ill fortune is with Allah, but most of them do not know.
132. And they said, 'whatever the nature of a Sign you may bring to us to enchant us therewith, we are in no way to
believe you.
133. Then We sent upon them the flood, and the locusts and the lice, and the frogs and the blood - distinct signs,
then they waxed proud and they were a sinful people.
134. And whenever the torment fell upon them, they used to say, 'O Musa, pray for us to your Lord because of that
covenant of His which is with you. No doubt, if you would remove from us the torment, we would certainly
believe in you and will send with you the children of Israel.
135. But whenever We removed the torment from them for a term to which they were to reach, they retracted.
136. We then took vengeance on them, therefore We drowned them in the river, because they belied Our Signs and
were unaware of them.
137. And We made a people who were already suppressed, inheritors of the eastern and western parts of that land
in which We put Our blessings And the gracious promise of your Lord was fulfilled for the children of Israel, the
recompense of their patience. And We destroyed whatever Firawn and his people made and what they used to
138. And We brought the children of Israel across the river, and then they came upon a people sitting devotedly
before their idols. They said, 'O Musa, make for us a God just as they have so many gods. He said, 'Surely you
are an ignorant people'.
139. This condition in which they are, is of destruction and whatever they are doing is fully void.
140. He said, "Shall I seek for you a God other than Allah whereas He has exalted you above all peoples.
141. And remember, when We delivered you from the people of Firawn who afflicted you with evil punishment,
slaughtering your sons and letting your daughters live. And therein was the great bounty of your Lord.
142. And We made Musa a promise of thirty nights and completed adding ten more in them, so the promise of his
Lord was completed by forty nights. And Musa said to his brother, Haroon, 'be my vicegerent among my people
and do right and follow not the way of mischief makers.'
143. And when Musa came to Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he submitted, 'O my Lord! Show me
Your sight that I may behold You, Said He, you shall never see me; but look towards this mountain, if it
remains standing at its place, then soon you will see Me. Then when his Lord made His light shine on the
mountain, He broke it into pieces; and Musa fell down unconscious. Then when he came to senses, he said,
hollowed be you turn towards you and I am the first of the Muslims.
144. Said Allah, 'O Musa, I have chosen you from amongst the people by My Messages and by My word. Take then
what I have given you and be of the grateful.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

145. And We wrote for him on the Tablets of everything an admonition, and details of everything, and said, 'O
Musa, take it with firmness and bid your people to follow the best of it. Soon I shall show you the abode of the
146. And I shall turn from My Signs those who wish greatness in the earth unjustly, And even if they see all the
signs, they will not believe therein, and if they see the path of guidance, they will not like to walk in it; and if
they see the path of error, they will be ready to adopt it. This is so because they belied Our Signs and posed
themselves unaware.
147. And those who have belied Our Signs and the meeting of the Hereafter their all deeds are wasted. What they
will get in recompense but, the same which, they used to do.
148. And after Musa, his people made a calf out of their ornaments, a lifeless body, producing a lowing sound. Did
they not see that neither it talked to them and nor guided them to any way? They took it, and they were
149. And when they regretted and understood that they had strayed, they said, 'If our Lord have not mercy upon us
and forgives us not, then we are ruined'.
150. And Musa returned to his people full of anger, peeved, he said, that 'how badly you acted in my place after
me'? 'Did you hasten from the Commends of your Lord'? And he threw down the tablets and began to pull his
brother (Haroon) towards him catching hold of the hair of his brother head. He said, 'O son of my mother, the
people deemed me week and were about to kill me, so do not make the enemies laugh over me and place me
not with the unjust people'.
151. He submitted, 'O my Lord, forgive my brother, and me and cause us to enter Your mercy and You are the most
Merciful of the merciful.
152. Undoubtedly, those who had already taken the calf for themselves, soon the wrath and disgrace of their Lord
are to reach them in the life of the world. And thus we recompense those who cast aspersions,
153. And those who committed evils and thereafter repented and accepted faith, then after that your Lord is
Forgiving, Merciful.
154. And when the anger of Musa was appeased, he took up the tablets, and in their writing there is guidance and
mercy for those who fear their Lord.
155. And Musa chose seventy men of his people for Our promised appointment, then when earthquake overtook
them, Musa submitted, 'O my Lord, had You wished, then You would have destroyed them and me before. Will
you kill us for what our foolish ones have done'? That is not but your test, whereby you, cause astray whom
you will, and guide whom you will. You are our Protector, You forgive us and have mercy upon us, and you are
the best of the forgivers.
156. And prescribe for us in this world good and in the Hereafter, no doubt, we have returned to You. He said, 'My
punishment, I inflict whom I will, and My mercy encompasses all things. Then soon I shall prescribe it for those
who fear God and pay the poor due and believe in Our Signs.
157. Those who will serve the Messenger, unlettered the, Communicator of hidden news when they will find with
them have written in the Taurat and Injeel. He will bid them to do good and will forbid them from doing evil,
and will make lawful for them clean things and will forbid for them unclean things, and will take off from them
that burden and shackles which were upon them. Then those who believe in him and honour him and help him
and follow that light which has been sent down with him, they are the persons who attained their objects.
158. Say you, 'O mankind'; I am Messenger to you all from Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and
of the earth. None is to be worshiped except He, He gives life and causes death, believe then in Allah and His
Messenger the unlettered, the Communicator of hidden news that he believes in Allah and His words; and
serve him so that you may be guided.'
159. And of the people of Musa, there is a community that tells the path of truth and does justice therewith.
160. And We divided them in twelve tribes, various communities. And We revealed to Musa, when his people asked
him for water that strike with your staff this rock, then there gushed forth from it twelve Springs. Every
community recognised its drinking place. And We made clouds as shades over them, and sent down Manna
and Salwa upon them. Eat of the clean things We provided for you, and they harmed Us not, but they harmed
their own souls.
161. And remember when it was said to them, "Dwell in this town and eat from it whatever you like, and say, 'our
sins may be removed and enter the gate, prostrating, We shall forgive you yours sins. Soon We shall give more
to righteous ones.
162. Then the unjust of them changed the word contrary to that what was ordered to them, then We sent down
upon them torment from the heaven, the recompense of their injustice.
163. And ask them the condition of the town that was on the seashore; when they crossed the limit in the matter of
sab-bath, when on the day of Sab-bath their fish came swimming before them, and the day that was not of
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

Sabbath, they did not come. Thus, We used to try them on account of their dis-obedience.
164. When a group among them said, 'Why do you admonish those whom Allah is to kill or to chastise with a severe
torment'. They said, 'as an excuse before your Lord, and that haply they may fear'.
165. Then when they forgot what they had been admonished, We rescued those who forbade from evil, and caught
the unjust in a vile torment the recompense of their disobedience.
166. Then again when they rebelled against the Command of prohibition, We said to them, 'be you apes, driven
167. And when your Lord proclaimed that necessarily till the Day of Resurrection, He would continue to send such
against them who would make them taste evil punishment. Undoubtedly, your Lord necessarily, is swift in
retribution, and undoubtedly. He is Forgiving, Merciful.
168. And We scattered them into communities in the earth, some of them are righteous and some of them
otherwise and We tried them with good things and evil that haply they nay return.
169. Then after them came such degenerate successors who inherited the Book. They take the goods of this world
and say, 'now we shall be for given'. And if more goods the like of them came to them, they would take them.
Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them, that they should say nothing concerning Allah but the
truth, and they have read that? And undoubtedly, the last abode is better for the God-fearing. Have you then
no wisdom?
170. And those who hold fast to the Book and establish prayer. We waste not the reward of the righteous.
171. And when We raised mountain over them as that is a canopy and they thought that it will fall upon them, hold
fast what We have given to you and remember what is therein, that haply you may be God-fearing.
172. And O beloved Prophet remember, when your Lord brought forth from the loin of Adam's children their seed
and made themselves witnesses against own selves,' 'Am not your Lord? All said, 'Why not we all bear witness',
lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, that we were not aware of it.
173. Or lest you should say, Polytheism was committed by our forefathers before, and we were their offspring! Will
you then destroy us for what was done by wrongdoers?
174. And thus We explain Our; signs variedly and in order that, they may return.
175. And O beloved Prophet! Relate to them the story of him to whom We gave Our signs then he stepped away
clearly from them, then Satan followed him and he became of the misguided.
176. And if We had willed, We would have lifted him on account of Our Signs, but he, clung to the earth and
followed his desires, then his condition is like a dog, if you attack him, he brings his tongue out and if you leave
him, he brings his tongue out. This is the condition of those who belied Our Signs. So you recount them the
admonition haply they may ponder.
177. What a bad example is of those who belied Our Signs, and they did wrong their own souls.
178. Whom so Allah guides, he is on the right path, and whom so Allah leads astray, those, they remained in loss.
179. Undoubtedly, We have created for Hell many jinn and men, they have hearts, but understand not therewith
and the eyes, they see not there with and the ears, they hear not therewith. They are like cattle, nay, more
misguided. They are indeed lying heedless.
180. And to Allah belongs all the best names, so call Him by them, and leave those who go out from truth with
regard to His names, they will soon get for what they have done.
181. And out of Our making are a community who tell the truth and do justice therewith.
182. And those who belied Our Signs, soon We shall carry them gradually towards torment whence they will know
183. And I will let loose them. Undoubtedly, My secret plan is the firmest.
184. Do they not ponder that there is no relation of insanity to their companion? He is only a warner manifests.
185. Do they not look into the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and what things that Allah has made, and that
perhaps their term may have come night? Then in what discourse they will believe thereafter
186. Whomsoever Allah leads astray none is to guide him. And He leaves them to wander in their Contumacy.
187. They ask you concerning the Hour that when it is to come, Say you 'the knowledge of it is only with my Lord,
He alone will disclose it at its proper time'. It is lying heavy on the heavens and earth; it shall not come upon
you but of a sudden. They ask you, as you have already investigated it well say you, 'the knowledge of it is
only with Allah', but most people do not know.
188. Say you, 'I am not independent for doing good and bad to my own self, but as Allah please. And if I would
have known Unseen, then I would have gathered ample good, and no evil would have touched me, I am only a
warner and giver of glad tidings to a people who believe.
189. It is He Who created you from a single soul, and made therefrom his mate that he may find rest in her, then
when the male covered her, she bore a light burden, then carried it about, then when she grew heavy, both
prayed to their Lord, "necessarily if You would give us a child befitting, then undoubtedly, we shall be grateful."
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

190. Then when He gave them a befitting child, they ascribed His associates, in respect of His bestowal but Allah is
exalted above from their polytheism.
191. Do they associate those who make nothing and they are themselves created?
192. And neither they can give any help to them, nor can they help themselves.
193. And if you call them towards guidance, they will not follow you. It is same to you whether you call them or you
remain silent.
194. Undoubtedly, those! Whom you worship besides Allah, are bondsmen like you, then call upon them and they
respond to you, if you are truthful.
195. Have they feet to walk with? Or have they hands to hold with? Or have they eyes to see with? Or have they
ears to hear with? Say you, 'Call upon your associates and then try your guile on me and give me no respite'.
196. Undoubtedly, my protector is Allah Who sent down the Book and He befriends the righteous.
197. And those, whom you worship besides Him, can not help you, nor they help them selves.
198. And if you call them towards guidance, they hear not. And you see them looking at you, and they see nothing.
199. (O beloved Prophet)! Adopt forgiveness and bid to good and turn away from the Ignorant.
200. And (O listener!) if the evil-one (Satan) give you any pricking, then seek refuge of Allah. Undoubtedly, it is He
Who is Hearing, Knowing.
201. Undoubtedly, those who fear Allah, when a thought of Satan touches them, become careful, at the same time
their eyes are opened.
202. And those who are brothers of Satan, they drag them on towards error, then they relax not.
203. And (O beloved Prophet)! When you bring not to them any Sign, they say, 'Why have you not made it yourself?
Say you, 'I follow only what is revealed to me from my Lord; This is an eye opener from your Lord and
guidance and mercy for the Muslims.
204. And when the Quran is recited, hear it patiently and be silent so that you may have mercy.
205. And remember, your Lord within yourself, humbly and fearfully, and without uttering a voice from the tongue,
morning and evening and be not you amongst heedless.
206. Undoubtedly, those who are with your Lord wax not proud from His worship, and chant His hollowness and to
Him they prostrate. [^] (SAJDA) 1

Surah Number 8: Al-Anfâl (Spoils of War, Booty)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 75

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. (O beloved Prophet) they ask you concerning the spoils. Say you, 'the spoils belong to Allah and the
Messenger; then fear Allah and set things right among yourselves, and obey Allah and His Messenger, if you
2. Only they are believers whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and when His Signs are recited to
them, their faith get increased and upon their Lord, they put their trust.
3. Those who establish prayer and spend something of what We have provided them.
4. It is these the true Muslims. For them are grades with their Lord and forgiveness and an honourable provision.
5. As (O beloved Prophet)! Your Lord brought you forth from your house with truth, and undoubtedly, a group of
Muslim was unhappy over it.
6. They were disputing with you about the truth after it has become clear, as if they are being driven towards
death with their eyes open.
7. And remember, when Allah promised you that in both these parties, one is for you, and you wished, that you
should have that in which there is no rankle, and Allah wished that truth be proved truth by His words and to
cut off the root of the infidels.
8. That He might establish truth as truth and falsify the false, though the guilty might dislike.
9. When you were crying for help from your Lord, then He responded to you that I am going to help you with a
series of thousand angels.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

10. And Allah did this but for your pleasure and in order that your hearts might find contentment; and there is no
help but from Allah undoubtedly; Allah is Dominant, Wise.
11. When He covered you with drowsiness, it was a security from Himself, and sent down water upon you from
heaven that He might cleanse you therewith and remove from you the filth of the devil (Satan) and might give
courage to your hearts and make your steps firm therewith.
12. When (O beloved Prophet) your Lord was revealing to the angles that, 'I am with you,' keep ye firm the
Muslims. Soon I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels, then strike above the necks of the infidels and
strike off every finger tips of them.
13. This is because, they opposed Allah and His Messenger, and whosoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, then
undoubtedly, and severe is the torment of Allah.
14. This tastes it then and knows that for the infidels is the torment of the Fire.
15. 'O believers! When you encounter the infidels in the battlefield, turn not your backs to them.
16. And whosoever will turn his back to them that day, but for practising the art of war or for the sake of joining
his company, then he returns in the wrath of Allah and his abode is Hell, and what an evil place is to return to.
17. Therefore you did not slay them, but Allah slew them. And O beloved Prophet! The dust that you did throw,
you did not throw, but Allah threw, and in order that He might confer on the Muslim a better reward than it.
Undoubtedly, Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
18. This, take it and with it is this that Allah is the weakener of the plot of the infidels.
19. 'O infidels! If you demand judgement, then this judgement has indeed come to you, And if you desist, it is
better for you, but if you again make mischief, then We shall again punish you, and your party shall avail you
not, however, numerous it be and with it is this that Allah is with the muslims.
20. 'O believers! Obey Allah ' and His Messenger, and turn not away from him after hearing him.
21. And be not like those who say, 'We hear, and they hear not.
22. Undoubtedly, the worst of animals in the sight of Allah are those who are the deaf and dumb who have no
23. And if Allah had known any good in them, He would have caused them to listen. And if He had made them
hear, even then in the end, they would have turned away, turning their faces.
24. 'O believers! Respond to the calling of Allah and Messenger, when the Messenger calls you for a thing that will
give you life; and know that Allah's command comes between man and his heart's desire and this that you are
to be raised towards Him.
25. And remain fearing that calamity which will never fall exclusively upon those among you who do wrong. And
know that severe is the torment of Allah.
26. And remember, when you were few down trodden in the land, and were fearful, lest the people should snatch
you away, then He gave you shelter, and strengthened you with His help, and provide you with good things,
that haply you might be thankful.
27. 'O believers! Betray not Allah and Messenger and nor commit defalcation in your trusts knowingly.
28. And know that your wealth and your children are all a trial, and with Allah is the great reward.
29. 'O believers! If you will fear Allah, He will grant you that by which you may be able to distinguish between right
and wrong and will remove off your evils and will forgive you. And Allah is owner of great Grace.
30. And (O beloved Prophet)! Remember, when the infidels were plotting against you, to confine you or to slay you
or to drive you forth. And they were plotting their own and Allah was devising His Own and Allah's devise is the
31. And when Our verses are recited to them, then they say, 'yes, we have heard', if we wished, we could certainly
utter the like of this. It is not, but the stories of the ancients.
32. And when they said, 'O Allah, if this Quran indeed be the truth from You then rain down upon us stones from
heaven or bring down upon us! Any painful chastisement.
33. And Allah is not one to chastise them, till ('O beloved Prophet) you are in their midst. And Allah is not to
chastise them, whilst they are begging forgiveness.
34. And what have they that Allah should not chastise them, when they are hindering from the sacred mosque, and
they are not its guardian. Its guardians are the pious ones only, but most of them know not.
35. And their prayer at the Holy House is nothing but whistling and clapping. Then taste the torment now, the
recompense of their infidelity.
36. Undoubtedly, the infidels spend their wealth to prevent from the path of Allah, they will spend it now, then
again they will regret on it, then will be overpowered. The infidels shall be gathered towards hell.
37. In order that Allah may separate the impure from the pure, and putting the impure one upon the other, all
piling them together cast them into the hell it is they who are the losers.
38. Say you to the infidels, if they now desist, that which is past will be forgiven. But if they repeat the same then
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

the precedence of the former people has already gone.
39. And fight them on till there remains not any mischief and the entire religion be only of Allah; then if they desist,
then Allah is seeing their deeds.
40. And if they turn back then know that Allah is your Protector, what an excellent Protector and what an excellent
41. And know that whatever spoil of war take, then one fifth of it belongs exclusively to Allah and to the
Messenger, and to the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if you have believed in Allah
and what We sent down upon Our bondman on the Day of Decision the day when the two armies met. And
Allah can do everything.
42. When you were on the hither side of the valley and the infidels on the yonder side, and the Caravan was below
you (On the Coast Plain), and if you would have made any mutual promise, surely you would not have reached
on appointed time, but this has happened in order that Allah might fulfil the work which is to be done; so that
whoever was to perish might perish with proof; and whoever was to survive might survive with proof. And
undoubtedly, Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
43. When (O' Beloved Prophet) Allah showed the infidels few to you in your dream. And (O' Muslims) if He had
shown them numerous then, certainly you would have shown timidity and would have quarrelled about the
matter, but Allah saved you Undoubtedly, He knows the thoughts in the breasts.
44. And when at the time of encounter, the infidels were shown to you as few, and made you appear few in their
eyes, so that Allah might fulfil the work which, is to be done. And towards 'Allah is the return of all affairs.
45. 'O believers! When you encounter any army, then stand firm, and remember Allah much, that you may attain
the goal.
46. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and dispute not with one another, otherwise you will show timidity, and
your tied strength will depart from you and be patient. Verily Allah is with the patient.
47. And be not like those who came out of their homes, boastfully and to be seen of men, and barring from Allah's
way. All their works are under the Control of Allah.
48. And when the devil (Shaitan) decked their work fair in their sight, and said, 'No man is to prevail against you
today, and you are under my protection'. Then when both armies came in front of each other, he ran upon his
heels and said 'I am quit of you, I see what you see not, I fear Allah' and severe is the torment of Allah.
49. When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is disease used to say these, muslims are proud of their
religion'. And whosoever relies upon Allah, then undoubtedly, Allah is Dominant, Wise.
50. And if you could see, when the Angels take away the souls of the infidels, they, are smiting their faces and.
their backs, and taste the torment of burning.
51. This is in recompense of what your hands have sent on ' before and Allah is not unjust unto His bondmen.
52. In the manner of people of Firawn (Pharaoh) and those before them they disbelieved in the signs of Allah, then
Allah seized them for their sins. Undoubtedly Allah is Strong, Severe in torment
53. This is so because Allah does not change the favour that He has conferred upon a people, until they change
themselves; and verily Allah Hears, Knows.
54. In the manner of the people of Firawn (Pharaoh) and those before them. They, belied the signs of their Lord
then We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned the people of Firawn, and they were all unjust.
55. Undoubtedly, the worst of beasts in the Sight of Allah, are those who committed infidelity and would not
56. Those with whom you had entered into a covenant, then they break their covenant every time and do not fear.
57. Therefore, if you find them anywhere in war, kill them in such a manner that their remaining ones may be put
to flight. Haply they may be admonished.
58. If you fear treachery from any people, throw back to them their covenant on equal basis Undoubtedly, the
treacherous are not liked by Allah.
59. And let the infidels never boast that they have gone out of hand. Undoubtedly, they cannot frustrate.
60. And keep ready for them the strength as you can, and as many of horses as you can, whereby you may put
terror in the hearts of those who are enemies of Allah and of yours and in the hearts of some others, besides
them whom you know not; Allah Knows them. And whatever you will spend in the path of Allah, shall be repaid
to you in full and in no way you will be in loss.
61. And if they incline towards peace, then incline you also and put trust in Allah. Undoubtedly, He is the One
Hearing, Knowing
62. If they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you. He it is Who gave, strength to you with His help
and with Muslims.
63. And He put affection in their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth you could not have put affection in
their hearts but Allah have united their hearts. Undoubtedly! It is He, Dominant, Wise.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

64. 'O Prophet! The communicator of the hidden news! Allah suffices you and all these Muslims who followed you.
65. 'O Communicator of the hidden news! Urge the Muslims to wage holy war. If there will be twenty of you
patient, they will overcome two hundred, and there be hundred of you, they will overcome a thousand infidels,
because they do not understand.
66. Now Allah has lightened your burden, and He knows that you are weak. Then if there be a hundred of you
patient, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there he a thousand of you, they shall overcome two
thousand by the command of Allah. And Allah is with the patient.
67. It is not befitting to any Prophet that he should make captive to infidels, until he has immensely shed their
blood in the land. You desire the goods of the world; and Allah desires the Here after. And Allah is Dominant,
68. If Allah would not have written a thing before, then O Muslims! A great torment would have come to you for
what you took as ransom from the infidels.
69. Then eat of what you have obtained as spoil of war, lawful and pure, and remain fearing Allah. Verily Allah is '
Forgiving, Merciful.
70. 'O Communicator of the hidden news (Prophet) say to the prisoners in your hands, 'If Allah will find any good
in your hearts, then He will give you better than what has been; taken from you and will forgive you' And Allah
is Forgiving, Merciful.
71. And 'O beloved Prophet! If they will intend to be treacherous to you, then they have already dealt
treacherously with Allah before; therefore He gave so many under your control. And Allah is. Knowing, Wise.
72. Undoubtedly, those who believed and left their hearth and homes for Allah and fought with their wealth and
their lives in the way of Allah, and those who gave shelter and helped they are heirs one of another. And those
who believed and did not emigrate, you have no duty to their inheritance unless they emigrate, if they seek
help from you in the matter of the religion, then it is obligatory upon you to help them, but against a people
between whom and you there is an agreement. And Allah is seeing your doing.
73. And the infidels are heirs one of another. If you will not do such, then there shall be in the land mischief and
great disorder.
74. And those who believed and emigrated and fought in the way of Allah and those who gave shelter and helped
they are true believers. For them is forgiveness and honourable provision.
75. And those who believed afterwards and emigrated and waged the holy war with you, they also are of you. And
the blood relations are nearer to one another in the Book of Allah. Undoubtedly Allah knows all things.

Surah Number 9: At-Taubah (Repentance, Dispensation)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 129

1. This is declaration of disassociation from Allah and His Messenger to those idolaters with whom you had
entered into a contract and they did not keep it.
2. Then go about in the land for four months and know that you can not tire Allah and Allah is to humiliate the
3. And there is proclamation from Allah and His Messenger to all People on the day of Great Pilgrimage that Allah
is rid of the polytheists and so His Messenger, if you then repent it is then good for you, and if you turn you'
face then know that you cannot tire Allah. And give good tidings to infidels of a painful torment.
4. But those associators with whom you had covenanted they did not detract anything in your Contract, and did
not help any one against you then fulfil their covenant till the promised day. Undoubtedly, Allah loves the pious
5. Then when the sacred months have passed, slay the associators wherever you find them and catch them, and
confine them and sit in wait for them at every place; again if they repent and establish prayer and give the
poor-due then leave their way. Verily Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
6. And 'O beloved Prophet'. If any of the associators ask your protection, then give him protection that he may
hear the word of Allah then convey him to his place of security. This is because they are the people ignorant.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

7. How there shall be any covenant for the associators with Allah and His Messenger but those with whom you
covenanted near the Sacred Mosque! Then as long as they keep their covenant for you, you should also stand
for them. Undoubtedly, Allah loves the pious ones.
8. How (Can it be) their condition is this that if they prevail against you, then neither they would care for
relationship nor for agreement. They please you with their mouths, and their hearts refuse, and most of them
are disobedient.
9. They have sold the Signs of Allah for a meagre price, and then they barred from His path. Undoubtedly, they
do evil deeds.
10. They neither have regard of relationship or agreement in any Muslim. And they are the transgressors.
11. Again if they repent and establish prayer and pay the poor-due (Zakat) then they are your brothers, in faith.
And We explain the signs in detail for a people who know.
12. If they break their oaths after their covenant, and taunt at your religion, then fight with the leaders of infidelity.
Undoubtedly, their oaths are nothing. Haply they may desist.
13. Will you not fight with a people who have broken their oaths and resolved to turn out the Messenger, although
the beginning is from them? Do you fear them? Linen Allah is Most Worthy that you should fear Him if you
believe (Him).
14. Then fight them, Allah will torment them at your hands and will humiliate them and will help you against them,
and will heal the breasts of the believers.
15. And will remove the anger of their hearts, and Allah relent of whomsoever He pleases, and Allah is Knowing,
16. Are you in this conception that you would be left alone, and Allah has not yet made known those of you who
will struggle and will not take any one as a confident except Allah and His Messenger and the muslims. Allah is
Aware of what you do?
17. It is not for the associators that they should inhabit the mosque of Allah, bearing witnesses of infidelity against
themselves. Their entire works are destroyed, and they shall abide in the Fire.
18. They only inhabit the mosques of Allah who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and pay the
poor-due (Zakat) and fear none but Allah, therefore it is near that these people may be among the guided
19. Then do you hold the offering of water to the pilgrims and service of the Sacred Mosque equal to one who
believed in Allah and the Last Day and struggled in the path of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah,
And Allah guides not the unjust people.
20. Those who believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth and lives in the path of Allah have the highest
rank near Allah. And they are they who reached to their goal.
21. Their Lord does give them glad tidings of His Mercy and of His Pleasure and of those gardens wherein there is
lasting bliss for them.
22. They will abide there in forever. Undoubtedly, there is great reward with Allah.
23. 'O Believers! Take not your fathers and brothers for friends, if they prefer infidelity over faith. And who so of
you will be-friend them, then they are they who are unjust.
24. Say you 'If your fathers, and your sons and your brothers and your wives and your clan and the wealth of your
earning and the trade of which you fear loss and the houses of your choice, these things are dearer to you
than Allah and His Messenger and the struggling in His path, then wait till Allah brings His Command. And Allah
guides not the disobedients.
25. Undoubtedly, Allah did help you at many places and on the day of Hunain when you had boasted on your
multitude, it availed you nothing, and the land being so vast, became straitened to you, then you turned your
backs retreating
26. Then Allah sent down His Calm upon His Messenger and upon Muslims, and He sent down the hosts that you
did not see and chastised the infidels. And this is the punishment of the rejecters.
27. Thereafter Allah will relent whom He pleases. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
28. 'O believers! The associators are altogether unclean, then let them not approach the sacred Mosque after this
year. And if you fear poverty, then soon Allah shall enrich you of His bounty if He pleases. Verily, Allah is
Knowing, Wise.
29. Fight those who believe not in Allah, and in the Last Day, and accept not as unlawful what Allah and His
messenger made unlawful, and follow not the true faith that is to say those who were Coven the Book until
they pay the required tax with their own hands being brought low.
30. And the Jews, said, "Uzair is the son of Allah" and the Christians said 'Masih (Christ) is the son of Allah' These
things, they utter with their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the infidels before them. Allah assail them,
whither they are perverting?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

31. They have taken their priests and monks as gods besides Allah and also Masih son of Maryam; and they were
Commanded not but this that that they worship only one Allah; none is to be worshipped except He. Hallowed
be He from their polytheism.
32. They wish to put off the light of Allah with their mouths and Allah will not agree but to perfect His light, though
the infidels may dislike it.
33. It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and true religion that He may make it prevail over all
religions, though the infidels may dislike it.
34. 'O believers! Verily many of the priests and monks devour the wealth of the people wrongfully and bar from the
path of Allah. And those who hoard up gold and silver and spend not in the path of Allah give them the good
tidings of a painful torment.
35. The day when they shall be heated in the fire of the Hell, then their foreheads and sides and backs shall be
branded therewith. This is what you had hoarded for yourselves, now taste the hoarding.
36. Undoubtedly, the number of months with Allah is twelve in the Book of Allah since the day He made the
Heavens and Earth four of them are sacred. This is the right religion, then wrong not yourselves in these
months, and fight the infidels at all times, as they fight with you, all times And know that Allah is with the pious
37. Their postponement of the months are not but an increase in infidelity, with which the infidels are misguided,
they make it lawful one year and hold it unlawful another year, that they may make up the number which Allah
has sanctified, and make lawful what Allah has forbidden. Their vile deeds seem fair in their eyes and Allah
guides not the infidel
38. 'O Believers! What happened to you, that when it is said to you, 'Go forth in the way of Allah, you sit down on
the earth heavily'? Have you chosen the life of this work in preference to the Hereafter? And the goods of the
living worlds in comparison with that of the Hereafter is nothing but little.
39. If you will not march forth, He will punish you with a severe punishment and will replace you by another
people, and you can do no harm to Him. And Allah can do every thing
40. If you help him (The beloved Prophet) not, then no doubt, Allah helped him, when on account of the mischief
of the infidels, he was to go out with only two souls, when they both were in the Cave, and when he said to his
companion 'Grieve not, no doubt Allah is with us', then Allah sent down His satisfaction on him, and helped him
with armies which you did not see, and put down the words of the infidels. It is the word of Allah, alone which
is supreme, and Allah is Dominant, Wise.
41. March forth with light soul, or with heavy heart and struggle in the way of Allah with your wealth and lives. It is
better for you, if you know.
42. If there had been any near gain, or an average journey, then they would have certainly gone with you, but the
hard journey seemed too long to them, and now they will swear by Allah, that if we had been able, then we
would have surely gone with you. They ruin their souls, and Allah knows that undoubtedly, they are necessarily
43. Allah forgive you, why did you then permit them, till the true one had not become manifest to you and the liars
had not become clear?
44. And those who would believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask leave of you from struggling with their
wealth and their lives. And Allah knows well the duty-bound.
45. Those only ask you this leave who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and their hearts are in doubts, then
in their doubts they waver.
46. Had they willed to go forth, they would have made some preparation for it; but God disliked their rousing, so
He made them lethargic, and it was said to them 'remain sitting with those who sit'.
47. If they would have come out among you, they would have added you nothing except trouble and would have
run to and from in your midst seeking to cause sedition among you, and there are among you, their spies. And
Allah Knows well the unjust.
48. No doubt, they already sought to create disorder before, and turned the plans upside down for you O' Beloved!
Till the truth came and Allah's command appeared.
49. And any one among them submits before you like this, 'Give me leave, and put me not in trial', Listen, they
have already fallen into trial. And undoubtedly, the hell has surrounded the infidels.
50. If good befalls you, then it hurts them, and if any misfortune comes to you, then they say 'We had already set
right our works before, and turn back rejoicing.
51. Say you 'nothing shall reach us, but what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Protector, and the Muslims
should keep trust in Allah only.
52. Say you, 'What you are waiting for us but one of the two goods' ? And we are waiting for you that Allah shall
afflict you with a torment from Himself, or with our hands. Now wait then, we are also waiting with you'.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

53. Say you, 'Spend willingly or unwillingly, it shall not be accepted from you. No doubt, you are a people
54. And what they spend. Its acceptance was not barred. But because they rejected Allah and His Messenger and
come not to prayers but lazily, and spend not but unwillingly
55. Then let not their wealth and their children astonish you. Allah only intends to punish them with these things in
the life of the world and that their souls may depart while they are infidels.
56. They swear by Allah that they are from amongst you and they are not from amongst you, yes they are afraid.
57. If they find a place of refuge, or cave or a place to creep into, they will turn there to rushing headlong.
58. And of them, some one is he who blames you with regard to the distribution of charities, then if they get some
thing of these, they are pleased, and if they get not, then they are angry.
59. What a good it had been, if they would have been pleased with what Allah and His Messenger had given them
and would have said 'Sufficient for us is Allah', Now Allah is to give us of His Bounty, and so the Messenger of
Allah. To Allah only we lean.
60. The poor-due (Zakat) is only for those who are poor and needy and those who collect it, and for those whose
hearts are to be conciliated for Islam, and for the freeing of slaves, and for debtors, and for spending in the
way of Allah and for the traveller. This has been ordained by Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
61. And of them some are those who hurt the Prophet and say, 'He is an ear, say 'He is an ear for good of you,
believes in Allah and believes the words of Muslims, and is a mercy for those who are Muslims among you.' And
those who hurt the Messenger, for them is the painful torment.
62. They swear by Allah before you may be pleased and Allah and His Messenger had greater right, that they
should please him, if they had faith.
63. Are they not aware that whoso opposes Allah and His Messengers then for him is the fire of the Hell in which
he will abide for ever? This is the great humiliation
64. The hypocrites fear lest a Surah (Chapter) should be sent down to them informing them, what is in their
hearts. Say you 'Mock on, truly Allah is about to reveal what you fear.'
65. And O' beloved Prophet! If you ask to them, they will say 'We were only jesting and playing'. Say you; 'Do you
mock at Allah and His signs and His Messengers?'
66. Make no excuses, you have already become disbeliveers after being muslims. If We forgive some one of you,
then We shall chastise others because they were guilty.
67. The hypocrites' men and women are the birds of the same feather; they bid evil and forbid from doing good,
and (they) keep their hands closed. They have left Allah then Allah has left them. No doubt the hypocrites are
the confirmed disobedients.
68. Allah has promised the hypocrites men and hypocrites' women and infidels, the fire of the Hell, wherein they
will abide forever. That is sufficient for them, and the curse of Allah is upon them, and for them is the lasting
69. As those before you, they were mightier than you in strength, and more abundant in wealth and children. They
enjoyed their share then you enjoy your share just as those before you enjoyed their share, and you indulged
ingesting just as they indulged. Their works are wasted in the world and the Hereafter, and they are the people
who are losers.
70. Have they not received the news of those before them the people of Nooh, and Aad and Thamud, and the
people of Ibrahim, and the men of Madian and the overthrown towns? Their Messengers had brought to them
bright evidences; then it was not befitting to Allah that He might have wronged them, but they were
themselves unjust to their souls.
71. And the Muslim men and women are friends to one another, bid for good and forbid evil and establish prayer
and pay the poor-due (Zakat) and obey Allah and His Messenger. These are they on whom soon Allah will have
mercy. Undoubtedly Allah is, Dominant, Wise.
72. Allah has promised to Muslim men and Muslim women Gardens under which rivers flow, wherein they shall
reside forever and clean houses in the inhabitable gardens. And the pleasure of Allah is the greatest. This is the
achievement of the greater Goal.
73. 'O Communicator of the hidden news, (Prophet) fight against the infidels and the hypocrites and be strict to
them Their destination is Hell and what an evil place of return.
74. They swear by Allah that they said it not, and no doubt, necessarily they uttered the word of infidelity and
became infidels after accepting Islam and they had desired that Which they could not get; and what they felt
bad, only this that Allah and His Messenger has enriched them out of His grace; then if they repent, it is good
for them, and if they turn their faces then Allah will chastise them with a severe torment in the world and the
Hereafter and on the earth they shall have neither any supporter nor any helper.
75. And of them, there are some who had covenanted with Allah that if He will give us out of His grace then we
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

shall surely give in charity and we shall surely become good men.
76. Then when Allah gave them out of His grace, they became niggardly of it and turned away turning their faces.
77. Therefore after it Allah put hypocrisy in their hearts, until the Day they meet Him -the recompense of that they
acted against what they had promised to Allah and the recompense of that they used to lie.
78. Are they not aware that Allah Knows the secrets of their hearts and their whisper and Allah is the well Knower
of all hidden things?
79. Those who blame those muslims who give charity willingly and those who get not but with their hard labour, so
they laugh at them. Allah will punish them for their laughing and for them is the painful.
80. Ask you forgiveness for them or ask not. If you will ask forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah will never
forgive them. This is because that they have rejected Allah and His Messenger. And Allah guides not the
81. Those who were left behind delighted at this that they remained sitting behind the Messenger and they did not
like that they may fight in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives and said Come not out in this treat' say
you 'the fire of the Hell is the hottest! In any manner they would have understood!
82. Let them laugh little and weep much, in recompense what they used to earn.
83. Then if, O beloved Prophet! Allah returns you to a party of them, and they ask you leave to go forth to fight,
then say you 'Never shall you march forth with me, nor ever fight with any enemy of me. You chose to sit at
home the first time, then remain sitting with those who remained behind.'
84. And pray you never over any of their dead, and not stand over his grave. No doubt, they rejected Allah and His
Messenger and died while they were disobedient.
85. Be not astonished over their wealth and children Allah only intends to punish them there with in this world, and
that they part with their souls while they are infidels.
86. And when any Sura (Chapter) is sent down, that believe in Allah and fight with His Messenger, then the men of
capability among them ask leave of you and say 'Leave us to remain with those who sit behind'.
87. They like that they should remain with the women left behind, and their hearts are sealed up, so that they
understand nothing.
88. But the Messenger and those who believed with him, fought with their wealth and lives. And it is they for
whom are goods, and it is they who reached to their goal.
89. Allah has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow; they shall abide forever therein. This is the
attainment of supreme object
90. And there came excuse seekers from the villagers in order that leave may be given to them, and those who lied
to Allah and His Messenger sat behind. Soon a painful torment shall befall to the infidels of them.
91. There is not any fault on the weak, and on the sick and nor on those who are not capable to spend, when they
are sincere to Allah and His Messenger. There is no way against the good-doers. And Allah is Forgiving,
92. Nor on those who came to you that you may provide carriage to them, you said have nothing whereon to
mount you' so they return back and their eyes overflow with tears because of this grief that they could not find
the ability to spend.
93. The accountability is only of those who ask leave of you and they are rich. They liked to sit behind with the
women and Allah has sealed up their hearts; so they know nothing.
94. They will make excuses to you when you will return to them. Say you, 'make no ' excuses, we will never
believe you, Allah has already given your news to us. And now Allah and His messenger will see your works
then you will be returned to Him Who knows all unseen and visible, He will tell you what you used to do.
95. Now they will swear by Allah before you, when you will return back to them in order that you may not mind of
them, then yes, mind them not. They are wholly filthy and their destination is Hell a recompense what they
used to earn.
96. They swear before you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then no doubt,
Allah will not be pleased with a people dis-obedient.
97. They villagers are more stubborn in infidelity and hypocrisy and they are only worthy of this that they remain
ignorant of the commands which, Allah has sent down upon His messenger. And Allah is knowing, Wise.
98. And among the villagers some are those who regard hat they spend in the way of Allah as fine, and remain
waiting of misfortunes coming to you. On them is the evil turn. And Allah Hears. Knows.
99. And among the villagers some are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and regard what they spend as
' approaches to Allah and means of taking blessings of the messenger. Yes, that is the means of nearness for
them to enter into His mercy. Undoubtedly! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful,
100. And the first and foremost emigrants and helpers and those who followed them with good. Allah is pleased
with them and they are pleased with Allah and for them, He has prepared gardens under which rivers flow.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

This is the great success.
101. And some villagers around you are hypocrites and some of the dwellers of Madina too, hypocrisy has become
their habit. You know them not. We know them. We will soon torment them twice. Then they will be resumed
to a great torment.
102. And there are some others who acknowledge their sins and mixed up a good deed with another evil. It is near
that Allah may accept their repentance. No doubt Allah is Forgiving. Merciful.
103. 'O beloved prophet! Realise the poor-due (Zakat) out of their wealth. to purify them and cleanse them
therewith and pray good for them. No doubt. your prayer is solace for their hearts. And Allah Hears. Knows.
104. Are they not aware that only Allah accepts the repentance of His bondmen and takes the charities in His
authoritative Hand Himself, and that it is Allah Who is the Relenting. The Merciful.
105. And say you. 'work on, now Allah will behold your work and so His messenger and the muslims. And you will
soon be returned to Him Who knows all unseen and visible. Then He will inform you what you used to do.
106. And some other have been deferred to Allah's commandment. Whether He may torment them or may accept
their repentance. And Allah is Knowing Wise
107. And those who have built a mosque in order to injure and because of infidelity and to cause dissension among
muslims and as an ambush for him who is already against Allah and His messenger from before. And they will
surely swear that we desired only good. And Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars.
108. You stand never in that mosque. No doubt the mosque whose foundation has been laid on righteousness from
the very first day is worthy that you may stand therein. There in are those who desire to be well purified and
Allah loves the pure.
109. Then is he who laid foundation upon the fear of Allah and His pleasure better or he who laid his foundation on
the brink of a falling pit, then he fell with it in the fire of the Hell? And Allah does not give way to the people
110. The building, which they have built, will continue to waver in their hearts unless their hearts may cut into
pieces. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
111. No doubt. Allah has purchased from the muslims their lives and their belongings against this return, that for
them is Paradise, they fight in the way of Allah, then they kill and are killed; true promise on His generous
responsibility in the Taurah and the Injeel and the Quran. And who is, true to his words than Allah'? Rejoice
then in your trade ' which you have done with Him And it is this which is, the great triumph.
112. Those who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who fast, those who bow, those who prostrate,
those who tell good and forbid evil and those who watch the limits of Allah. And give you glad tidings to
113. It is not worthy for the prophet and the believers to ask forgiveness for the associators, even though they are
relatives, after it has been made clear to them that they are men of Hell.
114. And Abraham's asking forgiveness for his father was not but on account a promise, he had made to Him But
when it was made clear to him that he is an enemy of Allah, he dis-associated him self from him No doubt,
Abraham is a most lament, clement.
115. And it is not the attribute of Allah that He should lead astray any people after He has guided them. Until He
makes clear to them as to what they have to guard against. Undoubtedly, Allah knows every thing.
116. Assuredly! It is Allah for Whom is the Kingdom of heavens and earth. He gives life and causes death. And you
had no protector nor helper beside Allah.
117. No doubt, blessings of Allah turned towards the Communicator of the hidden news (prophet) and those
emigrants and helpers who sided with him in the hour of hardship. After it that the hearts of some of them
were nearly to be swerved aside. Then He turned towards them with blessing. Undoubtedly. To them He is
Most Kind. Merciful.
118. And to the three who were left behind, so much so that the earth being so vast became strait to them, and
they became tired of their own lives, and they believed that there is no refuge from Allah but with Him. Then,
He accepted their repentance that they might remain repenting. Undoubtedly, it is Allah Who is Relenting, the
119. 'O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truthful.
120. It was not proper for the inhabitants of Madina and the villagers around them to remain sitting behind the
messenger of Allah, nor that they should consider their own lives more dear than his life. This is so because
whatever they face as thirst or distress or hunger in the way of Allah, and wherever they tread a place which
enrages the infidels for all these things, good deed is written for them. Assuredly Allah wastes not the reward
of the good.
121. And whatever they spend, small or great and the valley they cross, all is written for them so that Allah may
recompense them for their best deeds.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

122. And it is not possible for Muslims that all should come out. Then why should not a party from each group
should come out that they may gain understanding of religion and warn their people after coming back to
them, haply they may guard themselves.
123. 'O believers' fight the infidels who are close to you, and let them find in you harshness and know that Allah is
with the duty-bound.
124. Whenever a Sura is sent down. Then anyone of them begins to say, 'Which of you has this increased in faith?
Then as for those who believe, it has increased them in faith. And they are rejoicing.
125. And as for those in whose hearts there is disease, it has increased them in filthiness upon filthiness and they
died while they are infidels.
126. Do they not observe that? They are being tried every year once or twice. Even then neither they repent nor
accept admonition.
127. And whenever any Sura is sent down, they begin to look at on each other. Whether any one watches you?
Then they turn away. Allah has turned away their hearts, because they are a people who do not understand.
128. Assuredly there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering;
ardently desirous of your welfare, and to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful.
129. If then they turn their faces, then say you, 'Allah is sufficient for me, none is to be worshiped except He. I put
my trust in Him, and He is the 'Lord of Supreme Throne.'

Surah Number 10: Yûnus (The Prophet Yûnus)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 109

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif-Lam-Ra. These are the verses of the Book of wisdom.
2. Have the people wondered that We sent down revelation to a man among them, warn the people, and give
glad tiding to the believers, that they have the position of truth with their Lord? The infidels said, 'This is a
manifest sorcerer.
3. No doubt, your Lord is Allah Who made the heavens and earth in six days, then seated Himself on the Throne
befitting to His Dignity, He plans the work. No intercessor is there but after His leave. This is Allah your Lord,
then worship Him. Do you then not ponder?
4. To Him you all are to return. The promise of Allah is true. No doubt, He creates for the first time, then He shall
reproduce it after destruction, so that He may give the reward of justice to those who believed and did good
deeds. And for the infidels the boiling drink and painful torment, the recompense of their infidelity
5. It is He who has made the sun shining, and the moon glittering, and appointed for it stages, so that you may
know the number of years and calculation. Allah has not created that, but in truth. He explains fully the signs
for the people of knowledge.
6. No doubt the coming of night and day alternately and whatever Allah has produced in the heavens and earth,
therein are the signs for those who fear.
7. No doubt, those who hope not to meet Us and are well pleased with the life of the world and are contented
with it, and those who are neglectful of Our signs.
8. Their abode is Hell'-the recompense of their earnings.
9. No doubt, who believed and did good deeds, their Lord will guide them on account of their faith; beneath them
rivers will be flowing in the gardens of delight.
10. Their prayer therein shall be this, 'Sanctity to you, O Allah, and the opening word at the time of their greeting
is 'peace' and the end of their prayer is, 'all praise be to Allah, Who is the Lord of entire worlds.
11. And if Allah would have hasten evil to people as they hasten for the good, then their promised term would have
already been completed. Therefore, We leave those who hope not to meet Us That they wander in their
12. And when trouble touches man, he calls Us lying down and sitting down and standing up: then when We
remove his ' trouble, he passes on as if he never called Us at the time of any trouble touching him Thus it has
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

been made fair seeming to the extravagants their deeds.
13. No doubt, We ruined generations before you, when they crossed the limit, and their messengers came to them
with bright evidences. And they were not such as to believe. Thus, We recompense the guilty.
14. Then We made you to succeed after them, that We may see how you act.
15. And when Our clear signs are recited unto them, then those who hope not to meet Us begin to say, 'bring a
Quran other than this, or alter it. Say you, 'it is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow, what
is revealed to me if I disobey my Lord, then I fear the torment of the great Day.
16. Say you. 'If Allah had willed, then I would have not recited it to you. Nor would He have made it known to you;
then I have already passed a portion of my life amongst you before it. Have you then no wisdom?'
17. Then who is more unjust than one who forges lie against Allah or belies His signs? Undoubtedly. The guilty will
have no good.
18. And they worship besides Allah that which neither harms them nor does any good and say, 'these are our
intercessors with Allah'. Say you, 'Do you tell to Allah the thing which is not in His Knowledge either in heavens
or on earth. Holy is He and exalted is He from their association.
19. And the people were only one nation, then differed. And if a word from your Lord has not occurred before,
then their differences would have been decided between them.
20. And they say, 'why has not a sign been sent down to them from their Lord? Say you, 'the hidden is for Allah,
now wait, I am also waiting with you.'
21. And We make the men to taste mercy after any trouble had touched them, forthwith they begin to play trick
with Our signs. Say you; 'the secret planning of Allah is swiftest.' No doubt, Our angels are writing your
22. It is He Who conveys you on the land and sea, Until when you are in the ship and they sail with them with a
fair breeze and they rejoiced there at, there came upon them a hurricane wind and the waves from every side
overtook them. And they thought that they were encircled, then at that time, they call Allah being purely His
bondmen, that if You would save us from this, we shall then surely be thankful.
23. Then when Allah saves them, they forthwith begin to commit excesses in the land wrongfully. O people! Your
excesses are only against your own selves, enjoy it till your living in the world, then you are to return towards
Us, at that time We will inform you what you used to do.
24. The example of the life of the world is like that water which, We have sent down from the sky, on account of
which the vegetation of earth came out in abundance of which men and cattle eat, till, when the earth took on
its ornament and was fully adorned, and its owners thought that it is under their authority; there came upon it
Our command by night or by day, then We made it mown down as if it had not existed yesterday. Thus, We
explain fully Our signs for a people who reflect.
25. And Allah calls towards the home of peace. And guides whomsoever He will to the straight path.
26. For the good-doers there is good and even more than that. And neither darkness nor insult will cover their
faces. It is they who are the inhabitants of Paradise and they will abide therein for ever.
27. And those who earned evils, then the recompense of the evil is the like of it, and insult will cover them. There
will be none to defend them against Allah; as if their faces have been covered by patches of the dark night. It
is they who are the people of the Hell, they will abide therein for ever.
28. And the Day when We shall raise all of them together, then will say to the polytheists, 'remain at your places,
you and your associates; then We shall separate them from the Muslims, and their associates will say to them,
'when you used to worship us'.
29. Then Allah is sufficient as witness between you and us, that we were not aware of your worship.
30. Here every soul will test what it sent before, and they shall be resumed to Allah, who is their true Master, and
their all fabrications shall be lost from them.
31. Say you, 'who provides you from the heaven and the earth: or who is the master of ear and eyes: and who
brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living and who plans all affairs? They will
then now say, 'Allah then say you, 'why do not you fear then?'
32. This then is Allah. Your true Lord. What remains then after the truth but erring then where are you turning
33. Thus, the word of your Lord is proved against the transgressors, that they will not believe.
34. Say you, 'Is there any of your associates who originate creation, then reproduce after destruction. Say you,
'Allah originates, then He will reproduce after destruction,' then where are you turning away blindly
35. Say you, 'Is there any of your associates that may guide to the truth? Say you, 'Allah guides to the truth.' Then
should He Who guides to the truth be followed; or he who himself finds not the guidance unless is guided?
Then what happened to you? How do you judge?
36. And most of them follow not but conjecture. Undoubtedly, conjecture avails not against truth. No doubt, Allah
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

knows their works.
37. And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that any one might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah,
Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detail explanation of what is written in the Table, there
is no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds.
38. Do they say, 'he has fabricated it?' Say you, 'then bring a sure like it, and call upon all whom you could get
besides I Allah, if you are truthful.
39. But they have belied that, the knowledge of which they did not get Control and they have not yet seen its end
in the like manner have belied those who were before them, then see what became the end of the unjust.
40. And of them, there is one who believes in it. And of them, there is one who does not believe in it, and your
Lord knows well the mischief-makers.
41. And if they belie you. Then say you, 'for me is my doing, and for you is your doing, you are not responsible for
what I do, and I am not responsible for what you do.
42. And of them are some who give ear to you, then will you make the deaf hear, even though they understand
43. And of them is one who looks at you, then will you guide the blind, even though they do not see?
44. Undoubtedly. Allah does not do injustice to mankind. but men do injustice to them selves.
45. And the Day when He will raise them, as if they had not stayed in the world but an hour of that Day, they shall
mutually recognize Those who belied the meeting with Allah, remained in full loss and they were not on
46. And if We show you some of the things, We are promising to them, or We call you unto Us before, anyhow,
they have to return to Us, then Allah is a witness of what they do.
47. And for every nation there has been a messenger, when their messenger had come to them, it would have
been judged unto them with equity and they would not have been wronged.
48. And they say, 'when this promise will come, if you are truthful.'
49. Say, you 'I have no (Personal) power of the good and bad for myself but whatever Allah pleases.' For every
nation there is fixed term. When their term will come, then neither they can stay behind for an hour, nor can
they advance.
50. Say you, 'tell me, if His torment comes upon you by night or day, then what is there in for which the guilty are
in hurry'?
51. Will you then believe therein when it would occur actually? Do you now believe, whereas you were hastening
for it before?
52. Then it will be said to the wrongdoers. 'Taste the torment everlasting. You will get nothing more as
recompense but what ever you used to earn.'
53. And they ask you. 'Is that true,' Say you, 'Yes by my Lord? No doubt, that is necessarily true. And you cannot
get it tired.
54. And if every unjust soul would have owned all that is in the earth, then it would certainly ransom for itself. And
they were secretly ashamed in their hearts, when they saw the torment, and it was decided between them with
equity and they shall not be wronged.
55. Listen, no doubt, it is of Allah only whatever is in the heavens and earth Listen, verily Allah's promise is true,
but most of them know not.
56. He gives life and causes death, and to Him you shall return.
57. 'O people! There has come an admonition to you from your Lord, and healing of hearts, and a guidance and a
mercy for the believers.
58. Say- you, 'only Allah' grace and only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all their
59. Say you, 'be-think what Allah has sent down to you of provision, you have yourselves made thereof lawful and
unlawful.' Say you, 'Has Allah permitted it to you, or you forge lie against Allah?
60. And what do they fancy who forge lie against Allah, that what will be their position on the Day of Resurrection?
No doubt Allah is graceful to people, but most of them are not thankful.
61. And you are busy in any work, and recite any Quran from Him, and you perform any act, We are witnesses
over you when do you commence it. And there is nothing hidden from your Lord even an atom' weight in the
earth or in heaven, and there is nothing smaller than that or greater but it is in a luminous Book.
62. Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the friends of Allah
63. Those who believed and keep up their duty.
64. For them are glad tidings in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. The words of Allah are not changed.
That indeed is the supreme triumphs.
65. And you be not grieved by their words. No doubt, all honour belongs to Allah. 'It is He who hears, knows.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

66. Listen, no doubt, all who are in the heavens and all in the earth belong to Allah. And what they are following
those. who are calling associates besides Allah? They follow nothing but fancy. And they are doing nothing but
67. It is He Who has made night for you, that you may rest therein' and made the day enlightening. No doubt,
therein are signs for those who listen.
68. They spoke, Allah has taken to Him a son' 'Holy is He? The self-sufficient, to him belongs whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is in the earth you have no authority for this. Do you say against Allah that you know
69. Say you. 'Those who forge lie against Allah, they will never prosper.'
70. They are to pull on a little in the world. Then they are to return to Us. Then We shall make them taste a severe
torment. The recompense of their infidelity
71. Recite to them the story of Nuh. When he said to his people, 'O my people! If my standing up and reminding
the signs of Allah has offended you, then I relied on Allah only. Then do your work untidily. And complete your
work with your false deities, so that nothing may be obscure to you in your work, then do against me what you
can and respite me not.
72. Then if you turn your face, then I ask not any wage from you. My wage is only with Allah, and I have been
ordered to be of Muslims.
73. But they belied him, then We delivered him and those who were with him in the ark and We made them
successors. And We drowned those who belied Our signs, then see what was the end of those who were
74. Then after him We sent other messengers towards their people. then they brought to them bright proofs, but
they were not to believe what they had already belied before. Thus We seal the hearts of the transgressors.
75. Then after them We sent Musa and Haroon to Firawn and his courtiers with Our Signs, then they waxed proud
and they were a sinful people.
76. Then when truth came to them from Us, they said this is surely a manifest magic.
77. Musa said, 'Do you say such with regard to the truth when it came to you? Is this magic? And magician does
not attain to their goal.
78. They said, 'Have you come to us. So that you may turn us from that upon which we found our forefathers, and
that you two may have greatness in the land? And we are not to believe you too.
79. And Firawn said, 'Bring to me every magician of knowledge.'
80. Then when the magicians came, Musa said to them, 'Cast down whatever you are to cast.'
81. Then when they had cast down, Musa said, 'what you have brought is magic. Now, Allah will nullify it. Allah
rectifies not the work of mischief-makers.
82. And Allah shows the truth as truth by His words, may the culprits be displeased.
83. Then none believed Muse but few from the seed of his people fearing from Firawn and his courtiers lest they
may compel them to fall back '(from Din). And no doubt, Firawn was high headed in the land, and no doubt he
crossed the limit.
84. Musa said, 'O my people, if you have believed in Allah, then rely upon Him alone, if you are Muslims.'
85. They said, 'We relied only upon Allah. Our Lord makes us not a test for unjust people.
86. And deliver us by Your Mercy from the infidels.
87. And We revealed to Musa and his brother, build houses for your people in Egypt. And make your house the
place of prayer, and establish prayer and give glad tidings to Muslims.'
88. And Musa submitted, 'O our Lord! You have given Firawn and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the life of the
world, O our Lord! That they may lead people astray from Your path.' O our Lord! Destroy their wealth and
harden their hearts, so that they may not believe until they see the painful torment.'
89. He said, 'The prayers of you both have been accepted. Then be steadfast, and follow not the path of
90. And We led the children of Israel across the sea. Then Firawn and his armies followed them with contumacy
and oppression, until, when the drowning overtook him. He said, 'I believed, that there is no true diety except
He in whom the children of Israel believed, and I am Muslim.
91. What! Now! And you had been disobedient from before and you had been mischief monger.
92. Today We shall cause to swim your dead body, so that you might be a sign to those after you. And no doubt,
people are heedless of Our signs.
93. And no doubt, We gave a place of honour to the children of Israel and provided them with the pure things;
they differed not, until the knowledge came to them. No doubt, your Lord will decide between them on the Day
of Resurrection in that with regard to which they differed.
94. And O listener! If you are in some doubt regarding what We have sent down towards you, then ask those who
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

recite the Book before you, Indeed the truth has come to you from your Lord, then you never be of those who
95. And never be of those who belied the signs of Allah otherwise you shall be of the losers.
96. No doubt, those against whom the word of your Lord has been proved correctly will not believe.
97. Though all signs should come to them, until they see the painful torment.
98. Then why there has not been any town that believed so that its belief would have profited, but yes, the people
of Yunus. When they believed. We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of the world and
allowed them to pull on for a time.
99. And if your Lord had willed, all those who are in the earth would have believed together. Will you, then force
people until they become Muslims?
100. And no soul has power to believe but by the leave of Allah. And He lays His torment upon those who have no
101. Say you, 'behold what is in the heavens and in the earth'! And signs and messengers give nothing to those.
Who are not to believe.
102. Then what for they are waiting, but the like of the days of those who passed away before them? Say you. 'then
wait I am too with you, in waiting.'
103. Then We shall deliver Our Messengers and the believers It is thus binding on Our mercy to deliver the Muslims
104. Say you,' 'O people! It you are in any doubt as to my religion, then I shall worship not those whom you worship
besides Allah, yes I worship that Allah Who will cause you to die, and I have been commanded to be of
105. And that: keep your face straight for the religion leaving all others, and never be of the polytheists.
106. And worship not besides Allah that which can neither profit you nor harm you. Then if you do, then at that time
thou would not be of the unjust.
107. And if Allah touches you with any harm, then there is none to remove it save he, and if He desires good for
you, then there is none to repel His grace. He causes it to reach whomsoever of His bondsmen He wills. And
He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
108. Say you, 'O people! The truth has come to you from your Lord, then who ever came aright, he came aright for
his own good, and whoever strayed, strayed against himself and I am not a guardian over you.
109. And follow that which is revealed to you and have patience until Allah decrees And He is the Best of Judges.

Surah Number 11: Hûd (The Prophet Hûd)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 123

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif Lam Ra; This is a Book, whose verses are full of wisdom, then have been detailed from One Wise Aware.
2. That worship not but Allah. No doubt. I am to you a warner from Him and a bearer of glad-tidings.
3. And that. you ask forgiveness of your Lord then repent to Him. He will give you a good pulling until an
appointed term, and will cause to reach His grace to every man of grace, and if you turn your face, then I fear
for you the torment of a Great Day.
4. Towards Allah. is your return, and He is Potent over every thing.
5. Listen! They fold up their breasts that they may hide from Allah. Listen! When they cover their whole body with
their garments. Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal. No doubt He is the Knower of all the
thoughts within the breast.
6. And there is none moving on this earth, the provision of that is not upon the generous responsibility of Allah,
and He knows its place of stay and the place of return. All is recorded in a clear explanatory Book.
7. And it is He who has created the heavens and earth in six days, and His Throne was on the water, that He
might try you, as to whose work of you is best. And if you say, 'undoubtedly' you shall be raised after death,'
then the infidels will surely say 'this is not but a magic manifest.'
8. And if We defer from them the torment for a counted period, then they would certainly say, 'what has detained
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

it?" Listen, 'the day when it will come to them, it shall not be averted from them, and the same torment which
they used to mock at shall encompass them.
9. And if We let man taste Our any mercy, then take it away from him, surely he is despairing, ungrateful.
10. And if We let him taste favour after the hardship that has reached to him, then he will surely say, the evils
have gone from me.' No doubt, he is joyous, boastful.
11. But those who remained patient and did good deeds: for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
12. Then will you leave some of what is being revealed to you and straiten your breast therewith. Because they
say, 'why a treasure has not been sent down with him or any angel would have come with him? You are a
warner. And Allah is Guardian over every thing.
13. Do they say this; 'He has fabricated it?' Say you, 'Bring then ten verses the like of it. And call all those whom
you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.'
14. Then O Muslim! If they do not respond to you' then know that it has been sent down with Allah's Knowledge
and that there is no true deity save Allah, Will you then now submit?
15. Whoever desires the life of the world and its adornment, We will give their full fruit in it and will not lessen
anything therein.
16. These are they for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire. And what ever they used to do there, is
destroyed and all their works became void.
17. Is he then (like him) who is upon a bright proof from his Lord and there comes a witness on him from Allah
and before it was the Book of Moses, a guide and mercy? Those believe therein, and whosoever of all parties
disbelieves in it, then fire is his promised place. Then O Listener! Be not you in any doubt about it. No doubt,
that is the truth from your Lord, but most people believe not.
18. And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah. They shall be presented before their Lord, and
the witnesses will say, 'these are they who forged lie against their Lord. Behold; curse of Allah is upon the
19. Those who hinder from the path of Allah, and desire crookedness in it; and they are they who deny the
20. They are unable to fatigue in the earth, nor besides Allah they have any helper. They will face torment over
torment. They could neither hear nor see.
21. These are they who put their souls in loss, and the things which, they used to fabricate have been lost from
22. Willing or not willing, it is they who are the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
23. No doubt those who believed, and did good deeds and turned humbly towards their Lord, they are the men of
Heaven, therein they shall abide.
24. The condition of both parties is like one the blind and deaf and the other seeing and hearing is the case of the
two alike? Do you then not take heed?
25. And no doubt, We sent Nuh to his people saying that I am for you a clear warner.
26. That worships none save Allah. Verily, I fear for you the torment of a painful day.
27. Then the chiefs of the unbelievers of his people spoke, 'We see you a man like us, and we see not that any one
who has followed you but the meanest of us inadvertently, and we do not find in you any superiority over us;
but rather we think you a liar.
28. He said, 'O my people! tell me, if I am on a clear proof from my Lord, and He has bestowed upon me from
Himself a great mercy, then you remained blind from it. Shall we stick it to your neck while you are averse to
29. 'And O people! I ask no wealth on it from you. My reward is only with Allah and I am not to drive away
Muslims. No doubt, they are to meet their Lord, but I find you wholly ignorant people.
30. 'And O people! Who will save me from Allah, if I will drive away them. Do you then not take heed?
31. 'And I say not to you, 'I have treasures of Allah with me, and nor I get the unseen known myself and nor I say
this, 'I am an angel, and nor I say those whom your eyes despise, 'Allah will never bestow any good to them.'
Allah knows well what ever is in their hearts. If I do so, then surely I am of the unjust.
32. They said, 'O Nuh, you have disputed with us, and disputed much, then bring that which for you promise us, if
you are truthful.
33. He said, 'Allah will bring it to you, if He pleases, and you cannot get Him tired.
34. And my admonition will not profit you, if I desire good to you, whilst Allah desires you to go astray. He is your
Lord and to Him you shall return.
35. Do they say, 'He has fabricated it?' Say you, 'If I have fabricated it, then upon me is my sin and I am quit of
your sins.'
36. And it was revealed to Nuh, 'none of your people will become Muslim but those who have already believed,
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

grieve not then at what they do.
37. And built the ark before Us and with Our command, and address Me not concerning the unjust, they shall
necessarily be drowned.
38. And Nuh builds the ark, and whenever the chief of his people passed by him, they laughed at him. He said. 'if
you laugh at us, then we shall laugh at you at one time as you laugh.
39. Now then you shall know to whom comes the torment that may disgrace him' and comes down the torment
that may be lasting.
40. Until, when Our Command came, and the Oven boiled, We said, 'embark in the ark a pair male and female of
every kind and the members of your family except those against whom the word has already gone forth, and
the rest of the Muslims.' And Muslims were not with him but a few.
41. And he said, 'embark therein; in the name of Allah is its moving and its berthing. No doubt, my Lord is
assuredly Forgiving, Merciful.
42. And it is sailing with them amidst such waves as mountain. And Nuh called his son, embark with us and be not
with the infidels.
43. He said, 'Now I take refuge of any mountain, it will save me from the water. Said he 'Today there is no
protector from the torment of Allah but for him on whom He has mercy and the wave came in between the
two, so he was among the drowned.
44. And it was commanded. 'O earth Swallow your water. And O heaven; withhold And water was dried and the
affair was accomplished, and the ark settled on mountain Judi' and it was said, away be the people unjust.'
45. And Nuh called upon his Lord, said he, 'O my Lord my son too is of my family, and no doubt, Your promise is
true, and You are the Greatest of rulers.
46. He said, 'O Nuh; he is not of your family, No doubt, his work is not righteous, ask not of Me that of which you
have no knowledge. I admonish you not to become ignorant.
47. Submitted he 'O my Lord I beg Your refuge from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And if you
forgive me not and have not mercy on me, then I shall be loser.
48. It was said. 'O Nuh; get down from the ark with peace from Us and with blessings on you and on some parties
with you. And there are some parties whom We shall allow to enjoy in the world, then a painful torment will
reach them.
49. These tidings of unseen, We reveal to you. Neither you did know nor your people be fore this. Then be patient.
No, doubt there is good end for the duty-bound.
50. And towards Aad (sent) Hud a compatriot of their own. He said, 'O my people, worship Allah. You have no
deity beside Him. You are but fabricators.
51. 'O my people, I ask not any wage for this, My wage is only on Him Who created me.' Have you then no
52. And O my people! Beg forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him, He will send over you heavy rain and will
add strength to your strength, and turn not away your faces committing crimes.
53. They said, 'O Hud you have not come to us having any proof, and we are not to leave our gods merely because
of your saying, nor are we going to believe your words.
54. We say only that one of our gods has smitten you with evil. He said. 'I call Allah to witness and you all hear
witness that I am quit of all those whom you associate with Him
55. Besides Allah. Devise against me you all together then respite me not.
56. I relied on Allah. my Lord and your Lord. There is no moving creature whose forelock is not under His control.
No doubt! My Lord meets on straight path.
57. Then if you turn your faces, then I have already conveyed to you that with which I have been sent to you' and
my Lord will bring others to take your place, and you cannot harm Him at all. No doubt my Lord has watch
over every thing.
58. And when Our Command came, then We saved Hud and the Muslims with him, by showing Our mercy, and
delivered them from severe torment.
59. And these are Aad. The denied the signs of their Lord and disobeyed His Messengers and followed the saying o'
every contumacous haughty enemy.
60. And the curse stuck to them in the world and on the Day of Judgement. Listen. Aad rejected their Lord. Ho:
Away with Aad the people of Hud.
61. And towards Thamud (We sent) Saleh a compatriot of their own. He said, 'O my people, worship Allah. You
have no deity beside Him. He evolved you from the earth and caused you to live therein, then beg forgiveness
of Him' then turn to Him. No doubt' my Lord is near. Responsive.'
62. They said' 'O Saleh. You looked promising amongst us before, 'Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers
worshipped, and verily we are in a big deceitful doubt regarding that to which you call us.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

63. He said, 'O my people! Tell me if I am on a clear proof from my Lord, and He has bestowed me mercy from
Himself, then who will save me against Him, if I disobey Him; then you will increase me nothing save loss.
64. And O my people! This is she-camel of Allah, a sign for you. Then leave her, that she may eat in Allah's earth,
and touch her not with evil lest a near torment reach you.
65. Then they hamstrung her then Saleh said, 'enjoy in your houses three days more. This is a promise that will
not be falsified.
66. Then when Our Command came. We saved. Saleh and the Muslims with him showing Our mercy and from the
humiliation of that day No doubt, your Lord is Mighty, Honorable.
67. And a roaring noise overtook the unjust, then in the morning; they remained lying crouched in their homes.
68. As though they had never dwelt therein. Listen, no doubt, Thamud denied their Lord, Ho; curse be on
69. And no doubt, Our messengers came to Ibrahim with glad tidings. They said, 'Peace;' He said, 'Peace' then not
being late, brought a calf roasted.
70. Then when he saw that their hands did not reach towards the food, he thought them strangers and began to
fear of them in his heart. They said, 'fear not, we have been sent towards the people of Lut.
71. And his wife was standing by, she began to laugh, then We gave her the glad tiding of Ishaque and after
Ishaque of Yaqub.
72. She said, 'Oh; Woe is me. Shall I bear a child' and I am old, and this is my husband, an old man? No doubt,
this is strange thing.
73. The angels said Do you wonder at Allah's Command? The mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, O
people of the house! No doubt, it is He Who is All Praise-Worthy, Honorable.
74. Then when the fear of Ibrahim disappeared, and he got glad-tidings, he began to dispute with Us about the
people of Lut.
75. No doubt, Ibrahim is clement most tender hearted, penitent.
76. 'O Ibrahim! Do not plunge in this thought. No doubt, the Command of your Lord has come, and no doubt. The
torment is to approach them that cannot be averted.
77. And when Our angels came to Lut, he was grieved of them and became sad on account of them, and said, 'this
is a fierce day.'
78. And his people came running to him, and they were in the habit of doing evil deeds from before. He said, 'O
people, these are daughters of my people, they are purer for you, then fear Allah. and do not disgrace 'me in
the face of my guests. Is there not among you any man of good characters?
79. They said you know. That we have no right in the daughters of your people. And you surely know what we
80. He said. "Had I strength against you or might take refuge in a strong pillar.
81. The angels said 'O Lut! We are messengers of your Lord, they cannot reach you then carry forth your family
within night. And let none of you look back except y our wife. The same is to reach her too, what will reach
them. No doubt, their promise is for the morning. Is the morning not nigh?
82. Then when Our Command came' We turned that town upside down and We rained upon it stones of baked clay
83. Which are with y our Lord marked. And those stones are not away from unjust people.
84. And towards Madian Shoaib a compatriot of their own. He said, 'O my people. Worship Allah, there is no deity
beside Him. And diminish not the measure and the weight. No doubt, I see you prosperous, and I fear for you
the torment of encircling day
85. And O my people! Fill up measure and weight with justice and do not give the people their things decreasing
and do not roam in the earth spreading mischief.
86. And that which is left from the provision of Allah is better for you, if you believe, and I am not over you a
87. They said, 'O Shoaib, does your prayer bid you that we should abandon the gods of our fathers, or that we
should not do with our riches whatever we will? Yes please, you are the only wise and up right.
88. He said, 'O my people. Tell me fairly, if I am on a clear proof from my Lord, and He gave me good provision
from Himself. And I do not desire that I myself begin to do against that which I forbid you to do. I only desire
to return as for as I can. And my succor is from Allah only. I relied only upon Him and I turn towards Him only.
89. And O my people! Let not your opposition to me makes you earn that which befell the people of Nuh, or the
people of Hud or the people of Saleh. And the people of Lut are not far away from you.
90. And beg forgiveness of Allah, then turn towards Him. No doubt, my Lord is Merciful, Loving.
91. They said, 'O Shoaib, we do not understand most of your talks; and no doubt, we see you weak among us. And
if there had been your tribe, we would have stoned you. And there is no respect for you in our eyes.'
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

92. He said, 'O my people! Is the pressure of my tribe over you is more than Allah? And you have cast Him behind
your back. No doubt' whatever you do, is under the control of my Lord.
93. And O people! Continue your work at your places, I do my work. Soon you are to know on whom comes the
torment that will disgrace him and who is liar. And wait, I also wait with you.
94. And when my Command came, We saved Shoaib and the Muslims with him by showing Our mercy. And the
roaring noise overtook the unjust then they remained lying on their knees in their homes at morning.
95. s they had never dwelt there. Ho; Be away Madian just as Thamud were removed far away.
96. And verily, We sent Musa with Our signs and clear authority.
97. To Firawn and his courtiers' then they followed the command of Firawn. And the work of Firawn was not rightly
98. He shall be before his people on the Day of Resurrection, and bring them down in the Hell. And what an evil
place of watering to descent.
99. And the curse followed them in this world and on the Day of Resurrection. What is an evil reward, which they
100. These are the tidings of the towns that We relate to you; some of them are standing and some mown down.
101. And We wronged them not, but they did evil to themselves. Their deities, whom they used to worship beside
Allah, availed them not, when the Command of your Lord came, and they increased them nothing save
102. And such is the seizing of your Lord, when He seizes the towns on their injustice. No doubt, His seizing is
painful, severe.
103. No doubt, herein is a sign to him who fears the torment of Hereafter. That is a Day whereon all shall be
gathered together and that is a Day of presence.
104. And We defer it not save for a counted period.
105. When that Day will come, no one will speak save by the leave of God. Then any one of them is unfortunate,
and any one of them is fortunate.
106. Then those who are unfortunate, they are in the Hell, they will bray like ass.
107. They shall abide therein, so long as the heavens and earth abide, save as your Lord will. No doubt, your Lord
accomplishes what He desires.
108. And those who are fortunate, they are in Heaven. They shall abide therein' so long as the heavens and earth
abide, save, as your Lord will. this is the gift un-ending.
109. Then O listener! Be not in delusion concerning that which these infidels worship. They worship as their fathers
used to worship before. And undoubtedly, We shall repay them their portion in full undiminished.
110. And no doubt, We gave Musa the Book, then they differed therein. And if a word of your Lord had not gone
already before, the matter would have been decided between them. And no doubt, they are in a deceptive
doubt about it.
111. And no doubt, to each of them in all your Lord will repay their works in full. He is aware of their doings.
112. Then remain you firm as you have been commanded and whoever has repented with you; and O people! Do
not be arrogant. No doubt He is seeing your works.
113. And do not lean towards wrong doers, lest the Fire Should touch you, and you have no supporter besides Allah,
then you will not be helped.
114. And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and in parts of the night. No doubt, good deeds obliterate evil
deeds. This is admonition for the persons accepting admonition.
115. And be patient, Allah wastes not the reward of the righteous
116. Then why there were not among generations before you persons possessing some virtue who would have
forbidden mischief in the earth, Yes there were few of them whom We delivered'? And the unjust remained
behind the same luxury that was given to them, and they were sinners
117. And your Lord is not such that He would destroy towns without any reason. While its people be good.
118. And if your Lord had willed He would have made all! Mankind one nation, and they will always remain differing.
119. Save those on whom your Lord has mercy, and for this has He created them. And the word of your Lord has
been fulfilled. No doubt' I will fill hell with the jinn and mankind together.
120. And all that We relate to you of the tidings of the messengers is for the purpose of strengthening your heart
therewith? And in this Sura the truth has come to you and admonition to the Muslims.
121. And say you to the infidels, 'continue working on your places' and we do our work.
122. And wait. Lo! We (too) are waiting.
123. And to Allah belong the unseen of the heavens and the earth and towards Him is the return of the whole
affairs, then worship Him and rely upon Him. And your Lord is not heedless of what you do.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)