English Translation of Holy Quran- Surah 29 to 56

Surah Number 29: Al-`Ankabût (The Spider)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 69

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif-Lam-Mim.
2. Are the people proud of this thinking that they will be left alone because they say, 'We believe and they will not
be tested?
3. And undoubtedly, We tested those before them, therefore Allah will necessarily, see the truthful and will
necessarily, see the liars.
4. Or those who do evil deeds have taken it for granted that they will get away from Us. What an evil order they
5. Whosoever hopes to meet Allah, then undoubtedly, the term of Allah is necessarily to come. And He is the
Hearer, the Knower.
6. And whosoever struggles in the way of Allah, then he struggles for his own good. Undoubtedly, Allah is content
from the needs of the entire world.
7. And those who have believed and have done good deeds, We shall necessarily, remove their evils, and shall
necessarily recompense them for the best work with their doings.
8. We have insisted on man to be kind towards parents. And if they strive to make you associate with Me of which
you have no knowledge, then obey them not. To Me is your return, then I will inform you, what you used to
9. And those who have believed and have done good works, necessarily We shall admit them among the
10. And there are some persons who say, 'we have believed in Allah, then when they are meted with any affliction
in the way of Allah, they regard the persecution of the people as equal to the torment of Allah. And if help
comes from your Lord, then they shall surely say, 'We were with you'. Does Allah not know well what is in the
hearts of the people of entire world?
11. And surely Allah will disclose the believers and will surely disclose the hypocrites.
12. And the infidels said to the Muslims, 'follow our pat hand we shall bear your sins'. Whereas they shall not bear
anything out of their sins. Undoubtedly, they are liars.
13. And undoubtedly, they shall surely bear their burdens, and along with their own burdens, other burdens. And
they shall be surely questioned on the Day of Resurrection concerning that which they used to devise falsely.
14. And undoubtedly, We sent Nuh towards his people, then he stayed among them for a thousand years less fifty
years. Then the Deluge over took them and they were oppressors.
15. Then We saved him and those in the ark, and made the Ark a sign for the entire world.
16. And sent Ibrahim, when he said to his people, 'worship Allah, and fear Him'. There is good for you in it if you
would have known.
17. You indeed worship idols besides Allah and you fabricate pure lie. Undoubtedly, those whom you worship
besides Allah have no power to provide. For you, then seek your provision from Allah and worship Him and be
grateful to Him. You are to return towards Him.
18. And if you belie, then many of the people have already belied before you. And the Messenger is not
responsible' but to deliver the message manifestly.
19. And have they not seen, how Allah originates creation, then He will reproduce it? Undoubtedly, it is easy for
20. Say you, 'travel in the earth, then see, how Allah makes first, then Allah up brings the second growth.
Undoubtedly Allah can do everything.
21. He torments whom He pleases and shows mercy whom He pleases, and you are to return only to Him.
22. And neither you can get out of the hold in the earth and nor in the heaven. And neither you have any friend in
need and nor any helper, save Allah.
23. And those who believed not in My signs and meeting with Me, it is they who have no hope of My mercy and for
them is the painful torment.
24. Then his people could answer nothing but that they said, 'slay him or burn him, then Allah rescued him from
the fire, undoubtedly, in it surely are signs for the believers.
25. And Ibrahim said, 'you have indeed taken besides Allah these idols with whom your friendship is within the
span of the life of the world'. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will deny each other and will curse each
other. And the abode of you all is the Hell and you will have no helper.
26. Then Lut believed him. And Ibrahim said, 'I migrate towards my Lord'. Undoubtedly, only He it is, the Mighty,
the Wise.
27. And We bestowed him Ishaq and Yaqoob and We put Prophethood and the Book in his offspring, and We gave
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

him his reward in the world. And undoubtedly, in the Hereafter, he is among those who are worthy of Our
28. And delivered Lut when he said to his people, 'undoubtedly you commit indecency which none among the
entire world has done before you.
29. Do you commit unnatural offence with males and cut off the ways, and commit evil deeds in your assembly?
Then his people's answer was nothing, but that they said, 'bring upon us the torment of Allah if you are
30. He submitted, 'O my Lord, help me against these mischievous people'.
31. When Our angels came to Ibrahim with glad tiding, they said, 'We shall surely destroy the people of this city'.
Undoubtedly, its inhabitants are oppressors'.
32. He said, 'in it indeed is Lut'. The angels said, 'we know well who is in it, we shall surely deliver him and his
family but his wife, she is among those who remain behind.
33. And when Our angels came to Lut, their coming became unpleasant to him and on account of them his heart
was straitened, but they said, 'fear not and nor grieve, undoubtedly, we shall deliver you and your family but
your wife, she is among those who remain behind'.
34. Undoubtedly, we are going to bring down upon the people of this city a torment from the heaven (sky), the
recompense of their disobedience.
35. And undoubtedly, We have left remained from it a bright sign for a people who understand.
36. And to Madian, We sent their compatriot Shoaib, then he said, 'O my people, worship Allah, and hope for the
Last Day and wander not spreading mischief in the Land'.
37. Then they belied him, therefore the earthquake over took them, and then in the morning, they remained lying
38. And destroyed Aad and Thamud and you have already known their dwellings, and the devil (Satan) made their
work appear fair-seeming to them and kept them back from the path though they could see clearly.
39. And Quaroon, and Firawn and Haman (We destroyed). And undoubtedly, Musa came to them with bright signs,
then they showed haughtiness in the land, and they could not outstrip Us.
40. Then We seized each of them on account of his sin. Then as to some of them We sent the storm of stoning,
and as to some of them, a roaring blast overtook them and as to some of them We buried in the earth and as
to some of them, We drowned. And it was not befitting to the Dignity of Allah that He would have oppressed
them, yes they themselves oppressed their souls.
41. The example of those who have made guardians other than Allah is like the spider. She has made a house of
cobweb. And undoubtedly, the frailest of all houses is the house of the spider. What a good thing it would have
been if they knew.
42. Allah knows whatever they worship besides Allah. And He it is the Mighty, the Wise.
43. And these examples We narrate to the people, and none understand them but the learned.
44. Allah has made the heaven and the land with truth. Undoubtedly, in it, there is sign for the Muslims.
45. 'O beloved! Recite the Book that has been revealed to you, and establish prayer. Undoubtedly, the prayer
forbids one from indecency and evil thing. And no doubt, the remembrance of Allah is the greatest. And Allah
knows what you do.
46. And O Muslims! Dispute not with the people of the Book but in a better manner; except those of them who did
wrong and say, 'we have believed in that which has been sent to us and what has been sent down to you and
our God and your God is one and we have submitted before Him'.
47. And O beloved! In the same manner, We sent down the Book to you. Then those whom We gave Book, believe
in it and there are some of these persons who also believe in it. And no one denies Our signs but the infidels.
48. And you used not to recite any Book before it and nor you used to write anything with your hand, in that case
the followers of falsehood would have doubted.
49. Rather it is bright signs in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none denies Our signs
but the unjust.
50. And they said, 'why are not signs were sent down upon them from his Lord'? Say you, 'the signs are with Allah.
And I am indeed a clear -warner'.
51. Does it not suffice them that We have sent down upon you the Book that is recited to them? Undoubtedly, in it
there is mercy and admonition for the believers.
52. Say you, 'Allah is sufficient as a witness between you and me. 'He knows what is in the heavens and in the
earth'. And those who believed in falsehood and denied Allah, they are the people who are in loss.
53. And they demand you to hasten the torment. And if there had not been an appointed term, then most certainty
the torment would have come upon them. And necessarily, it shall come upon them suddenly, when they shall
be unaware.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

54. They demand you to hasten the torment and undoubtedly, the Hell has already surrounded the infidels.
55. The day when the torment will cover them from above them and from beneath their feet, and He will say,
'taste what you have done'.
56. 'O My bondmen! who have believed, no doubt, My Land is spacious, therefore worship Me only.
57. Every soul is to taste death, then you shall return to Us.
58. And undoubtedly, those who have believed and did good deeds, certainly We shall lodge them in the lofty
apartments of the Heaven beneath which streams flow, they shall abide therein for ever. What an excellent
reward of good doers.
59. Those who have preserved and rely only upon their Lord.
60. And how many there are who move on the earth that they have not their provisions with them, Allah provides
them and you also. He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
61. And if you ask them, who has made the heavens and earth and made to serve the sun and the moon, then
they will certainly say, 'Allah', then where are they going perverted?
62. Allah expands provision for whom He will of His bondmen and straitens for whom He will. Undoubtedly Allah
knows everything.
63. And if you ask them, who has sent down water from the heaven and .there with revived the earth after its
death, they shall certainly say, 'Allah'. Say you, all praises to Allah. Nay! most of them have no wisdom.
64. And this life of the world is nothing but sport and play. And undoubtedly the home of the Hereafter, necessarily
that is the true life. What a good thing it was if they knew.
65. Then when they embark on boat they call upon Allah having exclusive faith upon Him. But when He brings
them safe to the land, henceforth they begin to associate.
66. That they may be ungrateful to that which We have bestowed on them and they may enjoy themselves, now
then they are to know.
67. Have they not seen that We have made the sanctified Land secure and the people around them are snatched
away? What! then they believe in falsehood and are ungrateful to the favour of Allah.
68. And who is more unjust than one who forged lie against Allah or belies the truth when it comes to him? Is
there not an abode of the infidels in the Hell?
69. And those who struggled in Our path, surely We shall guide them in Our ways. And no doubt, Allah is with the

Surah Number 30: ArRûm (The Romans)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 60

ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif Lam Mim.
2. The Romans have been subdued.
3. In the nearby land and after their subjugation they will soon overcome.
4. In a few years. The command is of Allah only before and after. And on that day the believers shall rejoice.
5. With the help of Allah, He helps whom He pleases. And He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
6. This is the promise of Allah, Allah breaks not His promise, but most of the people know not.
7. They know only the outer appearance of the worldly life, and they are fully unaware of the Hereafter.
8. Have they-not pondered within themselves? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and whatever is
between them but with truth and for an appointed term. And undoubtedly, most of the people are deniers of
the meeting with their Lord.
9. And have they not traveled in the land so that they might see how was the end of those before them? They
were more powerful than these, and they tilled the soil and populated it. And their Messengers brought to them
bright signs. Then it was not befitting to the dignity of Allah Who would oppress them; yes they used to
oppress themselves.
10. Then the end of those who committed evil to their limit was this that they began to belie the signs of Allah and
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

to mock at them.
11. Allah Creates for the first time then He shall make for the second time, then you shall be returned to Him.
12. And the day when the Hour shall be established the culprits shall despair.
13. And their associates shall not be their intercessors and they will deny their associates.
14. And the day when the Hour shall be established the day they will be separated.
15. Then those who believed and did good deeds, they shall be entertained in the flowerbed of the garden.
16. And those who became infidels and belied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter, they shall be brought
into the torment.
17. Therefore, glorify Allah when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning.
18. And His is praise in the heavens and in the earth, and at little before the setting of sun and when you enter the
19. He brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living, and gives life to the earth
after its death. And in like manner you shall be brought forth.
20. And of His signs is this that He created you from dust, then henceforth you are human beings scattered in the
21. And of His signs is that He created for you from among yourselves couple that you may find repose in them
and He put love and mercy between you. No doubt, in it are signs for a people who ponder.
22. And of His signs is the creation of heavens and earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colours. No doubt,
in it are signs for those who hear.
23. And of His signs is your sleeping by night and day and your seeking of His bounty. No doubt, in it are signs for
those who hear.
24. And of His signs is that He shows you lightening frightening you and making you hopeful and sends down
water from the heaven and gives life therewith the earth after its death. No doubt, in it are signs for a people
of understanding.
25. And of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand firm by His command. Then when He will call you from
the earth, henceforth you will come out.
26. And to Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth. All are under His command.
27. And He it is, Who makes first, then He will make it for the second time, and it should be most easy for Him in
your understanding. And for Him is the, most exalted state in the heavens and in the earth and He is the
Honorable, the Wise.
28. He narrates for you an example from your own conditions. Are some of your servants the possession of your
hand partners in what We have provided for you so that you all become equal therein, you fear them as you
fear each other? Thus do We explain the detail signs for a people who understand.
29. Nay! the unjust followed their own desires without knowledge. Then who will guide him whom Allah has led
astray. And they have no helpers.
30. Therefore, set right your face for the obedience of Allah being one devoted to Him only. The established
pattern of Allah upon which He has created mankind. No change in the created things of Allah. This is the only
right religion. But most of the people know not.
31. Turning to Him in repentance and fear Him and establish prayer and be not of the associaters.
32. Of those who have split up their religion and have become many groups. Every group is happy over what they
33. And when any hurt touches mankind, they call their Lord, turning towards Him, then when He lets them taste
mercy from Him, henceforth, a group of them use to associate partners with their Lord.
34. That they may be ungrateful for what We have given them. So enjoy then, now soon you are to know.
35. Or have We sent down any authority upon them that it is speaking of them as Our associaters?
36. And when We cause mankind to taste of mercy, they rejoice in it. And if any evil befalls them, the recompense
of what their hands have sent forth, hence they despair.
37. Have they not seen that Allah expands the provision for whomsoever He pleases, and straitens for whomsoever
He pleases? Undoubtedly, in it there are signs for the believers.
38. Therefore, give the kinsman his due and the needy and the wayfarer. This is better for those who seek the
pleasure of Allah and it is they who became prosperous.
39. And whatever you give to take back more that it may increase the wealth of the givers, then it will not increase
with Allah, and whatever you give as charity desiring Allah's pleasure, then those have two fold increase.
40. Allah is He Who created you then provided for you, then He will cause you to die, and then He will give you
life. Is there any such of your associates who may do any of these things? Glorified and Exalted is He above
from what they associate.
41. The mischief has appeared in the land and sea, because of the evils earned by the hands of men, so that He
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

may make them taste some of their doings, that haply they may turn back.
42. Say you, travel in the land and see what was the end of those before you. Most of them were associators.
43. Therefore, set your face right for the prayer before there comes a day, which is not to be averted from Allah,
on that day they shall be divided.
44. Whoso commits infidelity, the burden of his disbelief is on him and those who do good, they are preparing for
45. In order that He may reward those who have believed and have done good deeds out of His grace.
Undoubtedly He loves not the infidels.
46. And of His signs is that He sends the winds as bearers of glad tidings and in order that He may cause you to
taste of His mercy and that the ship may sail with His command and that you seek His grace and that you may
be grateful.
47. And undoubtedly, We sent so many Messengers before you, towards their people and they brought them open
signs, then We took vengeance from the culprits. And it is on Our grace binding to help the Muslims.
48. Allah is He Who sends the winds that lift the clouds, then He spreads it in the sky as He pleases, and breaks its
into fragments, then you see the rain is pouring from its midst. Then when He causes it to reach on whom He
pleases of His bondmen, Lo! they rejoice.
49. Though before it was sent down upon them, they had shattered their hopes.
50. Look then the effects of the mercy of Allah, how He gives life to the earth after its death, no doubt, He will give
life to the dead, and He can do everything.
51. And if We send any wind by which they see their harvest yellow, then they would certainly thereafter Continue
to he ungrateful.
52. Therefore you make not the dead to hear nor you make the deaf to hear the call when they turn away showing
their backs.
53. And nor you guide the blind from their error. You make only those to hear who believe in Our signs and they
have already surrendered.
54. Allah is He who made you weak in the beginning, then He gave you strength after weakness, then after
strength caused weakness and old age. He makes what he likes. He is the Knowing, the Authoritative.
55. And the day when the Hour shall be established, the culprits will swear, that they tarried not but an hour. Thus,
they were turned down.
56. And those who were given knowledge and faith said, 'undoubtedly, you have tarried according to the writing of
Allah, until the Day of Rising up. This then is Day of Rising up but you did not know.
57. Therefore on that day, their excuses shall not benefit the oppressors, nor will any one demand them to please
58. And undoubtedly, We have set in this Quran every kind of examples for the people. If you bring them any sign,
the infidels would certainly say then, 'you are not but on falsehood'.
59. Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who do not know.
60. Therefore have patience undoubtedly, the promise of Allah is true, and let not those who have no conviction
make you light.
Surah Number 31: Luqmân (Luqmân)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 34
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif Lam Mim.
2. These are the verses of the Book of wisdom.
3. These are a guidance and mercy for the righteous.
4. Those who establish the prayer and pay the poor due (Zakat) and have firm faith in the Hereafter.
5. They only are upon the guidance from their Lord and they are successful.
6. And some people buy words for mere playing that they may mislead from the path of Allah without knowledge
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

and to make fun of it. For them are the humiliating torments.
7. And when Our signs are recited to him, he turns proudly away, as though he heard them not, as if there was
heaviness in his ears. Therefore, give him good tidings of painful torment.
8. Undoubtedly, those who believe and do good works, for them there are gardens of bliss.
9. They will abide therein. The promise of Allah is true. And He only is the Honorable the Wise.
10. He made the heavens without pillars that you can see and put in the earth anchors lest it shake with you, and
He has scattered therein all kinds of animals, and We sent down water from the sky, then We caused to grow
in the earth every fine pairs of plant.
11. This is the creation of Allah, show me what others have created beside Him. Nay! the unjust are in clear error.
12. And undoubtedly, We bestowed to Luqman wisdom saying, 'Be grateful to Allah'. And whoever is grateful, is
grateful for the good of his own and whoever is ungrateful then certainly Allah is Self Sufficient, All praised.
13. And remember when Luqman said to his son and he was admonishing him, 'O my son, associate not any one
with Allah'. 'Undoubtedly, the association with Allah is a tremendous wrong'.
14. And We have stressed on man concerning his parents, his mother bore him undergoing weakness upon
weakness and his weaning takes two years that give thanks to Me and to your parents. Lastly, the return is
towards Me.
15. And if they both strive to make you associate with Me a thing of which you have no knowledge then obey them
not and accompany them in the world very well and follow him who turned to Me repently, then to Me is your
return, I shall inform you what you used to do.
16. 'O my son! The evil if it be even to the weight of a grain of mustered seed, then it be in a rock or in the
heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Undoubtedly Allah is Knower of every subtlety, Aware.
17. 'O my son! Establish prayer and bid doing good and forbid evil and be patient over whatever befall upon.
Undoubtedly, these are affairs of determination.
18. And make not your cheek crooked while talking to any one and walk not in the earth struttingly. Undoubtedly
Allah loves not any arrogant boaster.
19. And walk moderately and lower your voice to some extent. Undoubtedly in all voices, the most hideous voice is
of an ass.
20. Have you not seen that Allah has made subservient for you whatever is in the heavens and in the earth and
had bestowed upon you in full His graces open and hidden? And among people, there are some who contest
about Allah without knowledge and with no wisdom and without a luminous Book.
21. And when it is said to them, 'follow what Allah has sent down', then they say, 'on the contrary, we shall follow
that on which we found our father'. What! even though the devil may be calling them towards the torment of
the Hell?
22. Therefore whoso submits his face towards Allah and be a good doer, then undoubtedly, he has caught hold of
a strong handle. And towards Allah is the end of all affairs..
23. And whoso commits infidelity, let not his infidelity grieve y out To Us is their return, then We shall tell them
what they used to do. Undoubtedly Allah knows what is inside the breasts.
24. We shall allow them to carry on a little then making them helpless We shall drive towards severe torment.
25. And if you ask them who has created the heavens and the earth, they will surely say 'Allah', say you, 'All
praises belong to Allah'. But most of them know not.
26. To Allah belongs whatever is in the heaven and the earth. Undoubtedly He is self-sufficient All Praiseworthy
27. And if all trees in the earth were pens and the seas, were ink of it with seven more seas added after it, the
words of Allah would not be exhausted. Undoubtedly, Allah is Honourable. Wise.
28. The creation of you all and raising on the Day of Resurrection is only like a single soul. Undoubtedly, Allah
sees, Hears.
29. 'O Listener! Have you not seen that Allah brings night in the day and makes the day in the night and He made
the sun and the moon to serve, each pursues its course till an appointed time - and that Allah is Aware of your
30. This is because Allah is the only Truth and that which they worship besides Him are all falsehood and because
only Allah is High, Great.
31. Have you not seen that the boat moves in the river by the grace of Allah, that He may show you some of His
Signs? Undoubtedly in it are signs for every patient, grateful.
32. And when any wave befalls them like mountains then they call upon Allah having pure faith on Him. But when
He brings them safe towards land, then some of them keep to the middle course. And none shall deny Our
signs but every perfidious, ungrateful.
33. 'O people! Fear your Lord and have apprehension of the day when no father will be of any avail to his son and
not any serviceable son will be able to provide any benefit to his father. Undoubtedly the promise of Allah is
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

true, therefore let not the life of this world deceive you concerning Allah.
34. Undoubtedly, with Allah is the knowledge of the Hour, and He sends down rain and knows what is in the
wombs of the mothers and no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow and no soul knows in what land it will die.
Undoubtedly, Allah is the Knower, All Aware.
Surah Number 32: AsSajdah (The Prostration)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 30
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Alif Lam Mim.
2. The sending down of the Book undoubtedly is from the Lord of the worlds.
3. What they say, 'that it has been fabricated by him? Nay, it is the truth from your Lord that you may warn such
people to whom no warner came before you that haply they may get the way.
4. Allah is, He Who has made heavens and earth and whatever is in between them in six days, then He seated
Himself on the throne. You heave neither supporter nor intercessor leaving Him. Do you not then reflect?
5. He plans the affairs from the heaven to the earth, then it will return to Him in a day whose measure is a
thousand years in your counting.
6. He it is, the knower of every hidden and apparent Honourable, Merciful.
7. He, Who whatever He made, made best, and He began the creation of man from the clay.
8. Then He made his progeny from an extract of valueless water.
9. Then He set him right and breathed into him of His spirit and gave to you ear, and eyes and heart. What a little
gratitude you acknowledge?
10. And they said' 'what! When we shall be merged in the earth, shall we be made a new? Nay! They even deny
the presence before their Lord.
11. Say you, 'the angel of death who has been appointed over you causes you to die, then you shall be returned to
your Lord'.
12. And if you could see when the culprits will be hanging their heads before their Lord, saying, `O our Lord! now
we have seen and have heard, send us back again that we may do good, we are convinced now'.
13. And had We wished, We would have given to every soul its guidance, but My word has been already
established that I shall necessarily fill the Hell with Jinn and men altogether.
14. Now taste you, for you forgot the meeting of this your day, We have left you, now taste the lasting torment the
recompense of your doing.
15. Those only believe in Our signs, who when they are reminded of them, fall down prostrate and praising their
Lord speak His Hollowness and they are not proud. [^] (SAJDA) 9.
16. Their sides keep away from beds and they call upon their Lord in fear and hope and spend in charity out of
what We have provided them.
17. And no soul knows what joy of eyes has been kept hidden for them, the recompense of their doings.
18. Will then he who is a believer be like him who is disobedient, they are not equal?
19. As to those who have believed and have done good deeds for them are gardens for abiding, an entertainment
for their doings.
20. And as for those who are disobedient, their destination is the Fire. Whenever they will wish to come out from
there, they will be returned back into the same and it will be said to them, Taste the torment of this Fire which
you used to belie'.
21. And surely, We will make them taste some of the nearer torments before the great torment, so that one who
sees it may hope that just now they will turn back repenting.
22. And who is more unjust than he who has been admonished by the signs of his Lord and then turned away his
face from them? Undoubtedly We are to take revenge from the culprits.
23. And undoubtedly, We bestowed Book to Musa, you therefore doubt not about meeting him and We made it a
guidance for the children of Israel.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

24. And We appointed from amongst them some leaders that they guide by Our command, while they themselves
endured patiently and they were convinced of Our signs.
25. Undoubtedly, your Lord shall decide between them on the Day of Judgement concerning that in which they
used to differ.
26. And have they not been guided by this that We have already destroyed many generations before them in
whose dwellings, they are today walking about? Undoubtedly in it are signs. Do then they hear not?
27. And do they not see that We send water toward dry land, and produce thereby crops of which their cattle and
they themselves eat? Do then they see not?
28. And they say, 'when shall be this decision if you are truthful'?
29. Say you, 'on the Day of Judgement the believing of infidels shall not avail them and nor will they get time.
30. Therefore turn away your face from them and wait, undoubtedly; they are also to wait.
Surah Number 33: AlAhzâb (The Clans, The Coalition)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 73
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O prophet! The Communicator of unseen continue fearing Allah and hear not the infidels and hypocrites.
Undoubtedly Allah is Knowing, Wise.
2. And continue following that which is being revealed to you from your Lord. Allah is looking your doings.
3. And O beloved! Rely on Allah. And Allah is Sufficient as Accomplisher of affairs.
4. Allah has not put two hearts inside a man, and nor has made your those wives whom you pronounce as equal
to your mother, your real mothers and nor has made your adopted sons your real sons. This is only your saying
of your own mouth. And Allah says the truth and only He shows the way.
5. Call them after their fathers, this is more justified in the sight of Allah, but if you do not know their fathers,
then they are your brothers in faith and as human being your cousin. And there is no blame on you regarding
what has been committed by you unintentionally, yes that is a sin, which you may commit with the intention of
your heart. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
6. This prophet is the owner of the Muslims even more than their own selves and his wives are their mothers. And
blood relations are nearer to one another in the Book of Allah than other Muslims and emigrants but that you
do any favour to your friends. This is inscribed in the Book.
7. And O beloved! Remember when We took covenant from the prophets and from you, and from Nuh and
Ibrahim and Musa and Isa son of Maryam and We took from them a firm covenant.
8. That He may question the truthful regarding their truth, and He has already prepared painful torment for the
9. 'O believers! Remember Allah's favour upon you, when some hosts came against you, then We sent on them
strong wind and an army, which you did not see. And Allah sees your doings.
10. When the infidel's came upon you from above you, and from below you and when eyes drew back in
amazement and your hearts reached your throats and you began to think diverse thoughts about Allah (of
hopes and despairs).
11. That was the place, Muslims were tested and they were shaken with severe shaking.
12. And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there was a disease said, 'Allah and His Messenger
promised us nothing but a delusion'.
13. And when a party of them said, 'O people, of Madina, here there is place for your stay, therefore walk back to
your houses,' and a party of them asked permission of the prophet, saying our houses are unsafe, and they
were not unsafe. They wished not but to flee away.
14. And if the armies were entered upon them from the sides of Madina, and they would have asked sedition of
them, then necessarily, they would not have been late in it but a little
15. And undoubtedly, they had already convenanted with Allah before that, that they would not turn their backs.
And the covenant with Allah shall be questioned of.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

16. Say you, 'Flight will never profit you, if you flee from death or slaying, and even then you shall not be allowed
to enjoy the world but a little'.
17. Say you, 'who is he that may evade the command of Allah from you, if He wills evil for you or desires mercy for
you. And they shall not find for themselves besides Allah any supporter nor helper.
18. Undoubtedly, Allah knows those of you who hinder others from holy war and say to their brothers, come to us,
and they come not to the battle but a little.
19. They are niggardly in helping you, then when the time of fear comes to them, you will see them that they are
looking towards you, their eyes are rolling as the death, has covered anyone, then when the time of fear has
passed away, they began to taunt you with sharp toungs being greedy of the booty. These people have never
believed, therefore Allah has nullified their works, and this is an easy thing for Allah.
20. They are thinking that the armies of the infidels have not yet gone, and if the armies come again, they would
have wished them that anyhow being out in the village would enquire about your news. If they would have
been among you, even then they would not have fought but a little.
21. Undoubtedly, you have the best in the following of the Messenger, for him who hopes for Allah and the Last
Day and remembers Allah much.
22. And when the Muslims saw the confederates of the infidels said, 'this is what Allah and His Messenger promised
us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth and it increased them nothing but faith and submission to the
pleasure of Allah.
23. Among Muslims are men who have made true the covenant they had made with Allah, then there are some of
them who have fulfilled their vows and some who are still waiting and they are not changed in the least.
24. That Allah may recompense the truthful ones for their truth and torment the hypocrites, if He will or He may
turn towards them. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
25. And Allah turned back the infidels with their hearts burning, they gained no good, and Allah sufficed the
Muslims in the fight and Allah is Powerful, Honourable.
26. And brought down those of the people of the Book who had helped them from their fortresses and cast terror
in their hearts. You slay a group of them and another you make captive.
27. And We made you to capture their lands and their houses and their wealth and a land on which you have not
set foot yet, And Allah is Potent over every thing.
28. 'O the Communicator of unseen (prophet) says to your wives, 'If you wish the life of the world and its
adornment, then come, I provide you wealth and leave you in a well manner.
29. And if you wish Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter then undoubtedly, Allah has kept
prepared for the well doers among you a great reward.
30. 'O wives of the prophet! Whosoever of you dares to do against manifest modesty shall have double torment in
comparison to others. And this is easy for Allah.
31. And whosoever of you remain obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does good deeds, We shall double her
reward in comparison to others and We have kept prepared for her an honourable provision.
32. 'O wives of the prophet' you are not like other women if you fear Allah, therefore be not so polite in your
speech lest one in whose heart is a disease should feel tempted, yes, speak good words.
33. And remain stay in your houses and be not unveiled like that of the unveiling of the former days of ignorance,
and establish prayer and pay the poor-due (Zakat) and obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger. Allah
only desires O! The members of the family of the prophet! That He may remove from you every uncleanness
and purify you well after cleaning you thoroughly.
34. And remember what is recited in your houses of the signs of Allah and His wisdom Undoubtedly, Allah knows
every subtlety, is Aware
35. Undoubtedly, Muslims men and women, and the be lieving men and women, and obedient men and women
and truthful men and women and enduring men and women and humble men and women, and almsgiving
men and women and fasting men and women, and men and women who guard their chastity and men and
women who remember Allah much, for all of them Allah has kept prepared forgiveness and great reward.
36. And it is not befitting to a Muslim man or Muslim woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed
something that they would have any choice in their matters, and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger,
he undoubtedly, has strayed away manifestly.
37. And O beloved! Remember when you did say to him whom Allah bestowed a favour and you had bestowed a
favour, 'keep your wife with yourself and fear Allah and you had in your heart what Allah had willed to disclose
and you were afraid of people's taunting remarks; and Allah has a greater right that you should fear Him. Then
when Zaid had accomplished his purpose with her, We gave her in your marriage, so that there should be no
hindrance upon the Muslims in respect of the wives of their adopted sons when they have accomplished their
purpose with them. And Allah's order is bound to be fulfilled.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

38. There is no hindrance for the prophet regarding that which Allah has appointed for him. Such has been the
practice of Allah among those who have gone before and the command of Allah is the ordained destiny.
39. Those who deliver the messages of Allah, fear Him, and fear none except Allah. And Allah is Sufficient as a
40. Mohammed is not the father of any of your men; yes He is the Messenger of Allah and the last one among all
the prophets. And Allah knows all things.
41. 'O believers! Remember Allah much.
42. And glorify Him morning and evening.
43. It is He Who sends blessings on you and His angels too that He may bring you forth from darkness into light.
And He is Merciful to the Muslims.
44. For them, the greeting at the time of their meeting is "Peace", and He has kept prepared for them an
honourable reward.
45. 'O prophet! The Communicator of unseen news, no doubt, We have sent you as a present beholder and bearer
of glad tiding and a warner.
46. And an inviter towards Allah by His command and a brightening sun.
47. And give glad tidings to the believers that for them is great bounty of Allah.
48. And do not do for the pleasure of infidels and hypocrites and overlook their annoyance and put your trust in
Allah. And Allah suffices as an Accomplisher.
49. 'O believers! When you marry Muslim women, then divorce them before touching them, in that case, you have
no period of waiting which you may count against them, so give some benefit to them and leave them in a
noble manner.
50. 'O Prophet! The Communicator of unseen news, We have made lawful for you those of your wives when you
pay dower and the possession of your hand the slave girls whom Allah has given you as the spoils of war, and
the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your
maternal uncles and aunts who have migrated with you, and the believing women if she presents herself to the
prophet and the prophet desires to marry her, this provision is specially for you and not for the believing men.
We know what We have appointed for them concerning their wives and the possession of their hands the slave
girls; this specialty is of your so that there may not be any hardship on you. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
51. You may put behind any of them whom you like and may give place near you any of them whom you like. And
if you desire to have any one of those whom you had put aside, there is no blame on you. This is nearer than
that their eyes may be cooled and that they may not grieve and they all may be pleased with what you have
given them. And Allah knows what is in the hearts of you all. And Allah is knowing, For-bearing.
52. Thereafter other women are not allowed for you and nor you take other wives in exchange of them though
their beauty please you but slave girl the possession of your hand. And Allah is Watchful over every thing.
53. 'O believers! Enter not the houses of the prophet unless you get permission, for instance you are invited to a
meal, but not in this manner that you yourself wait for its preparation, yes when you are invited then enter and
when you have taken your meal then disperse, nor this that you may sit down and amuse yourselves in talks.
Undoubtedly, this was causing inconvenience to the Prophet, and he had regard for you, but Allah is not shy of
saying the truth. And when you ask them anything of use, ask it of them from behind a curtain. In this, there is
more purity of your hearts and their hearts. And it does not be have you that you should annoy the Messenger
of Allah and nor you should ever marry his wives after him. Undoubtedly, this is a grievous thing in the sight of
54. Whether you disclose any thing or conceal it, undoubtedly, Allah knows all things.
55. There is no harm for them in respect of their fathers or their sons or their brothers, or their brother's sons, or
their sister's sons or the women of their own faith or their maids (slave women) and remain fearing Allah.
Undoubtedly, every thing is in the sight of Allah.
56. Undoubtedly, Allah and His angels send blessings on the prophet the Communicator of unseen news, O you
who believe! Send upon him blessings and salute him fully well in abundance.
57. Undoubtedly, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah's curse is upon them in the world and in the
Hereafter and Allah has kept prepared for them a degrading torment.
58. And those who hurt the believing men and believing women without doing anything, they have taken over their
heads a calumny and an open sin.
59. 'O Prophet! Tell to your wives, and daughters and Muslim women, that they should keep putting a part of their
wrapping covers over their faces. This is nearer than this that if they are recognized, they should not be
annoyed. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
60. If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is a disease and those who circulate lies in Madina desist not,
We shall surely give you authority over them; then they will not remain with you in Madina but a little.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

61. Accursed they are wherever they are found they shall be seized, and be slain counting one by one.
62. This has been the practice of Allah regarding those who have gone before, and you shall never find a change in
the practice of Allah.
63. The people ask you concerning the Hour. Say you, 'its knowledge is with Allah alone, and what you know
perhaps the Hour may be near
64. Undoubtedly, Allah has cursed the infidels, and has kept prepared for them a blazing fire.
65. Wherein they shall abide for ever, they shall find therein no supporter nor helper.
66. The day when their faces turning up and down will be fried in the Fire, they will say, 'Oh, would that we have
obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.
67. And they will say, 'O our Lord! we obeyed our chiefs and our elders, and they led us astray from the way.'
68. 'O our Lord! give them double torment of Fire, and curse them with a great curse.
69. 'O believers! be not like those who have annoyed Musa, then Allah exonerated him of what he spoke of him.
And Musa is honourable in the sight of Allah.
70. 'O believers! fear Allah and say the right word.
71. He will set right your deeds for you and will forgive you your sins, And whoso obeys Allah and His Messenger,
has got a great success.
72. Undoubtedly, We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it
and were afraid of it, and man bore it. Undoubtedly, he is the bearer of hardship, ignorant.
73. So that Allah may torment hypocrites men, women and idolatrous men and women, and that Allah may accept
the repentance of Muslim men and women. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Surah Number 34: Saba` (Saba)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 54
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. All praise to Allah, Whose is all belongings whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and His is
the praise in the Hereafter. And He is the Wise, the Aware.
2. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the heaven and
what ascends into it. And He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.
3. And the infidels said, 'the Hour will not come unto us'. Say you, 'why not by my Lord, it will no doubt, come to
you.' He knows the unseen. Not even an atoms weight, any thing in the heavens and in the earth is absent
from Him, and nor even anything less than that or greater, but it is in a perspicuous Record.
4. So that He may recompense those who believed and did good works. These are for whom there is forgiveness,
and an honourable provision.
5. And those who tried to defeat in Our signs for them is the suffering of the painful torment.
6. And those who have been given knowledge know that what has been sent down to you from your Lord is the
only truth and guides to the path of All Dignified, All Laudable.
7. The infidels said, 'shall we point you a person who will inform you that when being torn into pieces you become
small particles, you are then to be made a new.
8. Has he forged a lie against Allah or is he afflicted with madness? Nay, but those who do not believe in the
Hereafter are in the torment and far-gone error.
9. Have they then not seen what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We will
We may cause them to sink in the earth or cause a piece of the sky to fall upon them. Undoubtedly, in it is a
sign for every bondman repentant.
10. And undoubtedly, We gave to Daud a great grace from Us. O mountains! Turn towards Allah with him and O
birds! and We made the iron soft for him.
11. That make wide coats of mail and keep regard of the measurement in making, and you all do righteousness,
Undoubtedly, I am seeing your works.
12. And to Sulaiman We subjected the wind, its morning stage was of a month journey and its evening stage was
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

of a month journey and We made to flow a stream of molten brass for him. And of the Jinns those who worked
before him by the command of his Lord. And those of them who swerved from Our Commands We shall make
them taste the torment of the blazing fire.
13. They made for him what he desired, lofty palaces and statues and trough of the size of big tanks and anchored
cauldrons. O members of the family of Daud! Give thanks And there are few in My bondmen that are thankful.
14. Then when We decreed death for him. We informed not the jinns about his death but termite of the earth that
used to eat his staff. So when he came down on earth, the reality of the jinns were known if they had known
the unseen, they would not have been in this degrading torment.
15. Undoubtedly, for Saba there was a sign in their own dwelling place, two gardens in the right and on the left.
Eat you of the provision of your Lord and render thanks to Him. A clean city and a Forgiving Lord.
16. But they turned their faces, We then sent towards them a fierce flood and We exchanged their two gardens
with two other gardens bearing insipid fruit and tamarisk and a few lote trees.
17. We recompensed them in this way a punishment for their ungratefulness and whom so We punish only him
who is ungrateful.
18. And We set, between them and the cities that We had blessed, many cities by the way (to be seen) and put
them in measured stages. Travel in them nights and days in security.
19. But they said, O our Lord! Put distance in our journeys and they wronged themselves, therefore We made
them tales and We broke them into pieces with full confusion. Undoubtedly, in it arc signs for every enduring
grateful person.
20. And undoubtedly, Iblis proved his conjecture true to them, so they followed him but a party that was Muslim.
21. And there was no control of the devil (Satan) over them but it was so that We may show him who believes in
the Hereafter and who is of them in doubt. And your Lord is Watchful over all things.
22. Say you, Call upon those whom you have already fancied apart from Allah, they are not owner even of an
atom's weight in the heavens or in the earth and nor they have any share in either of them and nor any of
them a helper to Allah.
23. And intercession with Him is of no use but for him about whom He permits, until when after giving permission
the bewilderment of their hearts is removed they say to one another, what is it that your Lord has said? They
say 'whatever He said, said truth,' And He is the Exalted, The Great.
24. Say you, 'who provides for you from the heavens and the earth'? Say you, 'Allah and , undoubtedly, either we
or you necessarily are upon the guidance or in open error.'
25. Say you, 'if in your opinion we have committed any crime, you shall not be asked about, nor we shall be
questioned about your deeds.'
26. Say you, 'Our Lord shall bring us together, then He shall decide between us with truth.' And He is the great
judge, the All Knowing.
27. Say you, 'show me those associates, whom you have joined with Him, never, Aye He is Allah. The Dignified,
the Wise.
28. And O beloved! We sent not you but with Messenger ship encircling entire mankind, as a bearer of glad tidings
and a warner, but most of the people do not know.
29. And they say, 'when, shall this promise come, if you are truthful.'
30. Say you, 'for you is the promise of a day from which neither you can go behind for a single moment nor you
can go ahead of it.'
31. And the infidels said, 'We shall never believe, in this Quran and nor in those books which were before it.' And if
you could see when the unjust will be made to stand before their Lord; they shall cast back the word one
against the other, those who were pressed will say to those who were swelled with pride, 'if you had not been,
we would surely have believed.'
32. Those who were swelled with pride will say to those who were pressed, 'Had we prevented you from the
guidance after it came to you, say, nay you were culprits yourselves.'
33. And those who were pressed will say to those who were swelled with pride, 'Nay! It was your plotting of night
and day, when you used to command us that we should deny Allah and should set up equals for Him. And they
began to repent secretly when they saw the torment. And We put shackles on the necks of those who were
deniers. What they shall be recompensed, but only for that they used to do.
34. And whenever We sent any warner in any city, the well-off people, thereof said, 'we deny that with which you
have been sent.'
35. And they said, 'we are greater in riches and children, and we are not to be tormented.'
36. Say you, 'undoubtedly, Lord expands the provision for whom He pleases, and straitens it for whom He, pleases,
but most of mankind know not.'
37. And your wealth and your children are not capable of bringing you near to Us but those who believed and did
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

righteousness have double reward the recompense of their doings and they are secure in lofty mansions.
38. And those who try to defeat in Our signs, they shall be brought in the torment.
39. Say you, 'undoubtedly, my Lord expands provision for whom He pleases of His bondmen and straitens for
whom He pleases.' And whatever you spend in the way of Allah, He will recompense you with more. And He is
the best of the providers.'
40. And the day He will raise up all of them, He will then say to the angels, 'did these men use to worship you?'
41. They shall submit, 'Sanctified are you, You are our friend, not they, Nay, they used to worship the Jinn, most of
them had believed in them.
42. Therefore today none of you shall have power to do good or bad one another. And We shall say to the
oppressors, 'taste the torment of this Fire which you used to belie.
43. And when Our clean signs are recited to them, they say then, 'this is not but a man who desires to bar you
from that your fathers worshipped'; and say, 'this is not but calumny fabricated.' And the infidels said about the
truth when it came to them, 'this is not but open magic.'
44. And We gave not them some books, which they studied, nor any warner came to them before you.
45. And those before them belied, and these reached not even a tenth of what We had given them, but they belied
My Messengers. Then how was My dis-approval.
46. Say you, 'I give you one admonition that keep you standing for Allah in twos and singly, then reflect,' there is
nothing of madness in your this companion. He is not but a warner to you before a severe torment.
47. Say you, 'if I might have asked you some reward against it, then it is yours.' My reward is only upon Allah, and
He is witness over everything.
48. Say you, 'undoubtedly, my Lord casts the truth, the Knower of all hidden things.'
49. Say you, 'the truth has come and falsehood neither originates and nor be restored.'
50. Say you, 'if I strayed then I strayed only to my own loss, and if I have been guided then on account of what
my Lord has revealed to me. Undoubtedly, He Hears, is near.
51. And anyhow you could see, when they shall be put in confusion, but then they would not go safe and they will
be seized from a place nearby.
52. And they will say, 'we now believe therein;' and how can they get back to it from a far off place.
53. That they had already disbelieved in it before; and they hurl without seeing from a far-off place.
54. And a barrier has been placed between them and that which they long for, as was done with their former
groups. Undoubtedly, they were in a deceiving doubt.
Surah Number 35: Fâtir or AlMalâ`ikah (The Creator)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 45
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. All praise to Allah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth, the Appointer of the angels as Messengers who
have twos, threes and fours wings. He increases in creation what He pleases. Undoubtedly, Allah is Potent over
every thing.
2. Whatever mercy Allah opens for mankind none there is to withhold it, and what ever He withholds, none there
is to release it thereafter. And He the only Dignified, the Wise.
3. 'O mankind! remember the favour of Allah upon you. Is there any creaser beside Allah who provides for you
from the heavens and the earth? There is no God but He, whither then are you turning back?
4. If they belie you, then no doubt, Messengers have been belied before you. And all affairs return to Allah.
5. 'O mankind! Undoubtedly, the promise of Allah is true, let never then deceive you the life of the world, and let
not the great deceiver deceive you regarding the serenity of Allah.
6. Undoubtedly, the devil is your enemy. He only invites his party that they be among the companions of the Hell.
7. For the infidels there is severe torment and those who have believed and have done good works, for them is
Forgiveness and great reward.
8. Will he in whose sight his evil work has been adorned so that he thought, it good, be like him who is guided?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

Therefore Allah leads astray whom He please and guides whom He pleases. So let not your soul be gone away
in regrets for them, Allah knows well whatever they do.
9. And Allah is He Who sends the winds that stir up clouds, then We drive it to a dead land and give life to the
earth therewith after its death. This is the rising up in the Resurrection.
10. Whoever desires honour, then all honours belong to Allah. Towards Him ascends all pure words, and the
righteous work does He exalt. And those who plot evils, for them is the severe torment. And the plotting of
these only will perish.
11. And Allah created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then made you pairs. And no female does not bear,
nor she gives birth but with His knowledge. To whomsoever of long age is given age or the age of whomsoever
is curtailed, all this is in a Book Verily it is easy for Allah.
12. And both seas are not alike. This is sweat, very sweat a pleasant water and this the other one is saltish bitter.
And from each you eat fresh meat and take out an ornament to wear, and you see the boats therein that they
cleave the water so that you may seek His grace and that you be grateful.
13. He brings the night into the day and brings the day into the night and He has engaged the sun and the moon
into services; every one run upto an appointed time. This is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom. And those
whom you worship beside Him, own not even the husk of a date palm
14. If you invoke them they will not listen to your call, and even if they heard they could not grant your wish. And
on the Day of judgement they will deny your associating. And none will inform you like the All Aware.
15. 'O mankind! You are all in need of Allah. And Allah only, He is all-Independent, All praised.
16. If He please, He may take you away and bring a new creation.
17. And this is not anything difficult for Allah.
18. And no soul bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. And if any one heavily loaded calls any other to
share its load, not anyone-will bear anything from its burden, even though he may be a near relation. O
beloved! Your warning is useful only for those who fear their Lord with out seeing and establish prayer. And
who became purified, purified himself for his own good. And to Allah is the return.
19. And the blind and seeing are not equal.
20. And nor the darkness and the light.
21. And nor the shadow and the heat of the full sun.
22. And equal are not the living and the dead. Undoubtedly, Allah causes him to hear whom He pleases; and you
are not to make those who are lying in their graves to hear.
23. You are but a warner.
24. 'O beloved! undoubtedly, We have sent you with truth as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner. And
whoever was a group of people in each of them a warner has already passed away.
25. And if they belie you' then those before you have already belied, there came to them their Messengers with
clear proofs and with the scriptures and the shining Book.
26. Then I seized the infidels, then how was My abhorrence?
27. Have you not seen that Allah has sent down water from the sky and then We brought forth there with fruits of
different colours. And in the mountains are streaks white and red of different colours and some raven black.
28. And men and beasts and cattle in like manner, there are various colours, Only those of His bondmen who
possess knowledge fear Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah is Dignified, Forgiving.
29. Verily those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend out of what We have given them
secretly and openly hope for a trade in which there is never loss.
30. In order that He may give them their reward in full and give more out of His bounty. Verily He is Forgiving
31. And the Book We revealed to you is the truth confirming the Books before it. Verily Allah is Aware of His
bondmen and Seeing.
32. Then We made Our selected bondmen as inheritors of the Book, then of them is he who wrongs himself; and
of them is he who takes a middle course; and of them is he who has gone ahead in goods by Allah's leave. This
is indeed the great grace.
33. In the gardens of inhabitation they will enter, they will be made to wear in it bracelets of gold and pearls, and
their dress therein is silken.
34. And they will say, 'All praise to Allah Who has removed our grief. Undoubtedly, our Lord is Forgiving,
35. Who out of His grace has made us alight in a place of comfort, wherein no trouble reaches us and nor any
weariness affects us.
36. And those who committed infidelity, for them is the fire of Hell, death will not be decreed for them so that they
may die and nor will the torment thereof be lightened for them. Thus do We punish every ungrateful person.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

37. And they will be crying therein, O our Lord! take us out that we may do good contrary to that we used to do
before. And did We not give you a life in which he who wishes to reflect, reflects? And a warner had come to
you, now therefore taste you, there is no helper for the unjust.
38. Undoubtedly, Allah is the Knower of every hidden thing of the heavens and the earth. Verily He knows the
thoughts of the hearts.
39. He it is Who made you successors of the formers in the earth. Therefore He who commits infidelity his infidelity
falls on him. And the infidelity of the infidels will not increase with their Lord but disgust; and the infidelity of
the infidels increase not but loss.
40. Say you, well, tell your those associate gods whom you worship beside Allah. Show me what portion of the
earth they have made, or have they any partnership in the heavens, or have We given them any Book so that
they are on clear proofs thereof? Nay but the unjust people promise to each other nothing but delusion.
41. Undoubtedly, Allah has withheld the heavens and the earth lest they move, if they move who then might
withhold them save Allah? Verily He is All Clement, All Forgiving.
42. And they swore by Allah with the utmost strength of their oaths that if a warner came to them, they will
necessarily then be better guided than any of the other communities. But when a warner came to them, it
increased in them not but to hate.
43. Swelling their souls high in the earth and evil plotting. And the evil plotting encompasses only its author. There
fore what they are waiting for but for the same precedents of the ancients. But you will never find the manner
of Allah changing, and will never find the laws of Allah shifting.
44. Have they not traveled in the earth, so that they might see, how has been the end of those before them, and
they were stronger in power than these? Allah is not such that any thing in the heavens and the earth could go
out of His control. Verily He is knowing, Authoritative.
45. And if Allah were to seize men for what they do, He would not leave any moving creature on the back of the
earth, but He lets them loose until an appointed time, and when their promise will come, then no doubt, all
bondmen of Allah are in His sight.
Surah Number 36: YâSîn (YâSîn)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 83
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Yasin.
2. By the wise Quran.
3. No doubt, you.
4. Have been sent on straight path.
5. Sent down by the Dignified, the Merciful.
6. So that you may warn a people whose fathers were not warned so they are unaware.
7. Undoubtedly, the word has been proved against most of them, so they shall not believe.
8. We have put on their necks chains reaching to their chins, so they remained raising up their faces.
9. And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and covered them from above, therefore
they see nothing.
10. And it is equal for them whether you warn them or warn them not, they are not to believe.
11. You warn only him who follows admonition and fears the Most Affectionate without seeing, so give him glad
tiding of forgiveness and a respectable reward.
12. Undoubtedly, We shall give life to the dead and We are noting down what they have sent forward and what
signs they have left behind and We have already kept counted every thing in a clean Book.
13. And narrate them the signs of the people of a city; when there came to them sent ones.
14. When We sent to them two. Then they belied them, so We strengthened them with a third, now they all said;
verily we have been sent to you.'
15. They said, 'you are not, but a man like us and the Most Affectionate has sent down nothing, you are only lying.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

16. They said, 'our Lord Knows that undoubtedly, we have necessarily been sent to you'.
17. And on us is not but clear deliverance.
18. They said, we augur ill of you, undoubtedly, if you desist not, we shall then surely stone you, and a painful
chastisement from us will certainly fall you.
19. They said, 'your ill star is with you. Do you start on it that you are made to understand? Nay, you are a people
exceeding the limit.
20. And from the remote part of the city. there came a man running He said, 'O my people, follow the sent ones.'
21. Follow those who do not ask any reward of you and they are on the right course.
22. And what is to me that I should not worship Him Who created me and you are to return only to Him.
23. Shall I take, besides Allah, other gods that if the Most Affectionate intends any harm, their intercession shall
not be of any use to me and nor would they save me?
24. Undoubtedly then I am in a clear error.
25. Undoubtedly I believed in your Lord, so listen to me.
26. It was said to him, enter the garden. He said, 'would that my people knew.'
27. As my Lord has forgiven me and has made me of the honored ones.
28. And We sent not against his people after him any army from the heaven and nor We ever to send down there
any army.
29. It was but only a shriek, hence they remained extinguished.
30. (And it was said) Ah! Woes on those bondmen, when any Messenger comes to them, they merely mock at
31. Have they not seen that how many generations before them We have destroyed? Now they are not to return to
32. And all of them shall be made to appear before Us.
33. And a sign for them is the dead earth We gave life to it and We brought forth grains from it. then they eat
34. And We made therein gardens of dates and vines and We caused to gush forth springs therein.
35. In order that they may eat the fruits thereof and it is not made of their hands. Will then they not be grateful?
36. Sanctified is He who has made all pairs of what the earth grows, of themselves, and of those things of which
they have no knowledge.
37. And a sign for them is the night, We draw off the day therefrom, hence they are in darkness.
38. And the sun runs to its appointed resting-place. This is the commandment of the Dominant, the Knowing.
39. And We have appointed stages for the moon till it becomes again like an old branch of palm tree.
40. It is not for the sun that it might catch the moon and nor the night may supercede the day. And each one is
floating in an orbit.
41. And a sign for them is that We bore their offspring in a laden Ark.
42. And We have created for them similar (vessels) on which they ride.
43. And if We please, We may drown them, then there will be none to reach to their cry nor they shall be rescued.
44. But a mercy from Us and a convenience for a time.
45. And when it is said to them, 'fear what is before you and what is to come behind you that perchance you may
receive mercy, then they turn their faces'.
46. And whenever there comes to them any sign out of the signs of their Lord, they turn their faces from it.
47. And when it is said to them, spend something out of that with which Allah has provided you', then the infidels
say to the Muslims, 'shall we feed those whom Allah would have fed, if He had so willed? You are not but in a
manifest error.
48. And they say, 'when this promise will come, if you are truthful?
49. They wait not but for a shriek that will seize them when they will be busy in worldly disputes.
50. Then neither they will be able to make a will nor will they return to their homes.
51. And the trumpet shall be blown, henceforth they will walk running towards their Lord from their graves.
52. They will say, 'Ah', woe to us', who has awakened us from our sleeping. This is what the Most Affectionate had
promised and the Messengers told the truth.
53. It will not be but a horrible shrieking, henceforth they all shall be presented before Us.
54. So today no soul shall be wronged, and you shall not be recompensed but what you have done.
55. Undoubtedly, the inmates of Heaven are enjoying their, entertainment comfortably.
56. They and their wives are in shades reclining on raised couches.
57. There is a fruit therein for them and there is for them whatever they ask for.
58. Peace will be on them, a word from the Merciful Lord.
59. And to day, be separate, O you culprits!
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

60. 'O children of Adam, Had I not made covenant with you that you should not worship the devil (Satan), verily he
is your manifest enemy.
61. And that you should worship Me. This is the straight path.
62. And undoubtedly, he has led astray a great number of people from you. Had you then no wisdom?
63. This is the Hell, which you were promised.
64. Enter it today, the recompense of your infidelity.
65. Today, We shall set seal on their mouths and their hands will talk to us and their feet will bear witness of their
66. If We willed, We would have obliterated their eyes, then they would have rushed towards the path but they
would see nothing.
67. If We willed, We would have mutilated their faces sitting in their homes, they could not be able to go on or
could return.
68. And to whosoever We give long life, We revert him in creation. Do they then not understand?
69. And We have not taught him to compose verses and nor it is befitting to his dignity. It is not but admonition
and luminous Quran.
70. In order that it may warn him who is alive and the word may be proved against the infidels.
71. And have they not seen that We have created from them Our hand made cattle, so they are their owners?
72. And We have subjected the same for them that some of them they ride and some others they eat.
73. And there are in them various other benefits and drinks for them. Will they not be thankful?
74. And they have taken besides Allah other gods that perhaps they may be helped.
75. They can not help them, but they and their army all shall be brought before arrested.
76. Therefore let not their speech grieve you, Undoubtedly, We know what they conceal and what they disclose.
77. And has the man not seen that We have made him from a sperm, henceforth he is an open disputant?
78. And he says for Us a similitude and has forgotten his creation. He said, 'who will give life to the bones when
they are totally rotten.'
79. Say you, He will give life to them, Who made them the first time. And He Knows every creation.
80. Who produced fire for you out of the green tree, henceforth you kindle therefrom.
81. And what! He who created the heavens and the earth can not make the like of them. Why not, and He is the
Great Creator, all Knowing.
82. For Him is this only that whenever He intends any thing, then He says to it, 'Be' and it becomes at once.
83. Therefore, Sanctified is He in Whose hand is the control of every thing, and towards Him, you will be returned.
Surah Number 37: Saffat` (The Ranks)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 182
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By those Who range them selves in ranks properly.
2. Then by those who drive by chiding.
3. Then by those groups that recites Quran.
4. Undoubtedly, your God is necessarily One.
5. The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is in between them and the Lord of the casts.
6. And undoubtedly, We adorned the lower heaven with the adornment of the stars.
7. And a safeguard from every contumacious devil (Satan).
8. They can not give ear towards heavenly world and they are pelted from every side.
9. To drive them away and for them is the perpetual torment.
10. But he who carries away by swooping once or twice then are at once followed by a bright burning flame.
11. Therefore ask them, is their creation stronger or Our other creations heavens and angels etc? Undoubtedly We
have made them of sticking clay.
12. But you do wonder and they ridicule it.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

13. And when they are made to understand, they understand not.
14. And when they see any sign, they ridicule it.
15. And they say, 'this is not but an open magic'.
16. What! when we become dust and bones after death, shall we necessarily be raised?
17. And our former fore-fathers too?
18. Say you, 'yes, and you shall be disgraced ones'.
19. Then it will be only a single horrible shout, henceforth they will begin to see.
20. And they will say, 'woe, alas to us it will be said to them' 'This is the Day of Requital.'
21. This is the Day of judgement, which you used to belie.
22. Drive and bring together the oppressors and their companions, and what they used to worship.
23. Beside Allah, and drive them to the path of the Fire.
24. And stop them, they are to be questioned.
25. What happened to you, why you do not help each other?
26. Nay, today they have surrendered themselves.
27. And of them, one faced the other mutually questioning.
28. They said, 'you used to approach us for misleading from right side.
29. They will reply, 'you yourselves were not believing.
30. And We had no control over you, but rather you were a people contumacious.
31. Therefore, the sentence of our Lord has been proved against us that we are necessarily to taste.
32. And we misled you for we ourselves had gone astray.
33. Therefore that day they are all sharers in the torment.
34. Thus, We do with the culprits.
35. Undoubtedly, when it was said to them, 'None is to be worshipped beside Allah', they then swelled with pride.
36. And they used to say, shall we indeed leave our gods, because of the saying of a mad poet?
37. No indeed, rather he has brought the truth and he has confirmed the Messengers.
38. Undoubtedly, you are to taste a painful agony.
39. And you shall not be recompensed but of your own doings.
40. But those who are the chosen bond men of Allah.
41. For them is that provision which is in Our knowledge.
42. Fruits, and they shall be honored.
43. In the Gardens of comfort.
44. They will be on thrones face to face.
45. There will be a round of a flowing drink cup before their eyes.
46. White coloured, delicious to those who drink.
47. Wherein neither there is intoxication and nor their heads will become giddy wherewith.
48. And they have those, who will not look towards any one else other than their husbands, having large eyes.
49. As they are eggs preserved.
50. Then of them one faced the other questioning.
51. A speaker from among them said, 'I had a mate of mine.'
52. 'Who used to say, do you take it to be true'?
53. What! when we are rotten and will become dust and bones, shall we then be requited?
54. He will say, 'will you peep and see?'
55. Then he peeped and saw him in the midst of Flaming fire.
56. He said, By God, it was near that, you would cause me to perish.'
57. And had it not been for the favour of my Lord, I would surely have been seized and presented'.
58. Is it not then we are to die?
59. But our first death and that we are not to be punished.
60. No doubt, this is the supreme triumph.
61. Therefore, let the workers work the like of this.
62. Is this entertainment better or the tree of Zaqqum? (Bearing bitter, un-tasty and sour fruits).
63. Undoubtedly, We have made it a test for the unjust.
64. Verily, it is a tree, which grows in the bottom of Hell.
65. Its spikes are like the heads of monsters.
66. And verily they shall eat of it, And fill their bellies with it.
67. Then undoubtedly, for them there is in addition to it a mixture of boiling water.
68. Then their return is necessary towards a Flaming Fire.
69. Undoubtedly, they found their fathers erring.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

70. So they are rushing in their footsteps.
71. And undoubtedly, most of the ancient went astray before them.
72. And undoubtedly, We sent warners in them.
73. Then look as to how was the end of those who were warned.
74. Save the chosen devotees of Allah.
75. And undoubtedly, Nuh called to Us, and what excellent respondent are, We.
76. And We delivered him and his family from the great distress.
77. And We made his offspring the only survivors.
78. And We left for him a good name among later generations.
79. Peace be upon Nuh among the people of the world.
80. Undoubtedly, thus We recompense the righteous.
81. Undoubtedly, he is among Our most dignified fully believing devotees.
82. Then We drowned the others.
83. And undoubtedly, Ibrahim belongs to his same group.
84. When he came to his Lord with a pure heart.
85. When he said to his father and his people, 'what do you worship'?
86. Do you desire false gods beside Allah?
87. What do you think about the Lord of the worlds?
88. Then he cast a glance at the stars.
89. Then he said, 'I am about to be sick'.
90. Then they turned back from him.
91. Then he walked towards their gods secretly and said, 'do you not eat'?
92. What happened to you that you speak not?
93. Then avoiding sight of the people, he began to strike them with his right hand.
94. Then the infidels rushed to wards him.
95. He said, 'do you worship What your hand carved out.'
96. And Allah has created you and what you make.
97. They said, 'build for him a building, then cast him in the flaming fire.
98. Then they intended to design a plan against him, but We brought them low.
99. And he said, 'I am to go to my Lord' now He shall guide me.
100. 'My Lord, bestow me a righteous son.'
101. Then We gave him a glad tiding of a prudent son.
102. Then when he became able to work with him, he said, 'O my son, I have dreamt that I am slaughtering you,
now look you, what is your opinion'. He said, 'O my father, do as you are commanded, Allah willing, you will
find me patient.'
103. Then when they both submitted to My command and the father laid down his son on forehead.
104. We called to him, O Ibrahim,
105. Undoubtedly, you have fulfilled the vision; thus, We recompense the righteous.
106. No doubt, it was a bright test.
107. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice.
108. And We left a good name for him in later generations.
109. Peace be upon Ibrahim.
110. And thus We recompense the righteous.
111. Undoubtedly, He is among Our most dignified fully believing devotees.
112. And We gave him the glad tidings of Ishaque, a Prophet the Communicator of unseen, one of the deserving
men of our proximity.
113. And We blessed him and Ishaque. And among their progeny some are good doers, and are some who clearly
wrong themselves.
114. And undoubtedly, We bestowed favours on Musa and Haroon.
115. And We delivered them and their people from the great distress.
116. And We helped them, so they became dominant.
117. And We bestowed to both a luminous Book.
118. And We showed them straight path.
119. And left their good names in later generations.
120. Peace be upon Musa and Maroon.
121. Undoubtedly, thus We recompense the righteous.
122. Undoubtedly, they are among Our most dignified Fully believing devotees.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

123. And undoubtedly, Elyas is among Messengers.
124. When he said to his people 'do you not fear'?
125. Do you worship Baal and leave the Best Creator?
126. Allah, Who is your Lord and the Lord of your forefather`?
127. Then- he belied him, so necessity, they will come accosted.
128. But the chosen devotees of Allah.
129. And We left his good name in later generation.
130. Peace be upon Elyas.
131. Undoubtedly, thus We recompense the righteous.
132. Verily, he is among Our most dignified fully believing devotees.
133. And verily Lut is among Our Messengers.
134. When We delivered him and his all family members.
135. But an old woman who was among those who remained behind.
136. Then We destroyed the others.
137. And undoubtedly, you pass by them in the morning
138. And at night. Do you then have no wisdom?
139. And verily, Yunus is among Messengers.
140. When he went away towards a laden boat.
141. And cast lots and was of the pushed ones.
142. Then the fish swallowed him and he was blaming himself.
143. And had he not been of those who glorify Allah.
144. He would have necessarily remained in its belly until the day when the people shall be raised.
145. Then We cast him on a bare place and he was sick.
146. And We caused to grow over him a tree of gourd.
147. And We sent him towards a hundred thousand rather more.
148. And they believed, then We allowed them to enjoy for a time.
149. Now ask them 'are the daughters for your Lord and for them sons?'
150. Or did We create the angels females, while they were present?
151. Do you hear? Undoubtedly they say of their own calumny.
152. Allah has begotten', and undoubtedly, they are necessarily liars.
153. Has He chosen daughters leaving sons?
154. What is the matter with you? How you order?
155. Do you then not reflect?
156. Or have you any clear authority?
157. Then bring your Book, if you are truthful.
158. And they have set up a relationship between Him and the Jinn. And undoubtedly, Jinn know that they shall be
necessarily presented.
159. Sanctified is Allah from what they describe.
160. But the chosen bondmen of Allah.
161. Then neither you nor what you worship.
162. You are not to mislead any one against Him.
163. But to him who is to go into the Flaming Fire.
164. And the angels say, everyone of us has a known station'.
165. And undoubtedly, we wait for the command spreading our wings.
166. And undoubtedly, we glorify Him.
167. And undoubtedly, they used to say.
168. 'If we had any admonition from the ancients.'
169. Then we would necessarily have been the chosen bondmen of Allah'.
170. But they denied it, and then soon they will know.
171. And undoubtedly, Our word has already passed to Our sent one bondmen.
172. That undoubtedly they shall be helped.
173. And undoubtedly, Our army would be dominant.
174. So, turn your face from them for a while.
175. And watch them, soon they will see.
176. Do they then seek our torment to hasten on?
177. Then when it will descend into their courtyard. What an evil morning will be of those who were warned.
178. So, turn your face from them for a while.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

179. And wait that they will soon see.
180. Sanctity is to your Lord, the Lord of Dignity from what they describe.
181. And peace be upon the Messengers.
182. And all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Surah Number 38: Sâd. (The Letter Sâd)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 88
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By this renowned Quran.
2. Rather the infidels are in pride and schism.
3. How many a generation We destroyed before them, then now they cried when there was no time for
4. And they were surprised that a warner from among themselves came to them, and the infidels said, 'this is a
magician, a great liar'.
5. Has he made one God of many gods? Undoubtedly, this is a strange thing.
6. And the chiefs of them departed saying, 'go away from him and be steadfast to your gods; undoubtedly, he
has some object in this.
7. We have not heard about this even in the latest religion of Christianity. This is indeed wholly a new invention.
8. Has the Quran been sent upon him from amongst us all? Nay, rather they are in doubt concerning My Book.
Nay, they have not yet tasted My chastisement.
9. Are they treasurers of the mercy of your Lord, the Dignified, and the Bestower?
10. Is the kingdom of the heavens and earth and what is between them for them? If so let them ascend by
hanging ropes.
11. This is a disgraced host from amongst the confederates, which shall be made to flee to the same place.
12. Before them, the people of Nuh and Aad and pharaoh (Firawn) the contriver of stakes have already belied (the
13. And Samud and the people of Lut and dwellers of the wood. These are those parties.
14. There is none among them but belied the Messengers, so My torment became inevitable.
15. They wait not but of a single roaring cry which no one can turn away.
16. And they said, 'O our Lord, hasten to us our shares before the Day of Reckoning.
17. Bear you patiently at what they say, and remember Our bondman Daud a man of blessings; undoubtedly, he is
a great penitent.
18. Undoubtedly, We have subjected mountains, that they with him glorify Allah at evening and sunrise
19. And the birds assembled; all were obedient to him.
20. And We strengthened his kingdom and bestowed him wisdom and decisive speech.
21. Has the tidings of the claimants reached to you when they came into Daud's mosque jumping over the walls?
22. When they entered upon Daud, he became confused on account of them. They said, 'fear not, we are two
disputants, one has shown high handedness against the other, therefore decide between us with truth and be
not unjust and guide us to the right path.
23. Undoubtedly, this is my brother, he has ninety-nine ewes and I have one ewe, now he says entrust this one
also to me and presses me in speech.
24. Daud said, 'undoubtedly, he is doing injustice in demanding your ewe to add to his ewes. And certainly, many
of the partners show high handedness against each other, but those who believe and do good, and they are
very few. Now Daud guessed that We had tested him, therefore, he begged forgiveness of his Lord and fell in
prostration and turned (to Allah). [^] (SAJDA) 10.
25. Then We forgave him that. And verily he has necessarily nearness to Us and an excellent resort.
26. 'O Daud', Undoubtedly, We have made you a vicegerent in the earth, therefore order between mankind with
truth, and follow not desire, otherwise it would cause you to go astray from the path of Allah. Verily, those who
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

go astray from the path of Allah, there is for them a severe torment for that they have forgotten the Day of
27. And We have not made the heavens and the earth and what is in between them in vain. This is the thought of
the infidels. There fore woe is to the infidels because of the Fire.
28. Shall We make those who have believed and have done good deeds like those who spread mischief in the earth
or make the pious ones like wicked disobedients?
29. This is a Book that We have sent down towards you Blessed, so that they may ponder on its signs and that the
men of wisdom may be admonished.
30. And We bestowed on Daud, Sulaiman. What a fine bondman! Verily, he was most repenting.
31. When, in the after-noon were presented to him, horses when at ease standing on three feet and touching the
ground with the tow of fourth foot, and when they run, they are very swift.
32. Then he said, 'I have loved the love of these horses for the remembrance of my Lord'. Then he ordered to
drive them until they were hidden from his sight behind the veil.
33. Then he ordered that bring them back to me. Then he began to pass his hand over their shanks and necks.
34. And undoubtedly, We tested Sulaiman and placed on his throne a lifeless body, then he turned repented.
35. He said, 'O my Lord' for give me, and bestow me a Kingdom which may not suit to anyone else after me.
Undoubtedly, You are the Big Bestower.
36. Then We subjected the wind to him that it ran by his commandment softly, wherever he desired.
37. And subjected to him the giants (Satan), every builder and diver.
38. And others bound in fetters.
39. This is Our gift, now you do favour upon whom you like or withhold there is no reckoning upon you.
40. And undoubtedly, he has necessarily nearness to Us and an excellent resort.
41. And remember Our bondman Ayub. He called his Lord that the devil (Satan) has touched me with affliction and
42. We said, 'strike your foot with the ground, here is the cool, stream for bathing and for drinking.'
43. And We bestowed him his family and others like them in addition to them as a mercy from Us and as
admonition to the people of understanding.
44. And We said, 'take in your hand a broom of dry grass and strike there with and break not your oath.
Undoubtedly, We found him steadfast, What an excellent bondman was he? Verily he is of returning.
45. And remember Our bondmen Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Yaqoob the men of authority and knowledge.
46. Verily, We distinguished them with a distinct speech that is the remembrance of that abode (Hereafter)
47. And undoubtedly, they are in Our sight chosen and favorites.
48. And remember Ismail, Al-Yasa, and Zulkifl. They are all excellent ones.
49. This is an admonition. And undoubtedly, the resort of pious ones is good.'
50. Gardens of perpetual abode, the doors of which are open for them.
51. Reclining therein on cushions, therein they ask for plenty of fruits and drink.
52. And they have such wives with them that they look not towards others save their husbands, Companions of
equal age.
53. This is what you are promised for the Day of Reckoning.
54. Undoubtedly, this is Our provision which will never be exhausted.
55. This is for them (believers). But undoubtedly, for the contumacious is the evil resort.
56. Hell, that they shall enter it what is an evil couch.
57. This is for them, therefore let them taste it, boiling water and pus.
58. And other couples of torments of the same nature.
59. They will be told, 'this is a troop of yours rushing in along with you'. They will say, let them not get any open
place'. They are indeed to enter the Fire, let them remain there too in a strained place.'
60. The followers said, 'nay! Rather you should not get an open place'. You brought this distress to us'. Therefore
what an evil destination it is
61. They said, 'O our Lord, whoso brought this distress to us, increase him in torment two fold in the Fire.
62. They said, 'what has happened to us that we see not the men whom we used to count among evil ones'.
63. Did we treat them in ridicule or our eyes are turned away from them?
64. Undoubtedly, it is necessarily a truth, the disputing together of the people of the Fire.
65. Say you, 'I am only a warner, and there is no god but Allah, the One All Dominant'.
66. 'The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between, the Dignified, the Great Forgiver'.
67. Say you, 'that is a supreme news'.
68. You are negligent of it.
69. What knowledge I had about heavenly world, when they disputed.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

70. I am only revealed that I am not but a manifest warner.
71. When your Lord said to the angels, I shall make man from the clay.
72. And so when I have fashioned him perfectly, and have breathed into him of My spirit, then fall you down
prostrating for him.
73. There fore angles fell down prostrate, all of them together.
74. But Iblis He waxed proud, he was among the infidels.
75. Allah said, O lblis', 'what hindered you from falling prostrate before that which I made with My own hands?
Have you been proud or you were indeed among haughty ones?
76. He said, 'I am better than him, You have made me of fire and created him of clay'.
77. Allah said, 'get you out from the heaven, for you are rejected'.
78. And undoubtedly, My curse is on you till the Day of Judgement.
79. He said, 'O my Lord, if it is so then grant me respite till the day when they are raised'.
80. Allah said, 'certainly, you are of those that are granted respite'.
81. 'Till the day of the known time'.
82. He said, 'By Your Dignity I shall necessarily, beguile them all'.
83. 'But those among them who are Your chosen bondmen'.
84. Allah said, 'then the truth is this, and I speak the truth.
85. Undoubtedly, I shall necessarily fill Hell with you of those who will follow you all together.
86. Say you, 'I ask of you no wage for this Quran nor I am of those who affect.
87. That is not but an admonition to the entire world.
88. And you shall surely know its news after a time.
Surah Number 39: Az-Zumar (The Troops, Throngs)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 75
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. The sending down of the Book is from Allah the Dignified, the Wise.
2. Undoubtedly, We have sent down this Book to you with truth, therefore worship Allah being purely His
3. Yes, the sincere exclusive devotion is to Allah only. And those who have taken for protectors other than Allah
say, 'we worship them only so that they may bring us nearer to Allah'. Allah will decide among them concerning
that wherein they are differing. Undoubtedly, Allah guides not him who is a great ungrateful liar.
4. If Allah had willed to take a son for Himself, He would have chosen whom He had pleased out of His creation,
Sanctity is to Him. He is Allah the one All Dominant.
5. He made the heavens and earth with truth. He rolls the night around the day and He rolls the day around the
night and He has employed the sun and the moon into service. Each moves to an appointed term. Do you
hear? He is the Dignified, the Forgiving
6. He has made you of a single soul then He made its mate from that and sent down for you eight pairs of cattle.
He makes you in the wombs of your mothers, first in one pattern then in another, in threefold darkness. This is
Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom. None is to be worshipped, besides Him, then where are you turning away?
7. If you be ungrateful, then undoubtedly, Allah is independent of you, and He likes not the ungratefulness of His
bondmen, but if you be thankful, then He likes it for you. And no soul-bearing burden will bear the burden of
another. Then you are to return to your Lord, and He shall inform you of what you used to do. Surely, He
knows the secrets of the hearts.
8. And when any trouble touches man, he calls upon his Lord leaning towards Him, then when Allah grants him
any favour from Himself, he forgets what he called for before, and begins to assign peers to Allah so that he
may lead astray from His way. Say you, 'carry on a little with your infidelity, undoubtedly, you are among the
men of the Hell.
9. will he who passes the hours of the night in devoted obedience, prostrating and standing fearing the Hereafter
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

and hoping for the mercy of His Lord (be like dis-obedient)? Say you, 'Are those who know equal to those who
know not'? Only those who are endued with understanding receive admonition.
10. Say you. O My Bondmen', who believe, fear your Lord. There is good for those who have done good in this
world. And Allah's earth is spacious. The steadfast shall only be fully rewarded without measure.
11. Say you; 'I have been commanded to worship Allah being purely His devotee'.
12. 'And I have been commanded to submit first'.
13. Say you, 'suppose if I may commit disobedience then I too fear the torment of a great day from my Lord'
14. Say you, 'I worship Allah only being purely His devotee'
15. 'Worship you what you like besides Him'. Say you, 'complete loss is for those who have lost their own souls and
their households on the Day of Judgement. Yes, 'that is indeed an evident loss'.
16. There are mountains of fire over them and beneath them mountains. With this, Allah warns His bondmen O My
bondmen! fear you Me'.
17. And those who saved themselves from worshipping idols and turned towards Allah in repentance, for them are
glad tidings. So give glad tidings to My those bondmen.
18. Who listen to the word attentively and follow the best thereof. It is they whom Allah has guided and it is they
who possess wisdom.
19. Will he then against whom the sentence of torment is decreed be equal to those who are delivered? Will you
then rescue one deserting fire from your guidance?
20. But those who fear their Lord, for them are lofty chambers, built over them lofty chambers, beneath which
rivers flow. The promise of Allah, Allah breaks not His promise.
21. Have you not seen that Allah has sent down water from the sky and then made springs in the earth thereof,
then He causes to grow therewith crops of diverse colours, thereafter it dries up and see you that it turns
yellow, then He breaks it into small pieces? Undoubtedly, in it is a reminder for men of understanding.
22. Will he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is upon a light from his Lord be like him who is hard
heartened? Woe, then, is to those whose hearts are hardened from the remembrance of Allah. They are in
evident error.
23. Allah has sent the best Book that from beginning to the end is alike (in beauty and fairness), having two fold
descriptions (promise of reward and threat of punishment) at which do shudder the skins of those who fear
their Lord, then their skins and hearts soften inclining towards the remembrance of God. This is the guidance
of Allah He guides therewith whom He pleases. And he whom Allah -causes to go astray, there is none to guide
24. Will he, then, who will make his face a shield for the great torment on the Day of Resurrection be like him who
has been delivered? And it will be said to the oppressors, taste your earnings.
25. Those before them belied so torment came upon them whence they knew not.
26. Therefore Allah made them taste humiliation in the life of the world and the torment of the Hereafter is the
greatest. What a good thing it would have been if they knew.
27. And undoubtedly, We have narrated in this Quran all types of examples for the people in order that they may
take heed.
28. The Quran in Arabic language wherein there is no crookedness in order that they may fear.
29. Allah sets an example, a servant belonging to several rude masters and one belonging solely to one master.
Are they both equal in condition? All praise to Allah, but most of them know not.
30. Undoubtedly, you are to die, and they are too to die.
31. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will dispute before your Lord.
32. Who is then more unjust than he, who fabricates a lie against Allah and belies the truth, when it comes to him?
Is there not an abode in the Hell for the infidels?
33. And he who has come with truth and those who confirmed it, they are the God fearing.
34. For them is what they desire with their Lord. This is the reward of the righteous.
35. So that Allah may remove from them the worst that they did and re-compense them with their reward for the
best of their actions that they used to do.
36. Is Allah not sufficient for His bondmen? And they frighten you with those besides Him. And whom Allah lets
astray, for him there is no guide.
37. And whom Allah guides, for him there is none to mislead is not Allah the Honourable, the Master of retribution?
38. And if you ask them who created the heavens and the earth they will then necessarily say, 'Allah'. Say you, 'tell
me then that those whom you worship besides Allah, if Allah desired any affliction for me shall they then
remove His affliction? Or if He desires mercy for me, could they withhold His mercy? Say you, 'Allah is enough
for me', in Him the trusting one put their trust'.
39. Say you, `O my people', continue acting in your own way, I do my work, soon you will come to know.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

40. On whom comes a torment that will humiliate him and on whom descends a torment that will abide.
41. Undoubtedly, We have sent down upon you the Book for the guidance of mankind with truth. Then whosoever
got the way, that is for his own good and whoso went astray, he went astray for his own loss. And you are not
responsible for them.
42. Allah takes away the souls at the time of their death and of those who die not, during their sleep, then He
withholds that against which He has decreed death and sends back the other till an appointed time.
Undoubtedly in it are signs for those who reflect.
43. Have they taken some intercessors besides Allah? Say you, what! 'Even though they own nothing, nor they do
44. Say you; 'all intercession belongs to Allah'. 'For Him is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, then you are
to return to Him'.
45. And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter shrink, and when
those besides Him are mentioned, henceforth they rejoice.
46. Submit you, O! Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, knower of the hidden and the open, You alone
will decide between your bondmen concerning that in which they used to differ.
47. If the wrongdoers had all that is in the earth and the like thereof in addition to it, they would have offered all
of it as ransom from the evil torment on the Day of Judgement. But there appeared to them from Allah that
which they never thought of.
48. And their own earned evils became apparent to them and they were encircled by that which they used to mock
49. And when any trouble touches man, he calls on Us, then when We grant him any favour from Us, he says, 'I
have got it because of a certain knowledge.' Nay! It is only a trial, but most of them know not.
50. So have said those who were before them, but all that they had earned did not avail them.
51. So the evils of their earnings overtook them, and those who are unjust among them, they too shall be over
taken by the evils of their earnings and they can not go out of control.
52. Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whomsoever He likes and restricts it for whomsoever He
likes? Undoubtedly, in it are signs for the believers.
53. Say you, 'O My bondmen who have committed excesses against their own souls 'despair not of the mercy of
Allah' Undoubtedly, Allah forgives all sins, Verily He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
54. And turn towards your Lord and submit yourselves to Him, before there comes to you the torment and then
you may not be helped.
55. And follow the best, which has been sent to you from your Lord, before the torment overtakes you suddenly
when you know not.
56. Lest a soul should say, 'Ah-alas'. on the errors which I committed regarding Allah, and undoubtedly I used to
57. Or it should say, had Allah guided me I would have been among those who are fearful.
58. Or it should say, 'when it sees the torment, had there been a return for me I would have been doing good'.
59. Yes, why not, undoubtedly, My signs came to you but you belied then and waxed proud and you were infidel.
60. And on the day of Judgement, you will see those who fabricated lie against Allah that their faces are black. Is
there not in Hell an abode for the proud?
61. And Allah will save them who fear Him to their place of deliverance. Torment shall not touch them nor shall
they grieve.
62. Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has authority over every thing.
63. For Him is the keys of the heavens and the earth. And those who rejected the signs of Allah, they are the
people who are in loss.
64. Say, you, 'Do you then say to me to worship other than Allah. O! You ignorants.'
65. And undoubtedly, it has been revealed to you, and to those before you that O listeners! if you associate other
gods with Allah, then surely, your all actions shall go vain and you shall necessarily remain in loss.
66. Nay, but worship Allah and be among the gratefuls.
67. And "they esteemed not Allah as was due to Him and He will roll up the. Entire earth on the Day of Judgement
and all the heavens shall be rolled up by His Authority. And He is Sanctified and Exalted from their association.
68. And the Trumpet shall be blown, and then whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth will swoon
but whom Allah wills, then it shall be blown for the second time, henceforth they shall stand looking on.
69. And the earth shall glitter with the light of her Lord and the Book will be laid and the Prophets shall be brought
and witnesses too, (this prophet and his followers will be witnesses against them) and true judgement will be
given between them and they shall not be treated unjustly.
70. And every soul shall be paid in full for their doings and He knows well what they used to do.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

71. The infidels shall be driven towards Hell in troops. Until when they shall reach to it, its gates will be opened and
its warder will say to them, 'Did not come to you from amongst you the Messengers who recited to you verses
of your Lord and warned you of the meeting of this Day of yours'? They will say, 'Why not', but the words of
torment has been justified on the infidels.
72. It shall be said to them, 'Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein, what is an evil destination of the proud.
73. And those who feared their Lord, their carriages shall be escorted to Heaven in troops. Until when they shall
reach there, and its gates shall be opened and it warders will say to them, 'peace be upon you', excellent were
you, so enter the paradise to abide for ever'.
74. And they will say, 'all praise to Allah Who has made good His promise to us, and made us inherit this land, so
that we' may dwell in the paradise wherever we please, what is an excellent reward of the workers.
75. And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne on all sides sanctifying their 'Lord with His praise, and true
judgement will be pronounced between them and it will be said, 'All praise to Allah, the Lord of the entire
Surah Number 40: Ghâfir or Moamin (The Forgiver [GOD] or Moamin - The
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 85
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. HA-MIM.
2. The sending down of this 'Book is from Allah, the Honourable, the Knowing.
3. The Forgiver of sins, Accepter of penitence, severe in torment, Possessor of plenty rewards. There is no god be
sides Him. Towards Him is the return.
4. None disputes about the signs of Allah but the infidels. Let not then, O listener, their swaggering about in the
cities deceive you.
5. Before them, the people of Nuh and other groups after them belied, and every nation aimed that they may
seize their Messenger, and disputed with false arguments that they may relent the truth, so I seized them: How
then was My torment?
6. And thus the word of your Lord has been proved against the infidels that they are the inmates of the Fire.
7. Those who bear the Throne and those around it sanctify their Lord with praise and believe in Him and beg
forgiveness for the Muslims, O' our Lord; You comprehend every thing in mercy and knowledge, so forgive
those who repented and followed Your way and save them from the torment of Hell'.
8. 'O our Lord! Admit them into gardens of habitation which you have promised them, as well as those who are
righteous of their fathers and wives and children. Undoubtedly, You are the Honourable, the Wise.
9. And save them from the adversity of sins, and whomsoever you save from the adversity of sin that day then no
doubt, You have shown mercy upon him. And this is the great triumph.
10. Undoubtedly, those who disbelieved shall be informed that of course the aversion of Allah to you is greater
than your own aversion to yourselves to day, when you were called towards the faith and you disbelieved.
11. They shall say, 'O our Lord, You have caused us to die twice and has given us life twice, now we confess our
sins. Is there then any way of getting out of the Fire?
12. This happened because, when only one Allah was proclaimed, you disbelieved, but when partners were
associated to Him, you believed. Therefore, the command is for Allah Who is the Highest, the Greatest.
13. It is He Who shows you His signs and sends down for you provision from the sky. And none receives
admonitions but he who repents.
14. Therefore, serve only Allah devoted purely to Him even though the infidels may take it as bad.
15. Exalted in ranks, Possessor of the Throne, He casts the spirit of faith (the revelation) by His Command upon
whomsoever He will of His bondmen, that he may warn of the Day of meeting.
16. The day when they will fully appear; nothing of theirs shall be hidden from Allah. Whose is the Kingdom to
day? Of one Allah, All Dominant.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

17. To day, every soul shall be recompensed of his earnings there is no injustice to any one today. Undoubtedly
Allah is swift in reckoning.
18. And warn them of that Approaching Day of Calamity when the hearts will reach to the throats full of grief. The
unjust shall have neither friend nor any intercessor whose request may be acceded to.
19. Allah knows the treacherous eyes and what is concealed in the breasts.
20. And Allah decides with truth. But those whom they worship beside Him decide nothing. Undoubtedly Allah is
All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
21. Have they not traveled in the earth, so that they may see how has been the end of those before them? They
were greater than them in strength and in marks, they left in the earth; Yet Allah seized them for their sins.
And there was none to save them from Allah.
22. This because their Messengers came to them with bright Signs, but they disbelieved, so Allah seized them.
Undoubtedly Allah is Mighty, Severe in punishment.
23. And undoubtedly, We sent Musa with our signs and a clear testimony,
24. To Firawn (Pharaoh) and Haman and Qaroon (Korah) but they said, "He is a magician, a great liar".
25. Then when he brought to them the truth from Us, they said, 'slay the sons of those who believed with him and
let their women alive'. And the plot of the infidels is nothing but going astray.
26. And Firawn said, 'leave me that I may kill Musa and let him call his Lord. I fear lest he should change your
religion or he may cause to appear disorder in the earth'.
27. And Musa said, 'I take refuge with my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant who believes not in the nay of
28. And a Muslim from amongst the people of Firawn who used to hide his faith said, 'Do you slay a man because
he says, 'my Lord is Allah', and undoubtedly he has brought to you bright signs from your Lord?' And if he says
wrong then the curse of his lie is upon him; but if he is truthful then some of that which he promises you with
shall befall you. Undoubtedly Allah gives not the way to him who is transgressor and a big liar.
29. 'O my people, 'yours is the Kingdom today, you have dominance in this land. But who will save us from the
torment of Allah if it comes upon us? Firawn said, 'I show you only that which I see and I tell you only that
which is the way of goodness'.
30. And the believer said, 'O my people', I fear for you a day like the day of former groups.
31. As had to face the people of Nooh and Aad and Samud and those after them. And Allah wishes not injustice for
His bondmen.
32. And O my people', I fear for you the Day of Calling and Crying.
33. A day when you shall flee turning your backs, there shall be none to save you from Allah; and he whom Allah
sends astray, for him there is no guide.
34. 'And undoubtedly Yusuf came to you before this with bright signs, but you remained in doubt about that which
he brought to you, until he died, and you said, 'never shall Allah send any Messenger after him. Thus, Allah
sends astray him who is extravagant, and a doubter.
35. Those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without any authority is having come to them. It is greatly
hateful in the sight of Allah and in the sight of the believers. Thus, Allah seals up the heart of every proud and
contumacious person.
36. And Firawn said, 'O Hamman', build for me a lofty palace that I may reach the ways.
37. (Which ways) the ways of the heavens, so that I may peep at the God of Musa and undoubtedly, I think that
he is liar. And thus his evil deed made to look fair in the eyes of Firawn and he was barred from the way. And
the plot of Firawn was to be ruined only.
38. And the man who believed said, 'O my people', follow me, I will guide you to the good way.
39. 'O my people; the life of this world is only a temporary enjoyment, and the Hereafter is certainly the home for
permanent residence.
40. Whoso does an evil deed, shall be recompensed only with the like of it and whoso does good work whether
male or female and be a Muslim, then they shall enter the Paradise and they shall be provided therein without
41. 'O my people', what happened to me that I call you towards deliverance while you call me towards the Fire.
42. You call me towards this that I should disbelieve in Allah and associate with Him that of which I have no
knowledge, while I invite you towards the Honourable, the Great Forgiver.
43. It is proved itself that to which you call me, is of no use anywhere neither in the world nor in the Hereafter;
and that our return is towards Allah and that the transgressors, they are the inmates of the Fire.
44. So soon, the time comes that you shall remember what I am saying to you. And I entrust my affairs to Allah.
Undoubtedly Allah sees all His bondmen.
45. Then Allah saved him from the evils of their plot and an evil torment surrounded the people of Firawn.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

46. The Fire, they are exposed thereto morning and evening, and the day when the Hour shall come, it shall be
ordered, cause the people of Firawn to enter the most grievous torment.
47. And when they will dispute with one another in the Fire, then the weak shall say to those who waxed proud,
we were your followers, will you then get any portion of the Fire curtailed from us?
48. Those who waxed proud said, 'we are all in the Fire Undoubtedly, Allah has already judged between His
49. And those in the Fire shall say to the guards of the Hell, pray to your Lord that He may lighten for us a day of
50. They said, 'Did not your Messenger use to bring to you bright signs'? They said, 'why not', they said, 'then you
your selves pray'. And the praying of the infidels is not but in wandering.
51. No doubt, We shall certainly help Our Messengers and the believers in the life of the world and on the day
witnesses shall stand forth.
52. The day when to the unjust people their excuses will not profit, and for them is the curse and for them is the
evil abode.
53. And undoubtedly, We bestowed guidance to Musa and made the children of Israel the inheritors of the Book.
54. A guidance and admonition for the men of understanding.
55. Therefore O beloved, 'be patient, no doubt, the promise of Allah is true and beg forgiveness for the sins of your
owns, and celebrate Sanctity of your Lord praising Him morning and evening.
56. Those who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without any authority they may have got, there is nothing in
their hearts but an ambition of greatness to which they shall not reach, so seek you refuge in Allah.
Undoubtedly, He sees, Hears.
57. Of course, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of the
people know not.
58. And the blind and the seeing are not equal, and neither those who have believed and have done good equal to
the evil doers. How little do you reflect?
59. Undoubtedly, the Hour is certainly to come, there is no doubt in it, but most people believe not.
60. And your Lord said, 'Pray to Me, I shall acknowledge your call. Undoubtedly those who are too proud to
worship Me, soon will enter the Hell despised.
61. Allah is He who made for you night that you may get rest in it and made the day enabling you to see.
Undoubtedly, Allah is gracious to mankind but most men are ungrateful.
62. That is Allah, your Lord the Creator of everything, None is to be worshipped save He. So whither, are you
straying away?
63. Thus, stray away those who reject the signs of Allah.
64. Allah is He who made the earth for you a resting place and the heaven as a roof and shaped you, then made
your shapes nice and provided you with good things This is Allah your Lord. So blessed is Allah, the Lord of the
entire world.
65. He is Ever-Living none is to be worshipped save He; so worship Him being devoted purely to Him. All praise is
to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
66. Say you, 'I have been forbidden to worship those whom you worship beside Allah since clear signs have come
to me from my Lord and I have been commanded to submit myself to the Lord of the worlds.
67. He it is Who made you from dust, then from sperm drop, then from a clot of blood, then He brings you forth as
an infant, then He causes you to live so that you may attain to your maturity then that you may become old,
and some of you are caused to die before and that you may reach to an appointed promise and that you may
68. He is He who gives life and causes death; and when He decrees a thing, He says to it only, 'Be', hence it
69. Have you not seen those who dispute in the signs of Allah? Whither are they turned away?
70. Those who belied the Book and that with which We sent Our Messengers soon they shall know.
71. When the iron collars shall be around their necks and chains too, they shall be dragged;
72. into the boiling water, then they shall be burnt in the Fire.
73. Then it will be said to them, 'where went those whom you used to associate,
74. Against Allah. They will say, 'they are lost away from us, but rather we never worshipped any thing before.
Thus, Allah leads astray the infidels.
75. This is because you rejoiced in the earth without right and because you behaved boastfully.
76. Enter the gates of Hell to remain there in forever, and what is an evil abode of the proud.
77. So be you patient, no doubt, the promise of Allah is true, then whether We let you see something of what We
have promised them or We cause you to die before, in any case they are to return to us.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

78. And undoubtedly, We sent many Messengers before you, of them, there are some whose story We have
narrated to you, and there are some whose story We have not narrated to you, and it is not for any Messenger
that he should bring any sign without Allah's permission, but when the command of Allah will come, the matter
shall be decided with truth, and then the men of falsehood shall lose there.
79. Allah is He Who made for you the cattle that you may ride on some of them and some of them you may eat.
80. And there are many benefits for you in them and that you may attain to the desires of your hearts on their
backs and on them and on boats you ride.
81. And He shows you His signs, and then which of the signs of Allah will you deny?
82. Have they not traveled in the earth that they may behold how has been the end of those before them? They
were more numerous than these, and stronger in might and the traces in the earth, but what did they avail of
that which they earned.
83. So when, their Messengers brought to them clear arguments they remained joyous the wordily knowledge
which they had and what they mocked at recoiled on them.
84. Then when they saw Our torment said, We believe in only one Allah and we deny all that which we used to
associate with Him.
85. But their belief was of no use to them when they had seen Our torment. This is Allah's law, which has been in
regard to His bondmen. And the infidels remained in loss there.
Surah Number 41: Fussilat or Ha Mim Sajdah (Explained in Detail or Ha Mim
Sajda - Prostration)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 54
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. HA-MIM.
2. This is a sending down from the Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
3. This is a Book whose verses have been fully explained, an Arabic Quran for a people of understanding.
4. Bearing glad tidings and warning. But most of them turned away their faces and listen not.
5. And they said, 'Our hearts are in covers from that to which you invite us and in our ears are plugs and between
us and you there is a curtain, therefore you do your work and we are doing ours.
6. Say you, 'In being a human being I am indeed like you, it is revealed to me that your God is one God, so be
straight before Him and beg forgiveness from Him. And woe be to the associators.
7. Who do not pay poor due (Zakat) and they deny the Hereafter.
8. Undoubtedly, those who believe and do good works, there is for them endless reward.
9. Say you, 'Do you indeed disbelieve in Him who made the earth in two days? And do you set up equals to Him'
That is the Lord of the entire world.
10. And He placed therein anchors of mountains rising above it and put blessings therein and ordained therein
provisions for its inhabitants all this in four days, complete this for the enquirers.
11. Then He turned towards the heaven and it was a smoke. Then He said to it and to the earth, 'come both of you
willingly or unwillingly. They both submitted,' we have come willingly.'
12. Then He completed them as seven heavens in two days and He sent to each heaven the commands of its own
function. And We adorned the lower heaven with lamps and for protection. This is the decree of the
Honourable. The All Knowing.
13. But if they turn their faces then say you, 'I warn, you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt, which overtook Aad
and Thamud.'
14. When Messengers came to them from before them and behind them saying, 'worship none but Allah'. They
said, 'had our Lord so wished, He would have sent down angels, so we disbelieve in what you have been sent
15. And as to those who were Aad, they waxed proud in the earth without right and said, 'who is mightier in
strength than us'. Did they not know that Allah who created them is mightier than they in strength? But they
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

continued to deny Our signs.
16. We therefore sent upon them a furious cold wind in the days of their misfortune so that We make them taste
the torment of humiliation in the life of the world. And undoubtedly, there is great humiliation in the torment of
the Hereafter and they shall not be helped.
17. And As For Thamud, We guided them but they preferred blindness to the guidance, therefore the thunder of a
humiliating torment overtook them, the punishment of their doings.
18. And We saved those who believed and used to fear.
19. And on the day when the enemies of Allah shall be driven towards the Fire, then those who will come first shall
be stopped till those coming next should meet them.
20. Till when they will reach there, their ears and their eyes and their faces will bear witness against their doings.
21. And they will say to their skins, 'Why did you bear witness against us? They will say, 'Allah made us to speak,
He who bestowed speaking power to every thing and He created you the first time and towards Him you are to
22. And where you would have gone hiding yourselves from Him lest your ears and your eyes and your skins
should bear witness against you, hut you had already taken it for granted that Allah knows not much of your
23. This is your conception, which you formed for your Lord, and it has ruined you, so now you are amongst the
24. Then if they endure, the fire is their destination. And they beg to please Allah, then none would accept their
25. And We appoint for them some companions, who made to appear fair seeming to them what is before them
and what behind them, and the sentence was justified against them along with those groups that had already
gone before them from amongst the jinn and mankind. Undoubtedly, they were losers.
26. And the infidels said, 'listen not to this Quran and make absurd noise therein, haply you may over come.
27. Therefore, most certainly We shall necessarily make the infidels to taste a severe torment. And undoubtedly,
We shall recompense them for the worst of their deeds.
28. This is the recompense of the enemies of Allah, the Fire wherein they are to abide forever' as the punishment
for that they used to deny Our signs.
29. And the infidels said, 'O Our Lord', show us those who misled us both Jinn and men, that we may put them
under our feet, so that they may remain among the lowest
30. Undoubtedly, those who said, 'our. Lord is Allah then remain firm on it, the angels descend upon them, saying,
'fear not, nor grieve and be glad with the paradise which you were promised.
31. We are your friends in the life of this world and in the Hereafter. And for you therein is that which your soul
may desire, and for you therein is that which you may ask for.
32. An entertainment from the Forgiving, the Merciful.
33. And who is better in speech than him who invites towards Allah and does righteousness and says, 'I am
34. And good and evil will not be equal O listener,' repel the evil with good, then he between whom and you there
was enmity will become as though he was your warm friend.
35. And this wealth is granted not but to those who are steadfast and it is granted not but to the owner of great
36. If any provocation of the devil reaches you, then seek refuge in Allah. Undoubtedly, He is the Hearer, the
37. And among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not before the sun nor
the moon and prostrate before Allah Who has created them if you are His bondman.
38. But if they wax proud, then those who are with your Lord sanctify Him night and day and they weary not. [^]
(SAJDA) 11.
39. And of His signs is that you see the earth lying worthless, but when We sent down rain to it, it became fresh
and mellow and grew. Undoubtedly He, Who gave life to it, shall necessarily give life to the dead. No doubt, He
can do every thing.
40. Undoubtedly those who seek crooked ways in Our signs are not hidden from Us. Is he then who shall be
thrown in the Fire better or he who shall come secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do what you please;
undoubtedly He is seeing your work.
41. Undoubtedly, those who denied the reminder when it came to them, (ask not the condition of their misery) and
undoubtedly it is an esteemed Book.
42. There is no approach of falsehood to it either from before or from behind it. It is a sending down from One All
Wise, All Praised.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

43. Nothing will be said to you, but only that which was said to the Messengers before you. Undoubtedly, your
Lord is Forgiving and Master of painful torment.
44. And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they surely would have said, Why not its verses have been
made clear? What, a book in foreign tongue and the Prophet Arabian. Say you, 'that is a guidance and a cure
for the believers.' And those who believe not, in their ears is a plug and to them it is a blindness. They are like
those. Who are called from a far off place.
45. And undoubtedly, We bestowed a Book to Musa, but differences were created there in. And if a word had not
gone before from your Lord, then henceforth the matter would have been decided between them. And
undoubtedly, they are surely in a confusing doubt about it.
46. Whoso does righteousness it is for his own good and whoso does evil, it is for his own bad. And your Lord is
not at all unjust to His bondmen.
47. The knowledge of the Hour is referred to Him alone. And no fruit comes forth from its sheath, and neither any
female bears and nor brings forth but with His knowledge. And the day when He will call them, "Where are My
associates"? They will say, 'We have already proclaimed to you that there is no witness among us.
48. And those, whom they used to worship before, were lost from them and they have known for certain that they
have no place of escape.
49. Man tires not of praying for good and if any evil touches him then he loses hope, becoming desperate.
50. And if We make him taste of mercy from Us after the affliction that had touched him, then he will say, 'this is
my own, and in my opinion the Hour will not come'. And even if I be returned to my Lord, necessarily, for me
there is good with Him. Then surely We shall tell the infidels all that whatever they did, and We shall certainly
make them taste severe torment.
51. And when We bestow favour on man, he turns his face and withdraws towards himself and when evil touches
him then he is of prolonged prayer.
52. Say you, 'well tell you if this Quran is from Allah and yet you reject it, who is then more astray than one who is
in a far off opposition.
53. Soon, We shall show them Our signs in the entire world and in their own selves, till it becomes clear to them
that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is witness over all things?
54. Listen, they are surely in doubt concerning the meeting with their Lord, Hearken! He encompasses everything.
Surah Number 42: Ash-Shûra (Council, Consultation)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 53
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ha-Mim.
2. Ain-Seen-Qaf.
3. Likewise reveals to you and to those before you, Allah the Honourable. The Wise.
4. For Him is whatever is in the heaven and whatever is in the earth. And He is the Exalted, the Grand.
5. It is well night that the heavens may rend from above themselves and the angels sanctify their Lord with His
praise and beg forgiveness for the people of earth. Hearken, Allah, He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
6. And those who have taken others as patrons beside Allah, they are under the sight of Allah and you are not
responsible for them.
7. And likewise We revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn thereby the mother of all towns the
Meccans and those who live around it and you may warn them of a Day of Assembly wherein there is no doubt.
A party is in the paradise and a party is in the Hell.
8. And had Allah willed He would have made them a people of one faith, but Allah admits into His mercy
whomsoever He pleases. And as for the unjust, they have neither any friend nor any helper.
9. Have they taken others as patrons beside Allah? But it is Allah, He is the Patron and He will give life to the
dead and He can do every thing.
10. In whatever you differ, the decision thereof is with Allah. This is Allah, my Lord, in Him I put my trust-and I
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

turn towards Him.
11. The Maker of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you pairs of your own selves and male and female
cattle, whereby He spreads your race. Nothing is Like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, All-seeing.
12. For Him are the keys of the Heavens and the earth. He expands the provision for whomsoever He pleases and
straitens too. Undoubtedly. He knows everything.
13. He has directed you to the religion, which He enjoined upon Nuh and that which We revealed to you and that
which We enjoined upon Ibrahim, Musa and Isa saying, "set the religion right and cause not dissension therein.
Very hard upon the polytheists is that to which you call them. And Allah chooses for His nearness whomsoever
He pleases and guides to Himself him who turns towards Him.
14. And they caused not dissension but after the knowledge had come to them on account of mutual jealousy. And
had not a saying of your Lord gone forth for an appointed term, the matter. Would have been surely decided
among them long ago. And undoubtedly, those who have inherited the Book after them are in a deceitful doubt
regarding it.
15. For this then, call you and remain steadfast as you have been commanded and follow not their desires and say,
"I believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down and I have been commanded that I may do justice between
you. Allah is our Lord and the Lord of you all. For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. There is no
argument between us and you. Allah will gather us together, and towards Him is the return.
16. And those who dispute concerning Allah after that the muslims have already accepted His Call, their argument
is purely unstable in the sight of Allah and upon them is the wrath and for them is the severe torment.
17. Allah is Who has sent down the Book with the truth and the balance of justice. And what shall make you know
that perhaps the Hour may be near.
18. Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, and those who believe therein are fearing of it and know that
undoubtedly, it is the truth, Beware! Verily, those who are in doubt concerning the Hour are indeed in a far-off
19. Allah is Gentle towards His bondmen. He provides for whomsoever He pleases, and He is the Powerful.
20. Whosoever desires till age of the Hereafter. We give an increase in his till age, and whosoever desires the till
age of the world, We shall give him somewhat thereof and in the Hereafter he shall have no share.
21. Or for them there are some associates who have made for them a religion that for which Allah has given no
leave. And had there not been the promise of a decision, it would have been decided between them here. And
undoubtedly, for the unjust people is a painful torment.
22. You shall see the wrongdoers fearful on account of their earnings and it is sure to be-fall them. And those who
believed and did good deeds are in the meadows of the Paradise. They shall have with their Lord whatever
they will desire. This is the great grace.
23. This is that of which Allah gives the glad-tidings to His bondmen who believed and did good deeds. Say you, "I
ask not of you any wage for it but affection in respect of kinship". And whoever does a good-deed, We shall
increase to him good in respect thereof. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Appreciating.
24. Or they say, "He has forged a lie against Allah." But if Allah wills, He may set a seal of His Mercy and safely
upon your heart. And Allah wipes out the falsehood and establishes the truth with His Words. Undoubtedly, He
knows what is inside the breasts.
25. And it is He Who accepts the repentance from His bondmen and overlooks the faults and He knows what you
26. And He responds to those who have believed and have done good deeds and gives them more reward out of
His grace. And for the infidels there is a severe torment.
27. And had Allah expanded the provisions of all His bondmen, they would have necessarily then spread mischief in
the earth, but He sends down according to a measure as He pleases, undoubtedly, He is Aware of His bondmen,
Sees them.
28. And it is He Who sends down rain after they have despaired, and spreads out His mercy. And He is the
Protector, Praiseworthy.
29. And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and of whatever moving creatures He has spread
forth in them. And He has the power to gather them together when He pleases.
30. And whatever affliction reached you is due to what Your hands have earned; and He pardons much.
31. And you cannot go out of His control in the earth, and you have against Allah, neither a friend nor a helper.
32. And of His signs are vessels running in the sea like hills.
33. If He pleases, He may cause the wind to become still, so that they stand still on its back. Undoubtedly, therein
are signs for every one most patient and grateful.
34. Or He may destroy them on account of the sins of the people and may pardon much of their sins.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

35. And those who dispute in Our Signs should know that for them there is no place of escape.
36. And whatever you have been given is only a temporary provision of this living world and that which is with
Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and trust their Lord.
37. And those who avoid heinous sins and indecencies and, when they are angry, they forgive.
38. And those who obeyed the command of their Lord and established prayer and their affairs are decided by
mutual consultation and they spend something out of Our provision in Our way.
39. And those who, when insolence reaches them, take revenge.
40. And the recompense of evil is evil the like of it, but whoso forgives and puts the things right his reward is with
Allah. Undoubtedly, He loves not the unjust.
41. And undoubtedly, whoso took revenge after being victim of oppression; there is no way of blame against them.
42. The blame is only against them who oppress mankind and rebel in the earth without right. For them is the
painful torment.
43. But whoever indeed preserved and forgave, most certainly, then these are the affairs of determination.
44. And whomsoever Allah leads astray, he has no friend against Allah. And you will see the oppressors when they
will see the torment saying, Is there anyway to return'
45. And you will see them that they are presented before Fire dejected on account of disgrace, they see with veiled
eyes. And the believers will say, 'undoubtedly, the losers are those who have lost their souls and their families
on the Day of Resurrection'. Beware! No doubt, the unjust are in lasting torment.
46. And they have no friend to help them against Allah and whomsoever Allah leads astray; there is no way for
47. Obey the commands of your Lord before the coming of the Day that is not to be fumed back from Allah. You
will have no refuge that day, nor you can dare to deny.
48. But if they turn their faces, then We have not sent you as a guardian over them. There is nothing on you but to
convey the (the Message) And when We give man the taste of any mercy from Us, he becomes happy over it.
But if any evil befalls them because of what their hands have sent forth, then the man is most ungrateful.
49. For Allah is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He creates whatever He likes. He bestows daughters on
whomsoever He likes and He bestows sons on whomsoever He likes.
50. Or He mixes both, the sons and the daughters, and He makes whomsoever He likes barren. Undoubtedly, He is
knowing, Authoritative.
51. And it is not fit for any man that Allah should speak to him but through revelation or that the man may be at
the other side of the veil of grandeur. Or He may send any angel that he may reveal by His command what He
pleases undoubtedly He is High, Wise
52. And likewise We have revealed to you an invigorative thing by Our command. You did not know the Book
before it nor the details of the laws of religion, yes, We made it a light whereby We guide such of Our
bondmen as We please. And undoubtedly, you most certainly guides to the straight path.
53. The path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Do you listen? All
affairs return to Allah only.
Surah Number 43: Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold, Luxry)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 89
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ha - Mim.
2. By the Book luminous.
3. We have sent it down an Arabic Quran that you may understand.
4. And undoubtedly, it is in the Mother Book with Us, indeed exalted, full of wisdom.
5. Shall We then turn away the Remembrance from you for that you are a people extravagant?
6. And how many a communicator of unseen (a prophet) did We send among the earlier people.
7. And whoever as a communicator of the unseen (a prophet) came to them, they used to mock at him.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

8. Therefore We destroyed those who were stronger in power than these, and the example of the earlier peoples
has gone before.
9. And if you ask them, "who has made the heavens and the earth" they will necessarily say, "the Esteemed One
the All-Knowing made them.
10. He, Who made the earth a bed for you and made pathways therein for you that you, may be guided.
11. And He, Who sent down water from the sky according to an estimate, and We there by give life to a dead city
and thus you, will be brought forth.
12. And who made all the pairs and made for you carriages from boats and cattle.
13. That you may sit rightly on their backs, and then you remember the favours of your Lord when you are rightly
seated thereon and say, Sanctity is to Him Who has subjected this carriage to us and this was not controllable
by our power.
14. And undoubtedly' We are to return to our Lord.
15. And they have appointed for Him a portion of His bondmen. Undoubtedly, man is clearly ungrateful.
16. Has He taken for Him daughters of His Creations and has chosen you with sons?
17. And when any of them is given the glad-tidings of that whose worth he has already described for the Most
Affectionate, his face remains darkened the entire day and he endures grief.
18. And what! One who is reared in ornaments, and speaks not clearly in altercation?
19. And they have appointed the angles who are bondmen of the Most Affectionate, females. Were they present at
the time of their creation? Now their evidence shall be recorded and they shall be questioned.
20. And they said, 'Had the Most Affectionate so willed, we would not have worshipped them? They know nothing
about its reality, they are only guessing.
21. Or have We given any Book to them before this to which they hold?
22. But rather they said, 'We found our forefathers on one religion and we are going on their footsteps'.
23. And likewise when We sent any warner in any city before you, the affluent thereof said, 'indeed we found our
forefathers on one religion and we are following their footsteps.
24. The prophet said, 'and what! Even though I may bring to you a better guidance than you found your fathers
upon?' They said, 'we deny that you are sent with?'
25. Therefore, We took vengeance upon them. Behold then, how was the end of the beliers?
26. And when Ibrahim said to his father and his people, 'I am quit of what you worship'?
27. Except Him who created, He will, and me necessarily, guide me soon.
28. And he let the word remain in his posterity that haply they may desist.
29. But rather I gave them and their fathers wordily enjoyments, until there came to them the truth and a
Messenger explaining clearly.
30. And when the truth came to them, they said, 'this is a magic, and we are denier of it.'
31. And they said, 'why has not this Quran sent down upon any great man of the two cities'?
32. Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? We have distributed their livelihood among them in the life of the
world and have raised some of them over others in degrees, that in between them one may laugh at the other.
And the mercy of your Lord is better than that they amass.
33. And had it not been that all mankind would become of the same faith, We would have surely made for those
who disbelieve in the All Affectionate, roofs of silver for their houses and stairs whereon they ascend.
34. And for their houses silver doors and silvers couches upon which they recline,
35. And various types of adornments. And all this is, it is only a provision of the life of this world. And the Here
after with your Lord is for the God-fearing.
36. And whoso blinds himself from the remembrance of the All Affectionate, We assign to him a devil that he may
remain his companion.
37. And undoubtedly, the devil hinders them from the way and they imagine that they are rightly guided.
38. Until when the infidels will come to Us, he will say to his devil, Ah! Would there had been between you and me
a distance of east and west! What an evil companion is he,
39. And you shall never be benefited by it today, since you have done wrong that you all are associated in the
40. Will you then make the deaf to hear, or will you guide the blind and those who are in clear error?
41. And even though We take you away, We shall surely take vengeance on them.
42. Or We show you that We promised them for We have great power.
43. Therefore, hold you fast to that which has been revealed to you. Undoubtedly, you are on the straight-path.
44. And undoubtedly, it (The Quran) is an eminence for you and for your people, and soon you will be questioned.
45. And ask those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you, 'Did We appoint some other Gods besides the All-
Affectionate to be worshipped'?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

46. And undoubtedly, We sent Musa with Our signs to Firawn and his chiefs, and he said, 'undoubtedly, I am the
Messenger of Him Who is the Lord of the entire world.
47. Then when he brought Our signs to them, hence they began to laugh at them.
48. And We showed them no signs but it was greater than its previous one and We seized them in misery in order
that they may desist.
49. And they said, 'O magician! 'pray your Lord for us because of His convenant which is with you, undoubtedly,
we shall come to guidance'.
50. Then when We removed from them the misery henceforth they broke the convenant.
51. And Firawn proclaimed among his people, 'O my people! Is not the Kingdom of Egypt for me and these streams
that flow beneath me? Do you not then see?
52. Or am I better than this man who is contemptible and seems not to be clear in speech?
53. Why, then, bracelets of gold have been bestowed on him or angels come along with him that they may remain
with him?
54. Then he befooled his people and they obeyed him. Undoubtedly, they were the people disobedient.
55. Then when they did that upon which Our anger came on them, We took vengeance on them and We drowned
them all.
56. And We made them a story of the past and an example for the coming generations.
57. And when the example of the son of Maryam is narrated, henceforth your people begin to laugh thereat.
58. And say 'are our Gods better or he? They said not this to you but for quarreling, Nay, but they are a people
59. He was not but a bondman whom We favoured and made him a strange example for the children of Israel.
60. If We wished, We would have peopled angels in the earth in place of you.
61. And undoubtedly, Isa is the news of the Hour, therefore never doubt about the Hour and follow Me. This is the
straight path.
62. And let never the devil hinder you. Undoubtedly, he is your manifest enemy.
63. And when Isa brought bright signs, he said, 'I have come to you with wisdom and in order to make clear to you
some of that wherein you differ, therefore fear Allah and obey my command.'
64. Undoubtedly, Allah is my Lord and is your Lord, therefore, worship Him. This is the straight path.
65. But the parties differed among themselves. Therefore, woe is to those who are unjust because of the torment
of a painful day.
66. What they are waiting for, but for the Hour that it should come upon them of a sudden while they know not?
67. Fast friends shall be foes to one another on that day but the God-fearing.
68. It will be said to them, O My Bondmen! there is no fear for you this day nor shall you grieve.
69. Those who believed in Our signs and were Muslims.
70. Enter you the Paradise, you and your wives joyfully and honorably.
71. There shall be passed around them the cups of gold and goblets and therein shall be whatsoever soul desires
and eyes delight in, and therein you shall remain for ever.
72. And this is Paradise to which you have been made heirs because of your actions.
73. Therein you have abundant fruits that you may eat.
74. Undoubtedly, the culprits are to abide forever in the torment of the Hell.
75. That shall never be abated from them and they shall remain there despaired
76. And We wronged them nothing, yes, they were themselves unjust.
77. They will call, O master! 'let your Lord finish with us'. He shall say, 'you are to stay.'
78. Undoubtedly, We brought you the truth but the truth is offensive to most of you.
79. Have they determined any affair in their opinion, then We are to determine Our affair?
80. Do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsels? Yes, why not and Our angels are
writing present with them.
81. Say you, 'if worst come to worst there had been a son to the Most Affectionate, I would have worshipped
82. Sanctity is to Allah the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne from all those things which
they fabricate.
83. So, leave them that they may talk nonsense and play until they encounter that day of theirs, which they are
84. And He is the God of the people of heaven, and God of the people of earth. And' He is the Wise, the Knowing.
85. And blessed is He for Whom is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between and He
has the knowledge of the Hour and you are to return to Him
86. And those whom they worship beside Allah have no power of intercession, yes, those who bear witness to the
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

truth and know have the power of intercession.
87. If you ask them who created them, they will necessarily say, Allah, then whither they are turning away?
88. And by the saying of the Messenger, O My Lord, they do not believe.
89. Therefore overlook them and say, peace: soon they shall l know.
Surah Number 44: Ad-Dukhân (Smoke)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 59
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ha-Mim.
2. By this luminous Book.
3. Undoubtedly We sent it down in a blessed night; verily We are to warn.
4. Therein every affair of wisdom is divided.
5. A command from Us, Verily, We are to send.
6. A mercy from your Lord, undoubtedly, He, Hears, knows.
7. He Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is in between if you are convinced.
8. None is to be worshipped but He. He gives life and causes death, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.
9. Nay, but they are in doubt, playing.
10. Therefore, wait you the day when the sky will bring a clear smoke,
11. That it shall cover the people. This is a painful torment.
12. They will say that day, 'O our Lord! Remove from us the torment, We believe'.
13. Whence they are to accept admonition, whereas there has already come a clear Messenger.
14. Then they turned away from him and said, 'He is tutored, madman'.
15. We let loose the torment for sometime, you will again do the same.
16. The day when We will seize the greatest seizing, verily We are to take vengeance.
17. And undoubtedly, We tested the people of Firawn before them, and an honourable Messenger came to them.
18. Saying, 'hand over to me the bondmen of Allah. Verily I am a trusted Messenger for you'.
19. Rise not up against Allah I bring to you a clear authority.
20. I take refuge of my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me.
21. And if you believe not in me, go you apart from me.
22. Then he called upon his Lord, these are guilty people.
23. We commanded that go forth with My bondmen necessarily, you shall be followed.
24. And leave you the river open from place to place, undoubtedly the host shall be drowned.
25. How many gardens and springs, they left behind.
26. And cornfields and nice houses.
27. And comforts wherein they were free from care.
28. We did thus, and We made another people to inherit them.
29. And the heavens and the earth did not shed tears for them, nor were they given respite.
30. And undoubtedly, We delivered the children of Israel from the abasing torment.
31. From Firawn, he was surely haughty and of the extravagant.
32. And undoubtedly, We chose them knowingly from among the people of that time
33. And We bestowed them the signs wherein there was clear reward.
34. These men do say,
35. 'That is not but our first death and we shall not be raised?
36. Bring back then, our fathers if you are truthful.
37. Are they better or the people of Tubba and those before them whom We destroyed? Verily they were culprits.
38. And We made not the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is in between them in play.
39. We made not them but with truth, but most of them know not.
40. Undoubtedly, the Day of Judgement is the term appointed for all of them.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

41. The day when a friend shall not avail a friend at all and nor they shall be helped.
42. Save those on whom Allah has mercy. Undoubtedly He is the Honourable, the Merciful.
43. Verily the tree of Zaqqqum (Cactus)
44. Is the food of the sinners.
45. Like molten copper bubbles in the bellies.
46. As boiling water bubbles.
47. Seize him and drag him forcibly towards the center of the blazing fire.
48. 'Then pour over his head the torment of boiling water.'
49. Taste it, Yes, certainly you are the Honourable, the benignant.
50. Undoubtedly, it is in which you were doubting
51. Undoubtedly, the God fearing is in a place of security.
52. In the gardens and springs.
53. They shall wear fine silk and brocade facing one another.
54. Thus it is, and We got them married to black and bright large eyed maidens.
55. They will ask for therein every kind of fruit in peace and security.
56. They will not taste death therein, other than the first death, and Allah saved them from the torment of the fire.
57. By the grace of your Lord. This is the supreme victory.
58. And We have made this Quran easy in your tongue so that they may understand.
59. So, wait you. they too are waiting.
Surah Number 45: Al-Jâthiya (Crouching)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 37
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ha- Mim.
2. The sending down of the Book is from Allah, the Honourable, the Wise.
3. Undoubtedly, there are signs in the heavens and the earth for the believers.
4. And in your creation, and what He scatters of animals, there are signs for a people who are fully convinced.
5. And in the alternation of night and day and in this that Allah has sent down rain the means of the Provision
from the sky, whereby He gave life to the earth after its death and in the turning about of the winds, there are
signs for the people of understanding.
6. These are the signs of Allah that We rehearse to you with truth. In what word then after leaving the signs of
Allah will they believe?
7. Woe is to every imposter, sinner!
8. Who hears the signs of Allah being recited to him, then persists proudly, as if he has not heard them, so give
him the glad tiding of a painful torment.
9. And when he comes to know anything from My signs, he takes them in mockery. For them is an abasing
10. Behind them is the Hell and nothing will avail them what they have earned, nor those whom they had taken as
supporters beside Allah. And for them is the great torment.
11. This is a guidance, and for those who disbelieved the signs of their Lord is the severest punishment of a painful
12. Allah is He who has subjected to you the river that the boats, may run on it by His command, and that you
may seek His bounty and that you may be grateful.
13. And has made to work for you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth by His Command.
Verily in it are signs for a people who reflect.
14. Tell to the believers pardon those who hope not for the days of Allah so that Allah may recompense a people
for their earnings
15. Whosoever does good, does it for his own soul, and whosoever does evil, does it for his own loss. Then to your
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

Lord will you all be returned back.
16. And undoubtedly We bestowed the children of Israel, the Book, the Government and the Prophethood, and We
provided them with pure things and exalted them over the people of their time.
17. And We gave them bright arguments regarding this affair' so they differed not but after true knowledge had
come to them through mutual jealousy. Undoubtedly, your Lord will decide between them on the Day of
Judgement conceding that wherein they differ.
18. Then We set you upon a nice path of that affair, there fore follow it and associate not with the desires of those
who know not.
19. Undoubtedly, they will avail you nothing against Allah. And verily, the unjust people are friends to one another.
And the mend of God-fearing is Allah.
20. This opens the eyes of the people and is a guidance and mercy for a people believing.
21. Do those who have committed evil deeds think that We shall make them like those who have believed and
have done good works, so that their life and their death should be equal? What an evil judgement they give?
22. And Allah made the heavens and the earth with truth and that every soul may be recompensed for his earnings
and they shall not be wronged.
23. See you then, he who has made his desire to be his God and Allah led him astray despite his knowledge and
set a seal upon his ears and his heart and laid a covering on his eyes. Who would guide him after Allah. Do you
not then heed?
24. And they said, 'that is not hut this our wordily life. we die and we live and none destroys us but the time, and
they have no knowledge of it they merely conjecture.
25. And when Our bright signs are recited to them, then their only argument is that they say, 'bring our fathers, if
you are truthful'.
26. Say you, 'Allah gives life to you, then He will make you to die, then He shall gather you all on the Day of
Resurrection of which there is no doubt, but most men know not
27. And for Allah is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and on the Day when the Hour shall be established,
upon that day the people of falsehood will be the losers.
28. And you shall see every people on their knees Every people will be summoned to their record. To day, you shall
be recompensed for your doings.
29. Our this writing speak truth against you. We were recording whatever you did.
30. But those who have believed and have done good works, their Lord will take them in His Mercy, This is the
open triumph.
31. And those who disbelieved, it will be said to them, 'were not My signs recited to you, but you used to wax
proud and you were a people guilty.
32. And when it is said, 'verily the promise of Allah is true and there is no doubt in the Hour,' you used to say, 'we
know not what the Hour is, we have only a surmise and we are not convinced.'
33. And the evil of their deeds became apparent to them and they have been encompassed by the torment that
they mocked at.
34. And it will be said 'to them, 'Today We shall leave you as you had forgotten the meeting of this your day, and
your destination is the fire and you have no helper.
35. That is for that you took the signs of Allah in mockery and the life of the world deceived you. Therefore today
neither they will be taken out from the fire nor any one will wish that they may please Allah.
36. All praise, then, to Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the worlds.
37. And for Him is the Greatness in the heavens and in the earth and He is the Honourable, Wise.
Surah Number 46: Al-Ahqâf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills, The Dunes)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 35
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ha - Mim.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

2. This Book is the sending down from Allah, the Dignified, and the Wise.
3. We made not the heavens and the earth and what is in between but with truth and for a term appointed. And
the infidels turn away from that they were warned of.
4. Say you, 'well, tell you, what you worship besides Allah show me, what particle of the earth they have made, or
they have any share in the heavens'? Bring me a Book before this or anything left over of knowledge, if you are
5. And who is more misguided than he who worship besides Allah such ones who may not hear his call till the Day
of Resurrection and even they are unaware of their worship.
6. And when mankind shall be gathered, they shall be enemies to them and will deny their worship.
7. And when Our bright signs are recited to them, the infidels say concerning the truth having come to them, 'this
is a magic manifest'
8. Do they say, 'he has fabricated it'? Say you, 'if I have fabricated it, you have no power for me against Allah. He
knows well in what uttering you are busy. And He is Sufficient as witness between me and you, And He is
Forgiving, Merciful.
9. Say you, 'I am not a novel messenger and I know not, what shall be done with me and with you. I only follow
what is revealed to me. And I am not but a plain warner.
10. Say you, 'see to it, if that Quran is from Allah and you have disbelieved in it, while a witness from the children
of Israel has already bore witness to it and he has believed, while you waxed proud'. Undoubtedly Allah guides
not the unjust people.
11. And the infidels said about, Muslims, 'if there had been some good in it, they could not have reached to it
ahead of us. And since they have not been guided thereby, now, therefore, they will say, this is an old
12. And before it there is the Book of Musa, a guide, and mercy; and this is a book confirming in Arabic language
that it may warn the unjust and good tidings to the righteous.
13. Undoubtedly those who said, 'our Lord is Allah, and then remained steadfast there shall be no fear upon them
nor shall they grieve.
14. They are the people of Paradise, they shall abide therein a reward of their doings.
15. And We commanded man to do good to his parents. His mother bore him with pain, and gave birth to him with
pain. And his bearing and weaning are in thirty months, till when he reached to his strength and attained me
age of forty years, he submitted, 'O my Lord, put in my heart that I may be thankful for Your blessing which
You bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do such works which may please You, and make
my offspring righteous for me. I turned towards you, and I am muslim.'
16. These are they whose good works We shall accept and will overlook their evil deeds. They are among the in
habitants of Paradise - the true promise which was made to them.
17. And he who said to his parents, 'Fie, I am fed up with you both, do you promise me that I shall be brought
forth again, whilst generations have already passed before me? And they both cry unto Allah for help, Woe to
you; believe you, verily the promise of Allah is true. Then he says, 'this is not but the tales of the ancients'.
18. These are they against whom the sentence has already been proved amongst the people of jinn and mankind
at had gone before them. Undoubtedly, they were the losers.
19. And for everyone there is degree according to their own actions, and that Allah may pay them in full for their
works, and they shall not be wronged.
20. And the day the unbelievers shall be presented to the fire, it shall be said to them, You have already exhausted
your pure things in your worldly life and have enjoyed them, therefore today you shall be recompensed with
the degrading torment, a punishment for that you used to wax proud in the earth without right and a
punishment for that you used to disobey.
21. And remember the compatriot of Aad, when he warned them in the land of Ahquaf (winding sand tracts) and
undoubtedly, the warners have already passed away before him and have come after him (saying) worship
none save Allah'. Undoubtedly I fear for you the torment of a great day.
22. They said, 'Have you come for this that you may turn us away from our Gods'? Bring us then that with which
you promise us, if you are truthful.
23. He said, 'the news thereof is only with Allah, and I only deliver to you the message of my Lord, yes, in my
opinion you are totally ignorant people'.
24. Then, when they saw the torment like clouds spread in the sides of the sky coming towards their Valleys, said,
this is a cloud which will rain over us. Not so, rather it is that which you sought to hasten a windstorm wherein
is a painful torment.
25. It destroys everything by the command of its Lord. So in the morning they remained as they were not seen but
their deserted dwellings. Thus, We punish the culprits.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

26. And undoubtedly, We had given them the control that we gave not to you; and made for them ears and eyes
and hearts. But their ears and eyes and hearts availed them nothing, since they used to deny the signs of Allah
and they were encompassed by the torment that they used to mock at.
27. And undoubtedly, We destroyed the cities round about you and brought varying signs so That they may desist.
28. Why, then did not those help them whom they had taken for Gods beside Allah for attaining His nearness? Nay,
rather they were lost from them, and thus is their calumny and fabrication.
29. And when We turned to you a number of jinn, giving ear to the Quran and when they were present there said
among themselves 'be silent', then when the recitation ended, they went back to their people warning.
30. They said, 'O our people.' We have heard a Book, that was sent down after Musa, confirming the former Books
and guiding towards the truth and to the straight path.
31. 'O our people! Respond to the caller of Allah and believe in Him that He may forgive some of your sins and
save you from the painful torment
32. And whoso responds not to the caller of Allah, he cannot go out of control in the earth and he has no helper
against Allah. They are in manifest error.
33. Have they not known that Allah, who made the heavens and the earth and was not wearied in making them,
has the power to give life to the dead? Why not, undoubtedly He can do everything.
34. And the day when the infidels shall be presented before the Fire it will be said to them, 'Is not this the truth'?
They will say, 'why not, by our Lord'. It will be said to them, 'taste then the torment, the recompense of your
35. Have you patience then, as had the resolute Messengers; and be in no haste about them, as on the day when
they will see that they are promised with, (it will seem to them) they had not tarried in the world but for an
hour of a single day. This is to deliver Then who shall be destroyed but the people dis-obedient.
Surah Number 47: Muhammad or Al-Qitâl (The Prophet Muhammad)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 38
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Those who disbelieved and hindered from the path of Allah, Allah has destroyed their deeds.
2. And those who believed and did good works and believed in what has been sent down upon Mohammad, and
that is the truth from their Lord, Allah has removed from them their evils and has made good their conditions.
3. This is because that the infidels followed the falsehood and the believers followed the truth which is from their
lord. Thus, Allah narrates to people their descriptions.
4. Therefore when you encounter the infidels, then there is smiting of the necks, till when you have fully
slaughtered, then tie fast, and afterwards leave them, either by grace or for ransom, till the war lay down its
burdens. This is so. And had Allah willed, He would have avenged Himself upon them, but that He may try
among you one against the other. And those who have been killed in the way of Allah, Allah shall never render
their works vain.
5. He will soon guide them and will set right their work.
6. And will make them enter the Paradise that He has made known to them.
7. 'O believers! If you will help the religion of Allah, Allah will help you and will make your feet firm.
8. And those who disbelieved, for them is the destruction and Allah destroys their works.
9. This is because they hated what Allah has sent down, so He has made their works futile.
10. Have they, then not traveled in the land that they may see what became the end of those who were before
them? Allah has cast destruction upon them and for the infidels there are so many the like thereof.
11. This is because Allah is the Protector of the muslims and the infidels have no protector.
12. Undoubtedly, Allah will make those who believed and did good works enter the Gardens underneath which the
rivers flow; while the infidels enjoy and eat as cattle eat, and the Fire is their resort.
13. And how many a city that was stronger in might than this city which has driven you out have We destroyed,
and they have no helper.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

14. Will he then, who is upon a clear proof from his Lord be like him whose evil deeds have been shown fair to him
and they followed their caprices'.
15. The description of the Paradise promised to the God fearing; therein are rivers of water which never stales; and
rivers of milk of which the taste does not change, and rivers of wine of which the drinking is delightful; and the
rivers of honey purified. And therein for them are every kind of fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord. Shall
persons enjoying such comforts be equal to those who are to abide in the Fire and are given to drink boiling
water so that it may cut their entrails into pieces?
16. And among them are some who listen to you till when they go forth from before you say to the men of
learning, 'what he has said just now?' These are they upon whose hearts Allah has set a seal and they followed
their coprices.
17. And those who have been guided, Allah has added to their guidance and bestowed them their piety.
18. What they are then waiting for but the Hour that it should come upon them suddenly? The signs thereof have
already come, therefore when it will come to them, then where will they be and where their understanding?
19. Know you therefore that there is no worshipping save Allah and O beloved, ask forgiveness for the sins of your
near ones and for general Muslim men and women. And Allah knows Your moving about in the day and your
taking rest by night.
20. And the muslims say, 'why not a sure has been sent down? But when any decisive Sura is sent down and
therein fighting is ordained, you will see those in whose hearts is sickness looking at you with a look of one
upon whom death has overshadowed but it was better for them.
21. That they would have obeyed and spoken good words. Then when the order has been finalized, if they were
true to Allah, it would have been better for them.
22. Do you then have the sign that if you get the authority, spread disorder in the land and sever your ties of
23. These are they whom Allah has cursed and made them deaf from the truth and made their eyes blind.
24. Do they then ponder not over Quran, or there are locks on the hearts of some of them?
25. Undoubtedly, those who turned away to their backs after the guidance had become clear to them. The devil
seduced them and gave them false hope of long living in the world.
26. That is because they said to those who hate what Allah has sent down, 'we shall obey you in one matter', and
Allah knows their secrets.
27. How then shall it be, when the angles will cause them to die, beating their faces and their backs?
28. That is because they have followed what angers Allah and hated His pleasure, so He has rendered their works
29. Do those on whose hearts there is disease think that Allah will not bring to light their rancour?
30. And if We pleased, We could show them to you so that you should recognize them by their faces and you shall
certainly recognize them by the tone of their speech. And Allah knows your deeds.
31. And We shall certainly test you until We see those among you who struggle and are steadfast and try your
32. Undoubtedly, those who committed infidelity and hindered from the way of Allah and opposed the Messenger
after the guidance had become clear to them, they shall never harm Allah and He will make their works
fruitless soon.
33. 'O believers! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and let not your works go vain.
34. Undoubtedly those who disbelieved and hindered from the way of Allah and then died as disbelievers, Allah
shall never forgive them.
35. So be not slack and call not yourself towards peace for you shall overcome and Allah is with you, He will never
give you loss in your works.
36. The wordily life is but a sport and pastime. And if you believe and ward off evil, He will give you your rewards,
and will not ask you your wealth.
37. If He asks them of you and asks more you would be niggardly, and the niggardliness will bring, to light the
malice of your hearts.
38. Look here yes, you are those who are called upon to spend in the way of Allah, then of you there are some
who are niggardly and whoso is niggardly is only niggardly to his soul. And Allah is self-sufficient. And you all
are needy. And if you turn your face, He will substitute for you another people and then they will not be like
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

Surah Number 48: Al-Fath (The Victory)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 29
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Undoubtedly, We have granted you a clear victory.
2. That Allah may forgive the sins of your farmers and of your lathers on account of you and may complete His
favours upon you and may show you straight path.
3. And that Allah may help you with mighty help.
4. He it is Who sent down satisfaction in the hearts of the believers so that they might add belief to their belief
and to Allah belongs all the hosts of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Knowing, wise.
5. So that He may cause the believing men and the believing women to enter the gardens under neath which flow
rivers, to abide therein and He may remove their evils from them. And this is the great triumph in the sight of
6. And that He may torment the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and polytheist
women who have evil thoughts concerning Allah. On them is the evil turn of fortune and Allah is worth with
them, and has cursed them and has prepared Hell for them. And that is what an evil end.
7. And to Allah belongs all the hosts of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Dignified, Wise.
8. Surely, We have sent you as a witness (present and seeing) and a bearer of glad tiding and a warner.
9. So that O People you may believe in Allah and His Messenger and pay respect to him and honour him, and that
you may glorify Him morning and evening.
10. Those who swear allegiance to you, swear allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands; so who-so
ever breaks his oath, he breaks it to his own loss, and whosoever fulfils the covenant which he had made with
Allah, then Allah shall soon give him a great Reward.
11. Now those desert Arabs who had remained behind will say to you, 'our possessions and our family members
kept us busy, therefore now you ask forgiveness for us?' They say with their tongues that which is not in their
hearts Say you, 'who has any power for you against Allah, if He desires you harm or if He desires you good.'
Nay, Allah is Aware of your doings'.
12. Nay! But you thought that the messengers and muslims would never return to their homes, and the same was
understood by you fair in your hearts, and you conceived an evil thought, and you were a people to be ruined.
13. And whoso believes not in Allah and His Messengers, We have surely prepared for the infidels a blazing fire.
14. And for Allah only is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whosoever He pleases and
punishes whomsoever He pleases. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
15. Now those who lagged behind will say, 'when you go to take the spoils, let us follow you. They desire to
change the words of Allah'. Say you, 'you shall by no means follow us thus have Allah said before. Then now
they will say, 'nay! But you are jealous of us. Not so rather, they understood not but a little.
16. Say to the desert Arabs, who lagged behind, 'soon you shall be summoned to fight against a people of severe
fighting that you shall fight them or they shall become muslims'. Then, if you will obey the command, Allah will
give you a good reward, but if you will turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful
17. No straitening there is on the blind and no harm on the lame, and nor there is penalization on the sick. And
whoso obeys Allah and His Messenger, Allah will admit him into gardens underneath which streams flow, but
whoso will turn away, he will torment him with a painful torment.
18. Surely, Allah was pleased with the believers when they were swearing allegiance to you under the tree, and
Allah knew what were in their hearts, so He sent down on them tranquillity and rewarded them with a near
19. And abundant spoils that they took. And Allah is Dignified, Wise.
20. And Allah has promised you abundant spoils that you will take, and these He had hastened to you and has
restrained the hands of the people from you and that it may be a sign to the believers and that He may guide
you on a straight path.
21. And one more (victory) which was not under your power, that is in the possession of Allah. And Allah is Potent
over every thing.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

22. And if the infidels should fight you, they would necessarily then turn their back from your confrontation; then
they would not find any supporter nor helper.
23. This is the practice of Allah that is being practiced from before, and you shall never find the practice of Allah
24. And it is He Who has restrained their hands from you and has restrained your hands from them in the valley of
Mecca after He had given you control over them. And Allah sees your doings.
25. They are those who disbelieved and hindered you from the Sacred mosque, and the sacrificial animals were
detained from reaching their place of sacrifice. And if it had not been for certain believing men and some
believing women whom you knew not that you might have trampled them, and there befall you any harm from
them unknowingly, We would have permitted you to fight. This protection of theirs is for that Allah may admit
into His mercy whom He pleases. If they had been separated, necessarily then We would have punished the
infidels among them with a painful punishment.
26. When the infidels harboured obduracy in their hearts the obduracy of the days of ignorance then Allah sent
down His tranquillity on His Messenger and on the believers and made incumbent on them the words of
righteousness and they were better entitled to it and more worthy of it. And Allah knows everything.
27. Undoubtedly, Allah has proved true the true vision of His messenger. You shall no doubt, will enter the sacred
mosque, if Allah pleases, in security, having their heads Shaven or having their hair cut short without any fear.
But He knew what you knew not and appointed before that a near victory.
28. It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth that he may make it prevail over
all other religions And Sufficient is Allah as witness.
29. Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are hard against the infidels and tender among
themselves you will see them bowing and prostrating themselves in prayer seeking grace of Allah and His
pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the traces of prostrations This description of their is in Taurah and
their description is in Enjeel, as a cultivated field which puts forth its sprout, then strengthened it, then it
became thick, then stood straight upon its stem, it looks pleasant to the cultivators that through them the
hearts of the infidels may burn. Allah has promised unto those of them who are believers and do good,
forgiveness and a great reward.
Surah Number 49: Al-Hujurât (The Private Apartments)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 18
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. 'O believers! Exceed not over Allah and his Messenger and fear Allah. Undoubtedly Allah Hears, Knows
2. 'O believers! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Communicator of unseen (the Prophet) and speak
not aloud in presence of him as you shout to one another, lest your works become vain while you are unaware.
3. Undoubtedly, those who lower down their voices in the presence of the messenger of Allah those are they
whose hearts Allah has tested for piety. For them is forgiveness and great reward.
4. Undoubtedly, those who call you from behind your private apartments, most of them are stupid.
5. And if they had patience, until you yourself come out to them that had been better for them. And Allah is
Forgiving, Merciful.
6. 'O believers! If any disobedient comes to you with any news make a strict inquiry lest you may hurt any people
improperly then remain repenting on what you have done.
7. And know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he were to do according to your liking in much of the
affairs, you would then surely be in trouble, but Allah has endeared the faith to you and has adorned it in your
hearts and He has made infidelity, and iniquity and disobedience hateful to you such persons are on the right
8. A grace and favour of Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
9. And if two groups of the Muslims fight each other, then make peace between them, but if one of them commits
excessiveness against the other, then fight the one that has committed excessiveness till it reverts to the
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

command of Allah. Then if it reverts rectify between them with justice and do justice. Verily Allah loves the
10. Muslims are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah that the mercy may be
shown to you.
11. 'O believers! Let not the men scoff at the men, perchance they may be better than those who scoff, and nor
the women at other women, perchance that they may be better than those women who scoff, and do not taunt
one another and nor call one another by nick-names. What a bad name is, to be called a disobedient after
being a Muslim, and those who repent not, they are the unjust.
12. 'O believers! Avoid most suspicions, verily some suspicion is a sin and do not look out for faults and do not
backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would abominate it. And
fear Allah, Verily Allah is Oft Returning, Merciful.
13. 'O people! We created you from one man and one woman and made you branches and tribes that you may
recognize one another. Undoubtedly, the most respected among you in the sight of Allah is he who is more
pious, verily, Allah is knowing, Aware.
14. The villagers said 'we have believed'. Say, you, 'you believed not, yes, you rather say, we have surrendered',
for the belief has not yet entered in your hearts. But if you shall obey Allah ends His Messenger, He will not
make you to lose anything of your works. Surely, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
15. The believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then, have never doubted and
have struggled with their possession and their persons in the way of Allah. It is they who are truthful.
16. Say you, 'do you tell Allah your religion? And Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the
earth. And Allah knows everything.
17. 'O beloved (prophet)! They take it as a favour to you that they have become Muslims. Say you, 'do not place
the favour of your Islam on me; but rather Allah confers a favour upon you in that He has guided you to Islam,
if you are truthful.
18. Undoubtedly, Allah knows the unseen of the heaven and of the earth, and Allah is seeing your works.
Surah Number 50: QâfPage (The Letter Qâf)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 45
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Qaf. By the glorious Quran.
2. But rather they wondered that there has come to them a warner from among themselves. And the infidels said,
'this is a strange thing.'
3. Will when we be dead and become dust, we be raised again to life? This return is remote.
4. We know what the earth diminishes for them; and with Us is a Book preserving.
5. But rather they belied the truth when it came to them and so they are in a state of confusion.
6. Have they not looked up to the sky above them, how We have built it and adorned it and that there is no rift
7. And the earth We have spread it out, and placed there in anchors of mountains and caused to grow therein
every beautiful pair.
8. An insight and understanding for every returning bondman.
9. And We sent down out of heaven blessed water and We caused to grow thereby gardens and the grain that is
10. And tall palm trees with spathes piled one over another
11. As a provision for bondmen and We thereby revived a dead city. Thus is your coming out from the graves.
12. Belied before them the people of Nuh and the men of Rass and Thamud;
13. And the Aad, Firawan and the compatriots of Lut,
14. And the men of wood and the people of Tubba. Every one of them belied the Messengers and so the promise
of My torment was proved.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

15. Have We then become weary by making for the first time? Nay, but rather they are in doubt regarding a new
16. And indeed We created man and We know what his soul whispers within him, and We are nearer to him than
even his jugular vein.
17. When the two receivers receive from him, one sitting on the right side and another at the left.
18. Not a word he utters but there is sitting a watcher ready by him.
19. And there has come the stupor of death with truth. This is from which you were trying to run.
20. And the Trumpet was blown. This is the Day of the torment promised.
21. And every soul came forth in this manner that with it there was a driver and a witness.
22. Assuredly, you were heedless of this, therefore We have removed from you the covering, so today your sight is
23. And his companion angel said, 'this is what is ready with me'.
24. It will be commanded cast you, twain into Hell every ungrateful, obstinate.
25. Who is hinderer of the good transgressor, doubter.
26. Who has set up any other God with Allah so you twain cast him into the severe torment.
27. His associate devil said, 'Our Lord,' I did not make him contumacious, yes, he was himself in a tar off error'.
28. He will say, 'dispute not before Me' for I had already warned you of the torment'
29. The word is not changed with Me, nor I wrong My bondmen.
30. The day when We shall say to Hell, 'are you filled up'? It will say, 'is some thing more'?
31. The paradise shall be brought near to the pious that it shall be not far off from them.
32. This is what is promised to you for every pertinent, watchful.
33. Whoever feared the All Affectionate in the unseen and came to Him with a pertinent heart.
34. It will be said to them, 'Enter the Paradise in peace'. This is the day of Eternity.
35. For them there is whatever they desire and with Us there is yet more than that.
36. How many a generation We destroyed before them that they were stronger in velour than they, then they
searched about in the cities. Is there any place of refuge?
37. Undoubtedly, there is admonition in it for him who has a heart or who gives ear and be heedful.
38. Surely, We made the heavens and the land and what ever is in between in six days and weariness came not to
39. Therefore be patient over what they say, and sanctify your Lord praising Him before the rising of the sun and
before its setting.
40. And sanctify Him in the late night and after prayers.
41. And listen attentively, the day when the caller will call from a place nearby.
42. The day when they will hear the uproar in truth. This is the day of coming forth from the graves.
43. Undoubtedly, We give life and cause death and to Us is the return.
44. The day when the earth will cleave as under from them and they will come out hastening. This is the
gathering, quite easy for Us.
45. We are knowing well what they are saying and you are not a tyrant over them, therefore admonish by Quran
him who fears My threat.
Surah Number 51: Az-Zâriyât (The Winnowing Winds)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 60
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By those who scatter by scattering.
2. Then the burden bearers.
3. Then the smooth runners.
4. And then the distributors by command.
5. Undoubtedly, what is promised to you is surely true.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

6. And undoubtedly, the justice is sure to be done.
7. By heaven that is adorned (by stars).
8. You are at variance in your talks.
9. He alone is turned away from this Quran who is destined to be turned away.
10. Killed be the fabricators.
11. Who are forgetful in intoxication (of ignorance).
12. They ask, 'when will be the day of judgements'.
13. It will be a day when they shall be tried on the fire.
14. And it will be said to them, 'taste your trial'. This is what you were hastening.
15. Surely, the pious are in the gardens and springs.
16. Receiving what their Lord gives them. Surely, they were doers of good before that.
17. They used to sleep little by night.
18. And in the last part of the night, they used to seek forgiveness.
19. And in their wealth, there was the right of the beggars and the unfortunate.
20. And in the earth are signs for those who are convinced.
21. And in your own selves. Do you not then perceive?
22. And in heaven is your provision, and that you are promised.
23. Therefore, by the Lord of the heavens and the earth, verily this Quran is the truth in the same language, which
you speak.
24. 'O beloved! (prophet) has the news of the honoured guests of Ibrahim come to you?
25. When they came to him and said, 'peace', he said, 'peace', they are the persons strangers.
26. Then he went to his house and brought a fatted calf.
27. Then he placed before them. He said, 'do you not eat.
28. Then he began to fear in his heart on account of them, they said, 'fear not, and gave him glad tidings, of the
birth of a son of knowledge.
29. Then his wife came forward crying and smote her forehead and said, 'what! A barren old woman.
30. They said, 'thus has said your Lord. And He is the Wise the Knowing.
31. Ibrahim said, 'and O angels! For what business you have come?
32. They said, 'We have been sent to a sinful people.
33. That We may let, loose upon them stones of baked clay.
34. Which are with your Lord marked for the extravagant.
35. Then We brought forth from the city those who were believers.
36. But We found there only one house of Muslims.
37. And We left therein a sign for those who fear a painful torment.
38. And in Musa also, when We sent him to Firawn with bright authority.
39. But he turned away with his army and said, 'a magician or a madman.
40. So seizing him and his army, We cast them into the sea in a condition that he was blaming himself.
41. And in Aad too, when We sent to them a dry windstorm.
42. That it left the thing it came upon like a rotten thing.
43. And in Thamud too, when it was said to them; enjoy yourselves for a while'.
44. But they rebelled against the command of their Lord then a thunderbolt overtook them before their eyes.
45. Then neither they could stand up nor they could take revenge.
46. And We destroyed the People of Nuh before them. Undoubtedly they were the people disobedient.
47. And We have made the heaven with hands, and undoubtedly We are Makers of the vast extent.
48. And We have made the earth a floor, and what an excellent spreader We are.
49. And We have made pairs of everything that you may reflect.
50. Therefore, flee towards Allah. Undoubtedly I am a clear warner to you from Him.
51. And do not set other gods along with Allah. Surely, I am a clear warner to you from Him.
52. In the same way, whenever any Messenger came to those before them, they said only 'a magician or a
53. Have they bequeathed it to one another? Nay' rather they are a people contumacious.
54. Therefore O beloved! (Prophet) turn your face from them and there is no blame on you.
55. And admonish, for admonition benefits the muslims.
56. And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me.
57. I ask for no provision from them, and nor I desire that they should feed Me.
58. Undoubtedly, it is only Allah, the Great Provider, the Powerful, the Authoritative.
59. Surely, then for those who do wrong there is a portion of torment as there was a portion for their fellows,
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

therefore let them not ask Me to hasten.
60. "Woe is then to the infidels because of that day of theirs which they are promised.
Surah Number 52: At-Tûr (The Mount)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 49
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By the Mount.
2. And by the Book inscribed.
3. And by the Book inscribed.
4. And by the frequented House.
5. And by the lofty roof.
6. And by the burning sea.
7. Surely, the torment of your Lord is certainly to occur;
8. There is none to avert it.
9. The day when the heaven will shake with awful shaking.
10. And the mountain will move with an awful movement
11. Woe is then on that day to the beliers.
12. Those who are playing in idle avocation.
13. The day when they shall be driven towards the hell with forceful pushing.
14. This is the Fire, which you used to belie.
15. Is this magic? or you do not perceive.
16. Go into it, now whether you be patient or be not patient, all is equal to you. You are merely recompensed for
what you used to do.
17. Undoubtedly, the pious are in gardens and in delight.
18. They are happy what their Lord has bestowed them, and their Lord has saved them from the fire.
19. Eat and Drink with pleasure for what you were doing.
20. Reclining in couches which are spread in rows, and We got them married with fair maidens having wide
beautiful eyes.
21. And those who believed and whose off-spring followed them with faith. We joined them with their offspring
and diminished not anything from. their deeds. All men are pledged in their deeds.
22. And We helped them with fruits and meat, anything they desire.
23. They pass from one to another, a cup wherein is neither absurdity nor sin.
24. And the youths in their service will go round them, as if they are pearls preserved concealed.
25. And of them one faced another asking questions.
26. They said, verily, before this we were in our families afraid'.
27. Therefore Allah favoured us and saved us from the torment of scorching hot wind.
28. Verily, we had worshipped Him in our first life. Undoubtedly, He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
29. Then (O beloved Prophet) admonish. By the grace of Allah neither you are a sooth sayer nor a madman.
30. Or they say, 'He is a poet, we are waiting for the calamity of the time coming on him'
31. Say, you, 'keep on waiting, I am too waiting with you'.
32. Do their wisdom tell them this or they are people contumacious?
33. Or they say 'He has made this Quran, Nay rather they believe not'.
34. Then let them bring a single discourse like this, if they are truthful.
35. Have they not been created by any lineage or they are themselves creators?
36. Or they have created the heavens and the earth? Nay, rather they are not convinced.
37. Or they possess the treasure of your Lord or they are incharge of affairs'
38. Or they have any ladder by means of which they hear, then let their listener bring a clear authority.
39. Has He daughters and you sons?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

40. Or you ask some wage from them, so that they are pressed under a load of debt
41. Or they have unseen with them by which they give command.
42. Or they are intending any plot? But it is the infidels who are to be caught in the plot.
43. Or they have any other god besides Allah? Sanctified is Allah from their polytheism
44. And if they should see a fragment of the sky falling down, they would say then, it is clouds piled up.
45. Then leave them, till they encounter their day wherein they shall swoon.
46. The day their plot shall avail them not at all, and not they shall be helped.
47. And undoubtedly, for the unjust people there is a torment before this, but most of them know not.
48. And O beloved prophet! Remain patient for the order of your Lord, that verily you are before Our eyes, and
sanctify your Lord praising Him when stand.
49. And sanctify Him in the night and after the setting of the stars.
Surah Number 53: An-Najm (The Star)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 62
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. By the lovely shining star Muhammad, when he descended from the Ascension (Meraj).
2. Your companion neither went astray nor misled.
3. And he speaks not of his own desire.
4. That is not but the revelation that is revealed to him.
5. He was taught by one possessing mighty powers.
6. Possessor of strength. Then that splendid sight proceeded.
7. And he was on the highest horizon.
8. Then that splendid sight drew nearer, then he came close well.
9. So there was a distance of two hands between the Splendid sight and the beloved (Prophet) but rather less
than that.
10. Now He revealed to His bondman whatever He revealed.
11. The heart lied not in what he saw.
12. Do you then dispute with him concerning what he has seen?
13. And indeed, he saw that Splendid sight twice.
14. Near the farthest Lote-tree.
15. Near which is the Garden of Eternity.
16. When that was covering the Lote-Tree, which was covering.
17. The eye deviated not, nor crossed the limit.
18. Certainly, he saw very big signs of his Lord.
19. Have you then seen Lat and Uzza?
20. And the third Manat?
21. What! For you the males and for Him the females.
22. Then this is an unfair division.
23. That is not, but some names, you and your fathers have named; Allah has not sent down any authority for
them. They follow mere conjecture and desire of souls, whereas there has already come to them guidance
from their Lord.
24. Will the man have whatsoever he fancies?
25. But Allah is the Owner of the Hereafter and the world all.
26. And how many an angel is there in the heavens that their intercession availed nothing but when Allah permits
to whomsoever He desires and pleases.
27. Undoubtedly, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, name the angels with the names of females.
28. And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow mere conjecture and verily the conjecture avails nothing
against the conviction.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

29. Therefore, turn your face from them who turned back from Our remembrance and who desired not but the life
of the world.
30. That is the utmost limit of their knowledge. Undoubtedly, your Lord knows well who strayed from His way, and
He knows well him who was guided.
31. And for Allah is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth so that He may recompense the evil
doers for their doings and reward with best those who do good.
32. Those who save themselves from grave sins and indecencies but to this extent that they approached sins and
kept themselves aloof. Verily, the forgiving of your Lord is vast. He knows you well, He created you from the
earth and when you were embryos in the bellies of your mothers. Therefore, tell not your souls as pure. He
knows well who are pious.
33. Did you observe him who turned away?
34. And gave a little and then stopped?
35. Has he the knowledge of the unseen, so he is seeing.
36. Has he not been told of what is in the scriptures of Musa?
37. And of Ibrahim who fulfilled the Commandments.
38. That no soul-bearing burden bears the burden of another.
39. And that the man will not get but what he endeavors.
40. And that his endeavour shall soon be seen.
41. Then he shall be recompensed for it fully.
42. And that verily, towards your Lord is the end.
43. And that it is He who made one to laugh and made one to weep.
44. And that it is He who caused death and caused life.
45. And that it is He who made pairs male and female.
46. From the sperm when it is poured forth.
47. And that it is for Him the second raising.
48. And that it is He Who enriched and gave satisfaction.
49. And that it is He Who is the Lord of the star Sirius.
50. And that it is He Who destroyed the first Aad;
51. And Thamud, then left none.
52. And before this the people of Nuh verily, they were more unjust and contumacious than them.
53. And He demolished the city to be over-turned.
54. Then covered them what covered them.
55. Therefore O listener', which of your Lord favours would you doubt?
56. This is a warner like the former warners.
57. It came near that was to come near.
58. There is none to open it save Allah.
59. Do you then wonder at this discourse?
60. And do you laugh, and weep not.
61. And you are sporting.
62. Therefore prostrate yourselves for Allah and worship Him. [^] (SAJDA) 12.
Surah Number 54: Al-Qamar (The Moon)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 55
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. The Hour came near and the moon was split.
2. And if they see any sign, they turn their faces and say this is magic perpetual.
3. And they belied and followed their desires, and every affair has already been resolved.
4. And undoubtedly, there has come to them those tidings wherein there was enough to check.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

5. Perfect wisdom, but warners profit them not.
6. So, turn you away from them. The day when the caller will call towards a harsh unrecognized thing.
7. Casting down their eyes, they will come out of the Graves as they are locusts scattered.
8. Hastening towards the Caller. The infidels will say, 'this day is hard'.
9. The people of Nuh belied before them, they declared Our bondman to be liar and said, 'he is a madman and
scolded him'.
10. He therefore prayed to his Lord, saying 'I am vanquished, do then take revenge for me.
11. Then We opened the doors of heaven with forceful flowing water.
12. And We made the earth flow with springs, so the two waters met to such a quantity, which was already
13. And We bore Nuh on a thing of planks and nails.
14. Floating before Our eyes, a recompense for him who was rejected.
15. And We left it as a sign. Is there then any one who would pay attention?
16. Therefore, how were My torment and My warnings?
17. And verily, We have made Quran easy for remembering, is there then any one to remember?
18. Aad belied, then how was My torment and My warnings?
19. Surely, We sent against them a strong windstorm in a day whose ill-fortune remained lasting over them.
20. It used to beat down the men as though they are the roots of uprooted palm trees.
21. Then how were My torment and My warning?
22. And undoubtedly, We made the Quran easy for remembering is there then any one to remember,
23. Thamud belied the Messengers.
24. And they said, 'shall we follow a man from among our selves? Then we in deed are misled and mad.
25. Has the Reminder been sent down upon him from all among us? Nay, rather he is great liar, self-boaster.
26. Very soon, tomorrow they will know who was a big liar, self-boaster?
27. We are to send the she Camel for their trial, therefore O Saleh! Watch them and have patience.
28. And inform them that the water has been divided between them in shares. He who has his turn should be
presented at the share.
29. Then they called their companion and he after taking the sword hamstrung her.
30. Then how were My torment and My warnings?
31. We sent against them a single uproar, hence they became like the left over grass of enclosure builders, dry,
32. And verily, We made the Quran easy for remembering, is there then any one to remember?
33. The people of Lut belied the Messengers.
34. Verily, We sent over them a storm of stones except the family of Lut. We rescued them by early dawn.
35. As a favour from Us. Thus do We recompense him who is grateful.
36. And surely, he had warned them of Our grasp, but they doubted in the Commandments of warning.
37. They intended to solicit him from his guests, so We obliterated their every saying, 'taste My torment and My
38. And undoubtedly, there came upon them early in the morning a lasting torment.
39. Taste then My torment and My warning.
40. And undoubtedly, We made Quran easy for remembering. Is there then any one to remember?
41. And verily the Messengers came to the people of Firawn (Pharoah).
42. They belied all Our signs Then We seized them with a grave befitting to the dignity of the Honourable and the
All Authoritative.
43. Are your infidels better than those? Or have you an exemption in the Scriptures'
44. Or is it that they say, 'We shall take revenge all-together'.
45. Now this multitude is being driven out and they will turn their backs.
46. Nay, rather the Hour is their promise and the Hour is the hardest and bitterest.
47. Surely, the culprits are misled and mad.
48. The day when they shall be dragged into the fire on their faces and it will be said to them, 'taste the flame of
the Hell.
49. Undoubtedly, We created every thing according to an estimate.
50. And Our work is only a matter as the twinkling of an eye.
51. And undoubtedly, We have destroyed your likes, is there anyone to look into?
52. And whatever they have done is in the Books.
53. And everything, small or big has been written down.
54. Undoubtedly, the pious are in gardens and stream.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

55. In the sitting of truth before the sovereign Most Authoritative.
Surah Number 55: Ar-Rahmân (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 78
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. The Most Affectionate
2. Taught the Quran to His beloved.
3. He created Mohammad, the soul of humanity.
4. He taught him speech regarding whatever had already happened and whatever will happen.
5. The sun and the moon are according to a reckoning.
6. And the green plants and trees prostrate.
7. And the sky, Allah has elevated it and set the balance.
8. That you may not transgress in the balance.
9. And keep up the weight with justice, and shorten not the weight.
10. And the earth, He has laid for the creatures.
11. There in are fruits and palm trees with sheaths.
12. And grain with husk and fray. rant flowers.
13. Which then, of the favours of your Lord wills O Jinn and men you twain will deny?
14. He made man from ringing clay, it is like a potsherd.
15. And the Jinn He created from the flame of the fire.
16. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
17. He is the Lord of the two easts and the two wests'.
18. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
19. He made flow two seas that look to be joined.
20. And there is Carriers in between them that one can not excel the other.
21. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?
22. There comes out from them pearl and the Corel.
23. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny.
24. His are the Carriers that they are raised up in the sea like mountains.
25. Which then, of the favours of your Lord, will you deny?
26. All that is on earth is to perish.
27. And there is abiding for ever is the Entity of your Lord Majestic and Venerable.
28. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
29. To Him beg all that are in the heavens and in the earth Every day, He has a work.
30. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
31. Soon after finishing all works We proceed to your reckoning, O you two heavy groups.
32. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
33. 'O Company of Jinn and men, if you can that you may go out of the boundaries of the heavens and the earth
then do go. Wherever you will go, His is the Kingdom.
34. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
35. On you shall be loosed the flame of the fire without smoke and black smoke without flame, then you could not
be able to take revenge.
36. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
37. And when the sky will split it will become rose like red hide.
38. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
39. Then on that day the sinner shall not be asked about his sin, neither man nor Jinn
40. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
41. The culprits shall be recognized by their faces and after being seized by the forelocks and feet will be cast in
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

the hell.
42. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
43. This is the Hell, which the culprits belie.
44. They will go round between it and fierce boiling water.
45. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
46. But for him who fears to stand before his Lord there are two Paradises.
47. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
48. Having many branches.
49. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
50. In them two fountains run.
51. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
52. In them are two kinds of each fruit.
53. Which then, of the favours Of your Lord will you deny?
54. Reclining on beds whose linings are of brocades and the fruits of both so low that you may pick up with your
55. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
56. On the beds there are the maidens that they glance towards none save their husbands untouched before them
by any man or Jinn
57. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
58. As if they are rubies and corals.
59. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
60. What is the recompense of goodness, but goodness?
61. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
62. And besides them, there are two other gardens.
63. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
64. From deep green, giving black reflection.
65. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
66. In them there are two springs gushing forth.
67. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
68. In them, there are fruits dates and pomegranates.
69. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
70. In them there are maidens good natured, beautiful.
71. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
72. There are houris, ( virgins of paradise ) confined in tents,
73. which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
74. Neither man nor jinn have touched them before.
75. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
76. Reclining on green beds and painted lovely carpets.
77. Which then, of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
78. Greatly Blessed is the name of your Lord, Majestic and Venerable.
Surah Number 56: Al-Wâqi`ah (The Event)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 96
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. When the Event inevitable shall come to pass.
2. Then there shall be no room for any one to deny its happening.
3. Bringing low to someone and exalting to some.
4. When the earth shall tremble with severe shaking.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

5. And the mountains shall be broken to pieces completely smashed.
6. And will become like thin particles of dust scattered in the sunshine of the ventilator.
7. And you shall become three kinds.
8. Then those on the right side how are those on the right side?
9. And those on the left side how are those on the left side?
10. And those who took the lead they have already taken the lead.
11. They are the favorite trusted persons.
12. In the gardens of comfort.
13. A group from among the former ones.
14. And a few from among the later ones.
15. They shall be on thrones studded with diamonds and pearls.
16. Reclining on them facing each other.
17. Abiding youths shall go round them carrying.
18. Goblets and ewers and cups with flowing drink before sight.
19. Where from they will have neither headache nor any unconsciousness.
20. And fruits that they like.
21. And the flesh of birds as they desire.
22. And fair maidens with wide eyes.
23. Like preserved, hidden pearls.
24. The recompense for their doings.
25. They shall not hear therein any vain or any sinful talk.
26. Yes, this will be their saying peace, peace.
27. And those on the right side, how are those on the right side?
28. In the midst of thorn-less berry trees.
29. And clusters of bananas.
30. And abiding shade.
31. And ever flowing water.
32. And fruits abundants.
33. Neither ending, nor for bidden.
34. And raised couches.
35. Undoubtedly, We made those women grow with good growth.
36. And made them virgins.
37. Loving to their husbands, attracting them, of equal age.
38. For those on the right side.
39. A group from amongst the former ones.
40. And a group from amongst the later ones.
41. And those on the left side,
42. How are those on the left side?
43. In the midst of scorching winds and boiling waters.
44. And the shadow of burning smokes.
45. Which is neither cool nor Honourable.
46. Verily before this, they were at ease.
47. And used to say, what! When we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we necessarily be raised up?
48. And what! Our former fathers too?
49. Say. 'Surely, all former ones and later ones.
50. Shall necessarily be gathered to the appointed time of a known Day.
51. Then, verily, O you the misguided ones, the beliers.
52. Shall surely eat of the tree of Zaqqum (Cactus).
53. And fill your belies there will,
54. And again you will drink thereon of boiling water.
55. Then you will drink as thirsty camel's drink.
56. This is their entertainment on the Day of judgement.
57. We have created you, why then, you do not accept the truth?
58. So look you, the sperm drop that you emit.
59. Do you make human being of it or We are the Maker?
60. We have fixed death among you; and We are not to be outstripped by this,
61. That We may exchange the likes of you, and may fashion your faces in a manner, which you know not.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)

62. Undoubtedly, you have already known the first growth, why then, do you not reflect?
63. Tell you then, what you sow?
64. Do you make crop of it or We are the Grower?
65. If We willed, We might trample it into pieces then you would remain lamenting.
66. That we are indebted,
67. Rather we remained deprived altogether.
68. Tell you then, the water you drink.
69. Did you send it down from the clouds, or We are the Sender?
70. If We willed, We might make it bitter, what! Then, are you not grateful?
71. Tell you then, the fire you kindle.
72. Did you produce the tree thereof or We are the Producer?
73. We made it a reminder of the Hell and a benefit for the wayfarers in the forest.
74. Therefore O beloved! Glorify the name of your Lord the Magnificent
75. Then I swear by the places where the stars set.
76. And if you know that is mighty oath.
77. Undoubtedly, this is an Honourable Quran.
78. In a well preserved Book
79. Touch it not but with ablution.
80. It is a sending down from the Lord of all Being.
81. Do you then, show idleness in this statement?
82. And do you keep for you this share that you belie?
83. Why then it was not when the soul reaches to the throat.
84. And you are at that time looking on.
85. And We are near to it than you, but you have no sight.
86. Why then it was not, if you are not to be requited,
87. That you may send it back if you are truthful?
88. Then if the person dying is of the near ones,
89. For him is the comfort and flower and a garden of delight.
90. And if he be of those on the right side,
91. Then O beloved, peace is upon you from those on the right side.
92. And if he be of the beliers, the misguided,
93. Then his entertainment is the boiling water.
94. And the thrusting into the blazing fire.
95. Undoubtedly, this is the truth of certainty.
96. Therefore O beloved', glorify the name of your Lord the Magnificent.