Surah Number 23: Al-Mu`minûn (The Believers)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 118
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Undoubtedly, the believers reached to their goal.
2. Those who beseech in their prayers.
3. And those who turn away from vain talk.
4. And those who are active in paying poor-due (Zakat).
5. And those who guard their private parts.
6. But from their wives or lawful handmaids who are the property of their hand for (in their case) they are not to
be blamed.
7. Then whoso desires anything more than these two, they are the transgressors.
8. And those who regard their trusts and their covenant.
9. And those who keep watch to their prayers.
10. They are indeed the inheritors.
11. Who shall inherit the Paradise, they shall abide there in.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
12. And assuredly, We made man from the extract of clay.
13. Then We made him a drop of water and put in a strong serenity.
14. Then We made the drop of water a clot, then We made the clot a piece of flesh, then We made the bones with
flesh, then We developed it into another shape. So blessed be Allah, the Best Creator.
15. Then after this, necessarily you are to die.
16. Then you all shall be raised up on the Day of judgment.
17. And assuredly, We made seven ways above you, and We are not heedless of creation.
18. And We sent down water from the heaven according to an estimate, then caused it to stay in the earth; and
undoubtedly, We are potent to take it away.
19. Then We created therewith your gardens of dates and grapes, for you therein are abundant fruits, and of
them, you eat.
20. And created a tree that springs forth from the mount Sinai, that grows oil and a sauce for those who eat.
21. And undoubtedly, in the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of what is in their bellies, and you
have in them many benefits and of them, you have your food.
22. And upon them and on boat you are borne.
23. And undoubtedly, We sent Nuh towards his people, and he said 'O my people, worship Allah, there is no god
for you beside Him. Do you not then fear?
24. Then the chiefs of his people who disbelieved said! He is not but a man like you, he desires to become your
superior. And if Allah willed, He would have sent down angels, we have not heard this among our forefathers.
25. He is not but a mad man, wait, therefore, concerning him for a period.
26. Nuh submitted, 'O my Lord, help me for that they belied me.
27. Then We sent revelation to him, 'that make the Ark within Our sight and by Our command, then, when Our
command comes and the oven boils, take into it two of every pair and your family, but those of them against
whom the word has already gone forth; and talk Me not regarding those who are unjust; They shall be surely
28. Then when you are firmly seated yourself and those with you in the Ark, say then, 'all praise to Allah Who
delivered us from these unjust people.
29. And submit, 'O my Lord, disembark me to a blessed land and You are the best of those who disembark'.
30. Undoubtedly, in this, necessarily are signs, and verily We were necessarily to test.
31. Then after them We produced another generation.
32. Then We sent to them a Messenger from amongst themselves (saying) that worship Allah, there is no god for
you beside Him, and Do you then not fear?
33. And the chiefs of those people who disbelieved and belied the presence of the Hereafter and whom We gave
comfort in the life of the world, said, 'he is not but a man like you, he eats of that what you eat and drinks of
at what you drink.
34. And if you obey a man like you, then necessarily you are in loss.
35. Does he promise you that when you will die and will become dust and bones, after this you shall be brought
forth again?
36. 'It is far away, it is far away, what is promised to you.
37. 'That is not but our life of this world that we die and we live and we are not to be raised up'.
38. He is not but a man who forged lie against Allah and we are not going to believe him.
39. He submitted, 'O my Lord, help me for they have belied me.
40. Allah said, in a little while they will meet the morning repenting.
41. Then a true uproar overtook them and We made them like rubbish of grass. Be away then the unjust.
42. Then after them We raised other generations.
43. No nation can go ahead of their period, nor they can remain behind.
44. Then We sent Our Messengers one after the other. Whenever its Messenger came to any nation, they belied
him, then We caused the latter to meet the former, and made them tales, then be away the people who
believe not.
45. Then We sent Musa and his brother Haroon with Our signs and a clear authority.
46. To Firawn (Pharaoh) and his courtiers, but they boasted and they were a people already possessed with
47. Then they said, 'shall we believe in two men like ourselves while their people are serving to us.
48. Then they belied both of them they were then of those who were destroyed.
49. And undoubtedly, We gave Musa the Book that they might be guided.
50. And We made Maryam and her son a sign and gave them shelter on an elevated land where was a place for
abiding and running water before sight.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
51. 'O Messengers eat pure things and do good deeds. I know your deeds.
52. And assuredly, this religion of yours is one religion and I am your Lord therefore fear Me.
53. Then their people cut up their affairs among themselves. Each group is happy over that what is with them.
54. Therefore leave you them in their intoxication for a time.
55. Are they imagining that by the wealth and children with which We are helping them.
56. We hasten to give them good? Nay, but they are not aware.
57. Undoubtedly, those who tremble because of the fear of their Lord.
58. And those who believe in the signs of their Lord.
59. And those who do not make any partner to their Lord.
60. And those who give what they give and their hearts are trembling because they are to return to their Lord.
61. These people hasten on to good, and they are first to attain them.
62. And We burden not any soul but according to its capacity and with Us is a Book that speaks the truth and they
shall not be wronged.
63. Nay, but their hearts are heedless of it, and their deeds are separate from those works, which they are doing.
64. Until, when We seized their rich people in agony then they began to cry for help.
65. 'Cry not this day, you shall not be helped by US'.
66. Assuredly, My signs were recited to you, then you used to turn back on your heels.
67. You boast on the service of the sacred place, telling absurd stories there by night leaving the truth.
68. Did they not ponder over the words? Or did there come to them what had not come to their forefathers?
69. Or did they not recognize their Messenger, therefore they are taking him as stranger?
70. Or do they say, there is madness in him? Nay but he has brought them the truth and most of them are averse
from the truth.
71. And if the truth had followed their desires, then, necessarily, the heavens and earth and whosoever is in them
would have been ruined. Nay, but We have brought them that thing in which there was fame for them but they
have fumed their faces from their own prestige.
72. Does you ask of them any recompense, but recompense of your Lord is the best; and He is the Best Provider?
73. And undoubtedly, you call them towards the straight path.
74. And undoubtedly, who do not believe in the Hereafter, necessarily they are deviated from the straight path.
75. And if We had mercy on them and relieved them of the affliction that has touched them, then necessarily, they
would persist in their contumacy going astray.
76. And undoubtedly, We seized them in agony, but I neither they did humble before their Lord and nor they
77. Until when We opened on them the door of any severe torment, now then they are lying despaired therein.
78. And it is He Who made for you ears and eyes and heart. You very little own the truth.
79. And it is He who has spread you in the earth and to Him you are to be raised.
80. And it is He who gives life and causes death and for Him the alternation of night and day. Do you not then
81. Nay, but they said what the former used to say.
82. They said, 'what! when we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be raised up again?
83. Undoubtedly, this was promised to us and before us to our forefathers. This is not but the same former fables.
84. Say you, 'whose is the earth and whatever is in it if you know'.
85. Now they will say, 'Allah's Say you, 'why you then not ponder'.
86. Say you, 'Who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of Great Throne'.
87. Now they will say, 'this is the Grandeur of Allah. Say you 'why do not you then fear?
88. Say you, 'In Whose hand is the control of every thing and He gives refuge and none can give refuge against
Him, if you have knowledge?
89. Now they will say, 'this is Grandeur of Allah. 'Say you, in what delusion you are lying?
90. Nay, but We have brought them the truth, and undoubtedly, they are liars.
91. Allah has not taken any child for Himself, and nor is there any other god along with Him If it were so, each god
would have wished superiority over the other. Glorified is above all that which they attribute to Him.
92. Knower of the hidden and the apparent, therefore He is Exalted above what they associate.
93. Say you, 'O my Lord, if you would show me with what they are promised'.
94. 'O my Lord; then put me not with the unjust people.
95. And undoubtedly, We are Powerful to show you that which We are promising to them.
96. Repel the evil with that which is best. We know well what they attribute.
97. And say you, 'O my Lord, I seek refuge in you from the evil suggestions of the devils (Satan).
98. And O my Lord! I seek I refuge in You lest they come to me.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
99. Till when death comes to anyone of them, he says that O my Lord; send me back.
100. Haply, now I may earn some good in that what I have left behind. Never, this is only a word, which he utters.
And in front of them is a barrier until the Day when they shall, be raised.
101. Then when the Trumpet shall be blown there shall be no relationship among them, nor will they ask after one
102. Then those whose scales are heavy, they would reach to their goals.
103. And those whose scales are light, these are they who put their souls in loss, forever they will remain in the
104. The flame of fire shall smite their faces and they shall glower therein.
105. Were not My signs recited to you, you then used to belie them?
106. They will say, 'O our Lord; our misfortune overcame us and we were people misguided'.
107. 'O our Lord! Take us out of the Hell, if we do the same again, we are then unjust'.
108. The Lord will say, 'remain lying despised therein and speak not to me.
109. Undoubtedly, a group of My bondmen used to say, 'O our Lord; we believed so forgive us and have mercy
upon us and You are the Best of merciful.
110. 'Then you made them a laughing stock, until in making them such, you forgot My remembrance and at them,
you used to laugh",
111. 'Undoubtedly, this day I recompensed them for their patience that they alone are triumphed".
112. Allah said, 'how long did you stay in the earth by number of years'.
113. They said, 'We stayed for a day or part of a day, therefore ask those who count.
114. Allah said, 'you stayed not but little, if you would have knowledge'.
115. Do you then think that We made you in vain and you are not to return to Us?
116. Then exalted high is Allah, the True King; there is no god except He the Lord of Honored Throne.
117. And whosoever worships any other god beside Allah, for which he has no proof, then his account is with his
Lord. Undoubtedly, the infidels have no rescue.
118. And you submit, 'O my Lord forgive and have mercy and You are the best of merciful.
Surah Number 24: An-Nûr (The Light)
Revealed at: Madinah
Total Verses: 64
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. This is a chapter (Sura) that We have sent down and We have made obligatory its commandments, and We
have sent down bright signs in it so that you may take heed.
2. The adulteress and the adulterer, then flog each of them with hundred stripes, and you should not be
compassionate for them in the religion of Allah if you believe in Allah and the Last day. And let a party of the
Muslims be present at the time of their punishment.
3. The adulterer should not marry but an adulteress or an associatoress and marry not an adulteress but an
adulterer or associator, and this deed is forbidden to the believers.
4. And those who blame chaste women, then bring not four witnesses flog them with eighty stripes and never
accept any evidence of theirs, and it is they that are the dis-obedients.
5. But those who repent thereafter act aright, undoubtedly, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
6. And those who malign Their own wives and they have no evidence except themselves, then the evidence of
any such of them is that he should bear witness four times in the name of Allah that he is truthful
7. And fifthly this that the, curse of Allah be upon him if he be a liar.
8. And the punishment shall avert from the wife if she bears witness four times in the name of Allah that the man
is a liar.
9. And fifthly this that the curse of Allah be upon the woman if the man is truthful.
10. And if the grace of Allah and His mercy had not been upon you, and that Allah is Relenting Wise, He would
have opened your secret.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
11. Undoubtedly those who have brought this big slander are a party from among you. Consider it not an evil for
you; rather it is good for you. For every one of them is the sin that he has earned, and among them he who
took the greater share, for him is the mighty torment.
12. Why it did not happen when you had heard it that the Muslim men and Muslim women would have thought
good of their own people, and say, 'this is the manifest slander'.
13. Why did they not bring four witnesses against it? Therefore, since they did not ' bring witnesses' they are
indeed liars in the sight of Allah.
14. And if the grace of Allah and His mercy had not been upon you, in this world and the Hereafter, then a mighty
torment would have touched you for the muttering into which you plunged.
15. When you brought such talk on your tongues hearing from one another, and uttered with your mouths that of
which you had no knowledge and thought it light, while it was great in the sight of Allah.
16. And why it did not so happen, when you heard it you would have said. 'It is not befitting to us to speak about
such thing? Allah, Hollowed be You; this is great slander.
17. Allah admonishes you now never repeat like of it if you believe.
18. And Allah explains to you His signs clearly. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
19. Those who desire that scandal should spread among the Muslims, for them is the painful torment in this world
And the Hereafter And Allah knows and you know not.
20. And if there had not been the grace of Allah and, mercy upon you and that. Allah is Kind enough, Merciful to
you, (then you would have experienced its hardship).
21. 'O believers; follow not the footsteps of the devil (Satan). And who-ever follows the footsteps of the devil
(Satan) then he will indeed tell you only indecency and evil things. And if there had not been the grace of Allah
and His mercy upon you, no one of you could have ever been cleansed, Yes Allah cleanses whosoever He like.
And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
22. And swear not those among you who are men of excellence and of means against giving to the kinsmen and to
the needy and to the emigrants in the way of Allah; and let them forgive and overlook. Do you not love that
Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
23. Undoubtedly, those who malign, unaware chaste believing women, are cursed in the world and the Hereafter.
And for them is the mighty torment.
24. On the day when their tongues and their hands and their feet will-bear witness against them as to what they
used to do.
25. On that day Allah will give them true punishment in full, and they will know that Allah alone is the manifest
26. Dirty women are for dirty men and dirty men for dirty women and clean women are for clean men and clean
men for clean women; they are free from what they are saying. For them is forgiveness and honorable
27. 'O believers! enter not houses other than your own, until you take permission and salute the residents thereof.
This is better for you, haply you may be heedful.
28. But if you find not anyone therein, then also enter them not without the permission of the owners; and if you
are told to go back, then go back, this is cleaner to you. And Allah knows your deeds.
29. There is no sin on you that you enter those houses, Which are not especially for anyone's residence, and you
have discretion to use them. and Allah knows what you close and what you conceal.
30. Order the Muslim men to lower down their sights a little and to guard their private parts. This is cleaner for
them, undoubtedly, Allah is Aware of their deeds.
31. And order the Muslim women to lower down their sights a little and guard their chastity and show not their
adornment but as much which is itself apparent and remain putting their head coverings over their bosoms.
And disclose not their adornment but to their husbands, or to their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or
to their or the of sons husbands or their brothers or the sons of their brothers or the sons of their sisters or the
women of their religion or their handmaids who are the property of their hands or servants provided they are
not men of sexual desire or the children who are unaware of the private parts of the women; and put not their
feet forcibly on the ground that hidden adornment may be known. And repent to Allah, O Muslims all together,
haply you may get prosperity.
32. And perform marriage of those among you who have not been married and of your suitable servants and hand
maids. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allah is Ample Knowing.
33. And let those who have no means to marry, restrain themselves until Allah provides them means out of His
Bounty. And from among your servants and hand maids the property of your hand those who wish that you
should write for them freedom on the condition that they may earn some wealth, then write it for them if you
know some good in them; and help them out of the wealth of Allah which He has given to you. And force not
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
your maids to prostitution when they desire to live in chastity in order that you may get some goods of this
worlds life. And whosoever will force them then undoubtedly, Allah after this that they remain in compulsion is
Forgiving, Merciful.
34. And undoubtedly, We have sent down to you manifest signs, and some description of those who have passed
away before you and admonition for those who fear.
35. Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The
lamp is in a chandelier (of glass). The chandelier is as it were a star glittering like a pearl; it is lighted from the
blessed olive tree which is neither of east nor of west, it is near that its oil may flare up even though the fire
touches it not. The Light is upon the Light. Allah guides to His Light whomsoever He will and Allah narrates
examples for the people. And Allah knows all things.
36. In those houses, which Allah has ordered to be raised up and in them His name is remembered, Allah is
glorified therein in the mornings and the evenings.
37. By men whom neither trade nor business diverts from the remembrance of Allah and performing of prayer and
paying of the poordue (Zakat) They fear a day in which hearts and eyes shall be turned about.
38. So that Allah may recompense them for their best works and give them more reward out of His bounty. And
Allah provides whomsoever He will without reckoning.
39. And those who disbelieved, their works are- like a mirage in a desert that the thirsty one thinks it to be water
until when he came up to it, he found it to be nothing and found Allah near him, then He paid him his account
in full. And He is Swift in reckoning.
40. Or it is like the darknesses in a deep sea, above which is a wave, above wave another wave, above which are
clouds. There are layers of darknesses one upon the other. When he puts out his hand, it seems not to be
visible, and to whom Allah gives not light; for him there is no light anywhere.
41. Have you not seen that all who are in the heavens and the glofiry Allah and so do the birds spreading their
wings? Every one knows his prayer and his way of glorifying. And Allah knows their deeds.
42. And it is for Allah only the Kingdom of heavens and earth and to Allah is the return.
43. Have you not seen that Allah drives the clouds softly, then joins them together, and then piles them one over
the other so that you see that rain comes out from the midst thereof? And He sends down from the sky
wherein are mountains of ice, some hails out of them; then casts it over whom He will and turns it away from
whom He will. It is very near that its flash of light: ding may take away the sight.
44. Allah turns about the night and the day. Undoubtedly in, it is a lesson for those who have eyes.
45. And Allah has created every beast from water. Of them is one that walks on his belly, and of them are one that
walks on his four feet. Allah creates what, He pleases. Undoubtedly, Allah can do everything.
46. Undoubtedly, We have sent down clear explanatory signs. And Allah guides whom He pleases to the straight
47. And they say, 'We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger and we obeyed, then some of them turn away
after this. And they are not Muslims.
48. And when they are called towards Allah and His Messenger that the Messenger may decide between them at
that very time a party of them turns away.
49. And if the right be upon their side, they would have come to him submitting.
50. Is in their hearts a disease? Or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will be unjust to them? Nay, they
themselves are unjust.
51. The saying of Muslims is only this, when they are called towards Allah and Messenger that the Messenger may
decide between them then they say, 'we have heard and we obey And these are they who attained to their
52. And whoso obeys Allah and His Messenger and fears Allah and guards himself from evil, then such are the
people who are successful.
53. And they have sworn by Allah with utmost strength in their oath that if you will order them, necessarily, then
they would come out for religious war, say, you, 'swear not; obedience is required according to religious dogma
Allah knows what you do.
54. Say you, 'Obey Allah and obey His Messenger; therefore, if you turn your face, then for the Messenger is that
which was made incumbent on him and for you is that whose burden was put upon you, and if you will obey
the Messenger, you will be guided. And upon the Messenger, there is no responsibility but to deliver clearly.
55. Allah has promised those among you who believed and performed good deeds that He will surely give them
power to rule in the earth as was given to those who were before them and He will surely consolidate their
religion which He has chosen for them, and will surely change their after war fear with peace and Security They
should worship Me and associate not anything with Me. And whose is ungrateful after this, then they are the
people disobedient.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
56. And establish prayer and give the poor-due (Zakat) and obey the Messenger haply; you may be shown mercy.
57. Never think that the infidels may go out of Our control in the earth; and their destination is Fire and indeed
what an evil end it is.
58. 'O believers; let those servants your hands own and those of you who have not reached puberty, ask leave of
you three times-before the morning prayer, and when you put off your clothes at the noon and after the night
prayer. These are three times of privacy for you. After these, three times there is no sin on you or on them.
They come and go about one to the other. Thus, Allah narrates His signs for you. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.
59. And when the children among you reach puberty, then they should also ask leave as asked those before them.
Thus Allah narrates to you His signs, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.
60. And the old retired women (past child bearing) who have no desire for marriage, on them there is no sin that
they may lay aside their outer clothing when they display not their adornment. And to abstain from that even is
better for them. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
61. There is no harm for the blind and there is no harm for the lame and there is no restriction on the sick nor on
any one of you, that you eat in the houses of your children or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your
mothers or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters or the houses of your uncles or the
houses of your paternal aunts, or the houses of your maternal uncles, or the houses "of your maternal aunts,
or from those places of which the keys are in your possession or , from the house of your friend. There is no
blame upon you whether you eat together or separately. Then when you enter any house, salute your own
people, a nice greeting from Allah at the time of meeting, blessed, pure. Thus Allah narrates to you His signs
that you may understand.
62. Those are the only believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and when they have come to the
Messenger regarding any such matter for which they were collected then go not away until they have asked
leave of him. Those who ask leave of you; those are they who believe In Allah and His Messenger. Then when
they ask leave of you for some affairs of their own, give leave to whom you will from among them and ask
forgiveness of Allah for them. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving Merciful.
63. Make not the summoning of the Messenger among yourselves, like one calls the other among you.
Undoubtedly, Allah knows those of you who slip away quietly taking shelter of any excuse; therefore let those
who do against the command of the Messenger fear lest some trial befall them or a painful torment overtake
64. Take it for granted, undoubtedly, it is of Allah, What ever is in the heavens and earth. Undoubtedly, He knows
in what condition you are, and on the Day when they be returned to Him, then He will tell them whatever they
did. And Allah knows every thing.
Surah Number 25: Al-Furqân (The Quran, The Criterion, The Standard)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 77
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Immensely Blessed is He Who has sent down the Quran to His Bondman that he may be a warner to the entire
2. He for Whom is the kingdom of heavens and earth and He has not taken a son for Himself and He has no
Partner in His Kingdom, and after creating every thing, He has ordained it on a right estimate.
3. And the people have taken other gods besides Him, that they create nothing and they themselves have been
created, and they themselves are not owners of their own souls either for bad or for good, and neither they
have power to die nor to be alive nor to rise up.
4. And the infidels said, 'this is not but a calumny which he has fabricated and some other people have helped
him in it, undoubtedly, those unjust people have brought more falsehood.
5. And they said, 'these are fables of the ancients which he has written, so that they are read to him morning and
6. Say you, 'it has been sent down by Him Who knows every secret thing of the heavens and the earth.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
Undoubtedly, He is Forgiving, Merciful.
7. And they said, 'what happened to this Messenger, he eats food, and walks about the market, why not an angel
was sent down to him that he might be a warner with him.
8. Or he would have got a treasure from the hidden place or he would have any garden that he may eat
therefrom. And the unjust people say, You follow not but a man who has been bewitched'.
9. 'O beloved, see what kind of similitudes they are coining for you, therefore, they have gone astray, now they
can not find any way.
10. Blessed is He Who, if He please, will do better for you than that, Gardens beneath which flow streams and He
make palaces for you.
11. Nay, they belie the Hour, and for him who belies the Hour, We have prepared a blazing fire.
12. When it will see them from a far, they will hear its bubbling and shrieking.
13. And when they will be thrown into any narrow place thereof tied With chains, they will there request for death.
14. It will be said, 'request not today one death but request for many deaths'.
15. Say you, 'Is this better or the abiding garden which is promised to those who fear. That is their reward and
16. For them is therein all that they desire, they will abide therein for ever. This is promise made by your Lord as
prayed for.
17. And the day He will assemble them and those they worship besides Allah, then He will say to those gods, 'have
you led these My bond-men astray or they themselves strayed away from the path'?
18. They will say, 'Glory is to you, it was not befitting for us that we should take besides You any other patron, but
You did allow them and their forefathers to carry on until they forgot Your remembrance and these were the
people to be ruined.
19. Now therefore the gods have belied your sayings, you can neither avert the torment nor can help yourselves.
And who is among you is a wrong doer, We shall make him taste a big torment.
20. And as many Messengers We sent before you, they were all the same, they ate food and walked about in the
markets. And We have made one of you a test for the other, and O, people! Will you have patience, and O
beloved! Your Lord is seeing.
21. And said those who do not expect meeting Us, "Why not angels are sent, to us, or we see our Lord"
Undoubtedly they have become proud of themselves and they have become greatly contumacious.
22. The day they will see the angels' that will not be a happy day for the guilty, and will say, 'O Allah', set a barrier
forbidden between us and them.
23. And whatever work they had done, We have purposely made them minute particles or dust scattered that are
seen in the sunshine of the ventilator.
24. Fellows of the Paradise on that day will have a good destination and after the noon of reckoning a good place
for rest.
25. And on the day, the sky shall be split as-under with the Clouds and the angels shall be sent down fully in large
26. The true Kingdom that day is of the Most Affectionate. And it is a hard day on the infidels.
27. And on that day the wrongdoer will bite his hands saying 'O' would that I had taken a way with the Messenger.
28. Ah' Woe to me', would that anyhow I had not taken such a one for a friend.
29. Undoubtedly, he led me astray from the admonition after it had come to me. And the devil (Satan) leaves the
man deserted.
30. And the Messenger said, 'O my Lord', my people took ' this Quran as a thing abandoned'.
31. And thus We did make for every prophet enemy from among the culprits. And your Lord is sufficient to guide
and to help.
32. And the infidels said why the Quran was not sent down on them all at once? We have thus sent it down
gradually that We may strengthen your heart there with and We recited it with gradual recitation.
33. And they will not bring you any saying but We shall bring you the truth and better explanation.
34. And those who shall be driven upon their faces towards the Hell, their destination is worst and worstly
misguided from the path.
35. And undoubtedly, We gave Musa the Book and appointed his brother Haroon as Minister.
36. Then We said, 'go both of you towards the people who have belied Our Signs. Then We perished them after
37. And as to the people of Nuh' When they belied the Messengers, We drowned them and made them a sign for
the people. And We have already prepared painful torment for the oppressors.
38. And the Aad and the Thamud and the people of the well and many a generation in between.
39. And We narrated examples to all and We obliterated all after complete annihilation.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
40. And necessarily, they have already visited the town where on was rained an evil rain. Had they not seen it?
Nay, but they had no hope to be raised up alive.
41. And when they see you, they take you not but in mockery. Is this the one whom Allah had sent as Messenger?
42. It was near that he would have made us astray from our gods if we had not persevered towards them. Now
they wish to know, the day when they will see the torment that who was astray from the path.
43. Have you seen him who has taken as his god his own desire? Will you then take the responsibility of being a
guardian over him?
44. Or do you think that most of them hear and understand? They are not but like cattle, nay, but they are worst
astray from the path.
45. 'O beloved! Have you not seen your Lord that how He has spread the shadow? And if He had willed, He would
have made it stationary, then We have made the sun guide over it.
46. Then We rolled it up towards Us slowly, slowly.
47. And it is He Who has made for you the night a covering and the sleep a rest and made the day to rise up.
48. And it is He Who has sent winds bearing glad tidings before His Mercy, and We sent down water from the sky
49. So that We may thereby give life to a dead city, and give it for drink to Our created many cattle and men.
50. And undoubtedly, We have fixed turn of water amongst them that they may take heed, but most of the people
accepted not but being ungrateful.
51. And if We had willed, We would have sent a warner in every town.
52. Obey then not the infidels and wage war against them with this Quran a mighty war.
53. And it is He Who caused to flow two seas together, this one is sweet, very palatable and this one is saltiest,
bitter in taste, and placed a barrier in between them and a forbidden ban.
54. And it is He Who created man from water then appointed for him relationship by blood and relationship by
marriage. And your Lord is Powerful.
55. And they worship besides Allah that which can neither do good to them nor can harm them and the infidel
helps the devil (Satan) against his Lord.
56. And We have not sent you but as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.
57. Say you, 'I ask of you no wage for this but whosoever wills may take a way towards his Lord.
58. And rely you upon the Living One who will never die and glorify Him admiring. And Sufficient is He, Aware of
the sins of His bondmen.
59. Who made heavens and earth and whatever is between them in six days, then He settled Himself on the
throne befitting His Dignity. The Most Affectionate -Ask you then concerning Him anyone who knows.
60. And when it is said to them, prostrate yourself before the Most Affectionate, they say, 'what is the Most
Affectionate, shall we prost rate to such whom you bid to us? And this order increased their aversion. [^]
61. Most Blessed is He Who made constellations in the sky and placed therein a lamp and a shinning moon.
62. And He it is Who has made the night and day changing one after the other, for him who wishes to pay
attention or intends to be grateful.
63. And the bondmen of the Most Affectionate are those who walk on the earth modestly and when the ignorant
address them, they say, 'peace'.
64. And those who pass the night for their Lord in prostration and standing.
65. And those who request, 'O Our Lord', avert from us the torment of the Hell; undoubtedly, its torment is
66. Undoubtedly, that is a vile place of abode.
67. And those who when they expend neither exceed the limit nor they are straitened and remain in between the
two on the middle path.
68. And those who worship not any other god along with Allah, soul not same which Allah has forbidden unjustly
and do not commit adultery; and whosoever does this shall get the punishment.
69. The torment shall be multiplied to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he shall abide therein forever disgraced.
70. But he who repents and believes and does good deeds, then Allah will change the vices of such persons with
virtues. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
71. And whosoever repents and does good deeds, then he turned towards Allah in a manner as it was necessary.
72. And those who do not give false evidence and when they pass by anything vain, pass on keeping their dignity.
73. And those who when they are reminded of the signs of their Lord fall not there at deaf and blind.
74. And those who submit, 'O Our Lord', grant us from our lives and offspring the coolness of eyes and make us
the leader of those who guard themselves against evil.
75. Those shall be rewarded with the highest upper apartment of the paradise, the recompense of their patience,
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
and they will be received there in with greetings and peace.
76. They shall abide therein forever, what a decent place of abode and habitation.
77. Say you, 'you are of no value to my Lord, if you do not worship Him; then indeed; you belied, therefore now
there will be a cleaving torment.
Surah Number 26: Ash-Shu`arâ` (The Poets)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 227
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ta, Sin, Mim
2. These are the signs of a bright Book.
3. Haply you will lay down your life in their grief that they believed not.
4. If We willed, We could send down any sign upon them from the heavens, so that their high ones would remain
bowed down before it.
5. And there comes not to them any new admonition from the Most Affectionate, but they turn their faces from it.
6. Therefore, undoubtedly they belied, now soon there is to come to them the tidings of their mocking at.
7. Have they not seen the earth, how many noble pairs have We caused to grow therein?
8. Undoubtedly, therein necessarily is a sign, but most of them are not to believe.
9. And undoubtedly, your Lord necessarily He is Dignified, Merciful.
10. And recall when your Lord called Musa saying, 'go to the people unjust'.
11. The people of Pharaoh (Firawn) Will they not fear?
12. He submitted, 'O my Lord', I fear that they will belie me.
13. And my breast straitens and my tongue moves not fluently, therefore make Haroon a Messenger.
14. And they have a charge against me, so that I fear that they may kill me.
15. Allah said, 'not so; go both of you with Our signs, We hear with you.
16. Therefore go to Pharaoh (Firawn) then say to him, 'both of us are the Messengers of Him Who is the Lord of
the worlds.
17. That send you the children of Israel with us.
18. Firawn said, 'did We not bring you up among us in your childhood, and you did pass among us many years of
your life?
19. And you did your deed you did and you were ungrateful.
20. Musa said, 'I did do it when I was unaware of the path.
21. Therefore, I went away from you when I was afraid of you, then my Lord bestowed me wisdom and made me
one of the Messengers.
22. And this is any grace of which you speak to me that you have enslaved the children of Israel.
23. Firawn (Pharaoh) said 'and what is the Lord of the Worlds?
24. Musa said, 'the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them if you would believe.
25. Firawn (the Pharaoh), said to those around him, 'do you not hear carefully?
26. Musa told, 'your Lord and the Lord of farmer fathers'.
27. Firawn said, 'your this Messenger who has been sent to you has necessarily, no wisdom'.
28. Musa said, 'the Lord of east and west and what ever is between them if you have wisdom'.
29. Firawn said, 'if you will take a god other than me, then I will certainly imprison you'.
30. Musa said, 'what, even though I bring you something bright?
31. Firawn said, 'Bring it then, if you are truthful'?
32. Therefore Musa threw down his staff hence it became a serpent manifest.
33. And he drew forth his hand, henceforth it was shining light to the beholders.
34. Firawn said to the chiefs around him, 'undoubtedly, he is a magician learned'.
35. He desires to expel you from your land by the power of his magic, then what do you advice'?
36. They said, 'make him and his brother stay and send collectors in the cities'.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
37. That they may bring to you every big magician learned.
38. Therefore, the magicians were assembled together at a fixed time on an appointed day.
39. And it was said to the people, 'will you assemble'?
40. Haply, we may follow these magicians if they over come.
41. Then when the magicians came, they said to Firawn, 'will we get some wage if we over come?
42. Firawn said, 'yes, and at that time you will be our near ones.
43. Musa said to them, 'Cast you down what you have to cast'.
44. Therefore they cast down their ropes and staffs and said, 'By Firawn's honour, undoubtedly, we are the
45. Then Musa cast his staff, henceforth it began to swallow their fabrications.
46. Now they fell down prostrated.
47. The magician said, 'We believed in the Lord of the Worlds.
48. Who is the Lord of Musa and Haroon.
49. Firawn said, 'have you believed in him before I give you leave? Undoubtedly, he is your big one who taught
you magic; now you are to know, I swear, undoubtedly I shall cut off your hands and your feets on alternate
sides, and shall crucify you all.
50. They said, 'there is no harm, we are to return to our Lord.'
51. We are greedy that our Lord may forgive our sins, since we have believed first.
52. And we revealed to Musa travel by night with My bondmen, undoubtedly, you are to be followed.
53. Now Firawn sent collectors in the cities.
54. That these are a small party.
55. And indeed, they are enraging us.
56. And undoubtedly, we are all vigilant.
57. Therefore, We turned them out from gardens and springs.
58. And treasurers and fine abodes.
59. We did thus. And made their heirs to the children's of Israel.
60. Then the people of Firawn followed them at the sunrise.
61. Then when the two groups saw each other, the people of Musa said, 'they have over taken us'.
62. Musa said, 'not so, undoubtedly my Lord is with me, He guided me just now.
63. Then We revealed to Musa, strike with your staff the sea, hence the sea was parted, and every part was like a
big mountain.
64. And We brought others nearer to that place.
65. And We saved Musa and all those with him.
66. Then We drowned the others.
67. Undoubtedly in it necessarily, is a sign.
68. And most of them were not Muslim. And undoubtedly your Lord, He is the Mighty, Merciful.
69. Recite to them the news of Ibrahim.
70. When he said to his father and his people, 'what do you worships
71. They said, We worship idols, then we remain sitting devoted before them.
72. He said, 'do they hear you' when you call?
73. Or do you any good or harm you?
74. They said, 'Nay we found our fathers doing so'.
75. He said, 'do you then see. What you worship'?
76. You end your forefathers.
77. Undoubtedly they are all enemies to me but the Lord of the worlds.
78. He Who created me, therefor He will guide me.
79. And He who feeds me and gives me to drink.
80. And when I am ill, it is He who heals me.
81. And He who will cause me to die, then will make me alive.
82. And He Who, I long will forgive my sins on the Day of Requital.
83. 'O my Lord! Bestow wisdom on me and join me with those who are able of Your proximity.
84. And give me a true reputation among the later generations.
85. And make me among those who are the heirs of gardens of comfort.
86. And forgive my father, undoubtedly he has gone astray.
87. And disgrace me not the day when all shall be raised.
88. The day when neither wealth nor sons shall avail.
89. But he who comes before Allah with a sound heart.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
90. And the Heaven shall be brought near to the dutiful.
91. And the Hell shall be made apparent to those who have gone astray.
92. And it will be said to them. Where are those whom you used to worship?
93. Beside Allah? Will they help you or will retrieve themselves?
94. Then they were thrown in the Hell, they and those who have gone astray.
95. And the army of the devil all together.
96. They shall say while they will be disputing therein themselves,
97. By God, undoubtedly, we were in manifest error.
98. When we made you equal with the Lord of the worlds.
99. And none led us astray but the culprits.
100. Then we have no intercessor now.
101. Nor any sympathising friend.
102. Then anyhow we might return again so that we would have been Muslims.
103. Undoubtedly in it necessarily there is a sign, but most of them were not believers.
104. And undoubtedly, your Lord. He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
105. The people of Nuh belied the Messengers.
106. When their compatriot Nuh said to them, 'Do you not fear?
107. Undoubtedly, I am a Messenger trusted for you.
108. Therefore, fear Allah and obey me.
109. And I ask of you no wage for this; my wage is only upon Him who is the Lord of the worlds.
110. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
111. They said, 'shall we believe you while the mean persons have followed you'.
112. He said, 'what knowledge have I of what are their deed?
113. Their account is only upon my Lord, if you have sense.
114. And I am not to drive away the Muslims.
115. I am not but a plain warner.
116. They said 'O Nuh! You will not desist, then, necessarily, you will be stoned.
117. He said, 'O my Lord, my people have belied me'.
118. Therefore decide completely between them and me and believe me and those of Muslims with me.
119. Then We saved him and those with him in a laden ark.
120. Then afterwards We drowned the rest.
121. No doubt, in it there is necessarily a sign, and most of them were not Muslims.
122. And undoubtedly, your Lord He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
123. Aad belied the Messengers.
124. When their compatriot Hud said to them, 'do you not fear'?
125. Undoubtedly, I am a trusted Messenger of Allah for you.
126. 'Therefore fear Allah and obey me'.
127. And I ask you no wage for it. My wage is only upon Him Who is the Lord of the worlds.
128. Do you build a sign on every height to laugh at the wayfarers?
129. And you erect strong palaces that perhaps you will live forever.
130. And when you lay hands on any one you lay hands tyrannically.
131. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
132. And fear Him Who helped you with those things, which are known, to you.
133. He helped you with cattle and sons.
134. And gardens and springs.
135. Undoubtedly, I am afraid of coming on you the torment of a great Day.
136. They said, 'it is equal to us whether you admonish us or be not of the admonishers.
137. This is not but the same habits of the ancients.
138. And we are not to be tormented.
139. Then they belied him, therefore We destroyed them. Undoubtedly in it, there is necessarily a sign; but most of
them were not Muslims.
140. And undoubtedly, your Lord He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
141. The people of Lut belied the Messengers.
142. When their compatriot Lut said, 'do you not fear?'
143. Undoubtedly, I am a trusted Messenger of Allah for you.
144. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
145. I ask you no wage for it, my wage is only upon Him Who is the Lord of the worlds.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
146. Will you be left secure amid the good things of here?
147. In gardens and springs.
148. And cornfields and palm trees whose blossoms are soft tender.
149. And hew out houses in the mountains skillfully.
150. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
151. And follow not the bidding of those who exceed the limits.
152. Who spread disorder in the earth and reform not.
153. They said, 'you have indeed been be-witched.
154. You are indeed a man like us, therefore bring any sign, if you are truthful.
155. He said, this is a she camel, a day of drinking is for her and a fixed day of drinking is for you.
156. And touch her not with evil, lest the torment of a great day will overtake you.
157. But they hamstrung her, then they remained repenting in the morning.
158. Therefore, the torment overtook them.
159. And undoubtedly, your Lord - He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
160. The people of Lut belied the Messengers.
161. When their compatriot Lut said to them, 'do you not fear'.
162. Undoubtedly, I am a trusted Messenger of Allah for you.
163. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
164. I ask you no wage for it, my wage is only upon Him Who is the Lord of the worlds.
165. Do you commit unnatural offence with males from among the creatures.
166. And leave your wives whom your Lord has created for you? Nay, but you are a people exceeding the limit.
167. They said, O Lut', if you desist not, then you shall necessarily be expelled out.
168. He said, 'I am disgusted of your doings.
169. 'O my Lord! save me and my family from their doings.
170. Therefore, We delivered him and all his family member.
171. But an old woman who stayed behind.
172. Then We destroyed the others.
173. And We rained upon them a rain, therefore what an evil rain it was for those who were warned.
174. Undoubtedly, in it necessarily, there is a sign. But most of them were not Muslims.
175. And undoubtedly, your Lord-He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
176. The people of the forest belied the Messengers.
177. When Shoaib said to them, 'do you not fear?
178. Undoubtedly, I am a trusted Messenger of Allah for you.
179. Therefore fear Allah and obey me.
180. And I ask you no wage for it, my wage is only upon Him Who is Lord of the worlds.
181. Fulfil the measure and be not of those who give less.
182. And weigh with a straight balance.
183. And give not the things of the people decreasing, and wander not in the earth spreading mischief.
184. And fear Him Who created you and the earlier people.
185. They said, 'you are being be-witched.
186. You are not, but a man like us, and undoubtedly, we consider you a liar.
187. Therefore, cause to fall upon us a fragment of the sky, if you are truthful.
188. He said, My Lord knows well what are your doings.
189. Then they belied him, therefore, the torment of the day of shadow overtook them. Undoubtedly, it was a
torment of a great day.
190. Undoubtedly, in it, there is necessarily a sign, and most of them were not Muslims.
191. And undoubtedly, your Lord-He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
192. And undoubtedly, the Lord of the worlds has sent down this Quran.
193. The Trusted spirit has descended with it.
194. On your heart that you may warn.
195. In bright Arabic language.
196. And undoubtedly, its discussion is on the former Books.
197. And was it not a sign for them, that the learned ones of the children of Israel know this prophet?
198. And if We had sent it down to any of the non-Arabs.
199. And he had recited it to them, even then, they would not have believed.
200. Thus, We have caused it to enter into the hearts of the culprits.
201. They will not believe in it until they see the painful torment.
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
202. Then it will come to them all of a sudden and they will not know.
203. Then they will say, 'shall we be respited?
204. Do they then wish to hasten Our torment?
205. Well see then, if We allow them to carry on for some years.
206. Then there comes to them that with which they are promised.
207. What they will gain only that they enjoyed.
208. And We destroyed not any town but it had its warners.
209. For admonition and We oppress not.
210. And this Quran has not been brought down by the devils (Satan).
211. And they are not worthy of it, and nor they can do so.
212. They have been indeed removed very far from the place of hearing.
213. Therefore, worship you not another god beside Allah lest you should be tormented.
214. And O beloved', warn your nearest kinsmen.
215. And spread your wing of mercy for your follower Muslims.
216. Then if they disobey you say then, 'I am quit of what you do.
217. And rely upon Him Who is the Mighty, the Merciful.
218. Who sees you when you stand.
219. And your movements among those who offer prayer.
220. Undoubtedly, He is the Hearer, the Knower.
221. Should I tell you on whom the devils (Satan) descend?
222. They descend upon every big slanderer and sinner.
223. The devils cast upon them their own hearings and most of them are liars.
224. And the misguided ones follow the poets.
225. Have you not seen, that they wander about in every valley?
226. And they say what they do not act.
227. But those who believed and did good deeds and remembered Allah much and took revenge after they were
opposed. And now the unjust will soon know as to which side they shall return.
Surah Number 27: An-Naml (The Ant)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 93
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ta, Sin. These are the verses of the Quran and the Bright Book.
2. A guidance and glad tidings to the believers.
3. Those who observe the prayer and pay the poor due (Zakat) and they have firm faith in the Hereafter.
4. Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made their works good looking, so that they are
wandering perplexed.
5. They are those for whom there is evil torment and they are alone the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
6. And undoubtedly, you are being taught Quran by the Wise, the Knowing.
7. When Musa told to his housewife, 'I have perceived a fire', soon I shall bring to you any news of it or I bring
you any bright spark that you may warm yourself.
8. Then when he came to fire, a call was made that, Blessed is he who is in the place of manifestation of that fire
i.e. (Musa) and those who are around it i.e. (angels). And glorified is Allah Who is the Lord of entire worlds.
9. 'O Musa! the thing is this that I am Allah the Mighty, the Wise.
10. And cast down your staff, Then Musa saw it wriggling as it were a serpent, he set out turning his back and did
not look behind. We said, 'Muse fear not', Undoubtedly, the Messengers have no fear in My presence.
11. Yes, whosoever shows high handedness, then substitutes good for evil, then undoubtedly, I am Forgiving,
12. And put your hand into your bosom, it shall come forth white shining without any defect, ( This will be) among
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
nine signs towards Firawn and his people. Undoubtedly, they are the people disobedient.
13. Then Our signs came to them visibly, they said, This is a clear magic'.
14. And they denied them unjustly and proudly, while their hearts were convinced of them. Then see, how became
the end of mischief mongers.
15. And We bestowed great knowledge to Daud and Sulaiman, and both said, 'all praise to Allah Who has excelled
us over many of their believing bondmen'.
16. And Sulaiman became the successor of Daud and said, O people, 'We have been taught the language of birds,
and we have been bestowed of everything. Undoubtedly, this indeed is a manifest grace.
17. And there were gathered for Sulaiman his armies amongst jinns and men and birds, then they were hold back.
18. Until when they came to the valley of the ants, and said, 'O ants, enter your houses; lest Sulaiman and his
armies may crush you unknowingly.
19. There upon he smilingly laughed at her works, and said, 'O my Lord, grant me guidance that I may be grateful
for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and my parents and that I may do such good works as
would please You and admit me out of Your Mercy among Your those bondmen who deserve Your proximity.
20. And he reviewed the birds, that he said, 'what happened to me that I do not see the hoopoe (Hud-Hud)? Or he
is really not present.
21. I shall surely punish him severely or shall slaughter him or he should bring me a clear authority.
22. Then the hoopoe (Hud-Hud) did not stay long and he came and said, 'I have seen that which you have not
seen and I have brought to you a certain news from the city of Saba.
23. I saw a woman reigning over them, she has got of everything, and she has a great throne.
24. I found her people prostrating before the sun leaving Allah and the devil (Satan) adorning their deeds in their
eyes has barred them from the straight path so that they do not get the way.
25. Why they prostrate not before Allah Who brings forth the hidden things of the heavens and earth and knows
what you conceal and what you declare?
26. Allah is, besides Him there is no true diety, He is the Lord of the Magnificent throne. [^] (SAJDA) 8.
27. Sulaiman said, 'now we shall see whether you have spoken the truth or you are amongst the liars.
28. Take my this edict (letter) and cast it to them, then moving aside from them see what answer they return.
29. The woman said, 'O chiefs undoubtedly there has been cast a noble letter towards me.
30. Undoubtedly, it is from Sulaiman and it is by the name of Allah, the Most Affectionate, and the Merciful.
31. That you seek not exaltness against me and came to me submitting'.
32. She said O my chiefs, 'advise me in this matter, I decide not any matter firmly until you are present with me'.
33. They said, 'we are men of great strength and of severe fighting and the authority is yours, therefore see what
you command'.
34. She said, 'undoubtedly, when the kings enter any town ruin it and disgrace its honorable inhabitants, and thus
they do'.
35. And I have to send a present to him, then I shall see what answer the messengers bring back.
36. Then when he came to Sulaiman he said, 'do you help me with wealth? But that which Allah has given me is
better than that which He has given to you. Nay, it is you who rejoice in your gift.
37. Return to them, we shall therefore, bring that army to them against which they will have no power and we
shall necessarily turn them out of the city disgraced in a manner that they will be humbled.
38. Sulaiman said, O chiefs, 'which is of you who may bring her throne to me before they come to me submitting?
39. One big evil Jin said, 'I will bring you that throne before you rise from your sitting; and undoubtedly, I am
powerful over that, trust worthy.
40. One who had knowledge of the Book said, 'I shall bring it to you before twinkling of the eye.' Then when
Sulaiman saw the throne set before him said, 'this is of the grace of my Lord that He may try me whether I am
grateful or ungrateful.' And whosoever is grateful is grateful for his own good. And whosoever is ungrateful,
then my Lord is self-sufficient, All Virtuous.
41. Sulaiman ordered, 'make the throne of the woman strange before her changing its shape, so that we see
whether she gets the right way or is one of those who remained misguided.
42. Then when she came, it was said to her, 'Is your throne like this? She said, 'as it is the same; and we were
given knowledge before this and we have already submitted'.
43. And that which she used to worship beside Allah had stopped her. Undoubtedly she was of a disbelieving
44. It was said to her, 'come to the courtyard. Then when she saw it, she thought it a deep water and uncovered
shanks. Sulaiman said, 'it is a soft courtyard set with glasses.' The woman said, 'O my Lord I have wronged my
soul and now I submit with Sulaiman before Allah Who is the Lord of entire world'.
45. And undoubtedly, We sent towards Thamud their compatriot Saleh that worship Allah, then henceforth they
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
became two parties contending.
46. Saleh said, 'O my people, why you hasten the evil before the good'? Why do you not ask forgiveness of Allah
haply you may be shown mercy?
47. They said, 'we took a bad omen from you and from your companions. He said, 'your bad omen is with Allah,
rather your people are lying in temptation.
48. And there were nine persons in the city making mischief in the earth and did not like rectification.
49. They said swearing by Allah among each other, 'we shall necessarily fall upon Saleh and his household by
night, then we shall say to his heir, we were not present at the time of murder of the members of this family
and undoubtedly, we are truthful'.
50. And they plotted their own plot and We made Our secret plan and they remained unaware.
51. Then see how was the end of their plot, We destroyed them and their entire people.
52. Then these are their houses overturned, the recompense of their oppression. Undoubtedly, in it there is a sign
for the people who know.
53. And We rescued those who believed and used to fear.
54. And to Lut, when he said to his people, 'do you come to indecency while you are seeing?
55. Do you approach men lustfully leaving women? Rather you are a people ignorant.
56. Then there was no answer of his people but that they said expel the family of Lut from your city; they are they
who want cleanliness.
57. Then We delivered him and his family but his wife. We destroyed her that she is among those who stayed
58. And We rained upon them a rain, therefore what an evil rain was of those who were warned.
59. Say you, 'all praise belongs to Allah and peace upon His chosen bondmen. Is Allah Best, or their made
60. Or He Who made heavens and earth, and sent down for you water from the heaven, then We caused to grow
therewith gardens full of loveliness; you had no power to cause their trees to grow. Is there any other god
along with Allah? Nay they deviate from the path.
61. Or He Who made the earth for habitation and set amidst it streams and made for it anchors (mountains) and a
barrier between the two seas. Is there any other god along with Allah? Nay! Most of them know not.
62. Or He Who listens to destitute when he calls upon Him and removes the evil and makes you successors in the
earth. Is there any other god along with Allah? Very little, you reflect.
63. Or He Who guides you in the darkness of the land and the sea and He Who send the winds bearing good tiding
before His Mercy? Is there any other god along with Allah? Exalted is Allah above what they associate with
64. Or He Who originates the creation, and shall thereafter makes it again? Is there any other god along with
Allah? Say you, 'bring forward your proof if you are truthful'.
65. Say you, 'whosoever are in the heavens and earth do not know themselves the unseen but Allah'. And they do
not know when they will be raised up'.
66. Has their knowledge reached to the knowing of the Hereafter? Nay they are in doubt about it, rather they are
blind to it.
67. And the infidels said, 'what, when our fathers and we will become dust, shall we be brought forth again?
68. Undoubtedly, we have been promised this and before us our fathers, this is not but the tales of the ancients.
69. Say you, 'travel in the earth and see, how was the end of the culprits'?
70. And grieve you not over them, and not be straitened on their plotting.
71. And they say, 'when this promise will be fulfilled, if you are truthful'.
72. Say you; it is near that some of the things you are hastening for may have come close behind you.
73. And undoubtedly, your Lord is graceful for mankind but most of them are not grateful.
74. And undoubtedly, your Lord Knows what is hidden in their breasts and what they disclose.
75. And as many unseens of the heavens and the earth are there, all are in a Book disclosing.
76. Undoubtedly, this Quran explains to the children of Israel most of those things in which they differ.
77. And undoubtedly, that is guidance and mercy for the Muslims.
78. And undoubtedly, your Lord decides between them by His command and He it is the Honorable, the Knowing.
79. Therefore, put your trust in Allah. Undoubtedly, you are on clear truth.
80. Undoubtedly you can not make the dead hear, and nor you can make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn
showing their backs.
81. And you can not guide the blind from their error You can make only those to hear who believe in Our signs and
they are Muslims.
82. And when the word will fall upon them, We shall bring forth for them out of the earth a beast that shall talk to
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
them, because the people had not believed in Our signs.
83. And the Day when We shall raise from every group of people a troop of those who belied Our signs, then their
first comers shall be stopped that those coming after may meet them.
84. Till, when all would have come, Allah will say, 'did you belie My signs while your knowledge could not reach to
them. Or what you used to do?
85. And the word has already fallen upon them because of their wrongs, so now they speak nothing.
86. Have they not seen that We have made the night that they may rest therein, and the day sight giving?
Undoubtedly, in them necessarily there are signs for those who believe.
87. And the Day when the Trumpet shall be blown, then all those who are in heavens and those in the earth shall
be unnerved but he whom Allah wills. And all were present before Him showing humility.
88. And you shall see the mountains, you shall think that they are fixed, but they will be passing (like) the passing
of the clouds. This is the work of Allah Who made every thing with wisdom. Undoubtedly, He is aware of your
89. Whoever brings good for him there is better reward than that and they are secure that Day from bewilderment.
90. And whoever brought evil, then their faces were lied down in the Fire. What reward you will get but only of
that which you used to do.
91. I have been commanded only to worship the Lord of this city, Who has sanctified it, His is everything, and I
have been commanded to be of obedients.
92. And that I recite Quran; therefore whoever got guidance got it for his own good and whoever went astray,
then, say you, 'I am only a warner'.
93. And say, 'All praise belongs to Allah, soon He will show you His signs, then you will recognise them. And O
beloved prophet; your Lord is not unaware, O people, of your doings.
Surah Number 28: Al-Qasas (The Story)
Revealed at: Makkah
Total Verses: 88
ALLAH in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
1. Ta-Sin-Mim.
2. These are the verses of the luminous Book.
3. We recite to you the true news of Musa and Firawn (Pharaoh), for those who believe.
4. Undoubtedly, Firawn had got control in the earth and made its people his subordinates, he sought to weaken a
group of them, slay their sons and let their women live. Undoubtedly, he was mischief-maker.
5. And We desired that We should be gracious to those weakened, make them leaders, and should make them
the inheritors of their country and wealth.
6. And We should establish them in the earth and show to Firawn, Haman, and their armies the same, which they
par, from them.
7. And We inspired the mother of Musa, suckle him, when you may have fear for him, then cost him into river and
fear not and nor grieve; undoubtedly, We shall return him to you and shall make him Messenger.
8. Then the family of Firawn picked him up that he may become their enemy and there may be grief to them.
Undoubtedly, Firawn and Haman and their armies were wrongdoers.
9. And the wife of Firawn, said, 'this child is the comfort to me and you, slay him not perhaps he may profit us or
we may take him for a son,' and they were unaware.
10. And next morning the heart of the mother of Musa became impatient. Surely, it was near that she might have
disclosed his condition, if We had not solaced her heart, that she might remain believing on Our promise.
11. And his mother said to his sister, 'follow him', then she remained observing from a far, and they were not
12. And We had already for bidden all wet nurses to him, then she said, 'shall I tell you of such a household who
may bring up this child of yours, and they are his well wishers.
13. Then We returned him to his mother that his mother might be comforted and not grieve, and she might know
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
that the promise of Allah is true, but most of the people know not.
14. And when he reached his grown up age and attained his full strength, We bestowed him judgement and
knowledge. And thus We reward the good doers.
15. And he entered the city, at a time when the people of the city, were unaware in their noons' nap, and found
there two men fighting, one was of Musa's party, and the other of his enemies Then the one that was of his
party sought his help against him who was of his enemies. Therefore Musa gave a blow to him and put an end
of him; he said, This is of the work of the evil (Satan)', undoubtedly, he is an enemy, a clear miss-leader.
16. He submitted, 'O my Lord', 'I have exceeded the limit against my soul, therefore forgive me, then the Lord
forgave him. Undoubtedly, He it is the Forgiving, Merciful.
17. He submitted, 'O my Lord as you have blessed me, therefore now I shall never be a helper to the culprits.
18. Then he passed the night in the city fearing and waiting anxiously what happens, when he saw that he who
had sought help the day before is crying for help. Musa said to him, undoubtedly, you are manifestly a
misguided man'.
19. Then when Musa wished to lay hold of him who is an enemy to both, he said, 'O Musa', do you intend to kill
me as you did kill a person yesterday'? You only intend to become violent in the land and intend not to reform.
20. And a man came running from the far side of the city. He said, 'O Musa', undoubtedly, the chiefs are
counseling together to kill you, therefore get away; I am your well wisher'.
21. Then he got out of the city fearing and waiting anxiously what happens now. He submitted, 'O my Lord, save
me from the oppressors'.
22. And when he diverted his attention towards Madian, he said, 'it is near that my Lord may tell me the straight
23. And when he came at the water of Madian, there he saw parties of the people are watering their animals, and
at the other side of them, he saw two women that they are holding back their animals; Musa said, 'what is the
condition of you two'? They said, 'we do not water until all shepherds take away their animals after watering,
and our father is very old.'
24. Then Musa watered their animals for them both, then turned back towards the shade, and said, 'O my Lord', I
am in need of that food which You may send down for me.'
25. Then one of the two came to him walking bashfully and said, 'my father invites you that he may give you wage
for that you have watered our animals'. When Musa came to him and related to him the story, he said, 'fear
not; you have been rescued from the oppressors'
26. One of the two women said, 'O my father'. Employ him'. Undoubtedly, the best employee is he who is strong
and trustworthy'.
27. He said, 'I intend that I may marry to you one of my two daughters on the condition of such a dower that you
may serve me for eight years, but if you complete full ten years, then it will be from your side, and I do not
desire to put you in hardship. It is near if Allah wills you would find me of the righteous.
28. Musa said, 'this has been agreed between you and me. Whichever of the two terms, I fulfil, then there is no
demand against me. And Allah is responsible over what we say'.
29. When Musa fulfilled his term and departed with his wife, he observed a fire from the side of the Tur (Mountain)
He said to his household, 'stay you here, I have observed a fire from the side of Tur, perhaps I may bring you
some news from there, or I may bring to you any brand from the fire that you may warm yourself.
30. Then when he came to it, a call was made from the right side of the valley in the blessed spot, out of the tree,
'O Musa, I am, I am Allah, the Lord of the entire world'.
31. And cast down your staff. Then when Musa saw it wriggling as it were a serpent, he set out turning his back
and did not look behind. 'O Musa', come before and fear not, undoubtedly, you are secure.
32. Put your hand in your bosom, it will come out white shining without defect, and put your hand on your chest
for removing the fear. So these are the two arguments of your Lord toward Firawn and his chiefs. Undoubtedly,
they are dis-obedient people.
33. He said, 'I have killed a person from among them, I therefore, fear that they may kill me'.
34. And my brother Haroon, he is more eloquent is speech than me, therefore appoint him a Messenger for my
help that he may confirm me, I fear that they will belie me.
35. He said, 'It is near that We shall strengthen your arm with your brother and shall give you both dominance,
then they could not harm you on account of Our signs. You both and those: who will follow shall triumph'.
36. Then when Musa brought to them Our bright signs, they said, 'this is nothing, but magic fabricated, and we did
not hear the like among our earlier fathers'.
37. And Musa said, 'my Lord knows well him who brought guidance from Him and for whom will be the home of
the Hereafter. Undoubtedly, the unjust reach not to the goal.
38. And Firawn said, 'O chiefs, I know not for you any god beside myself; therefore, 'O Haman, after burning clay
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
(bricks) build for me a high palace that perhaps I may ascend and peep into the god of Musa, and
undoubtedly, I imagine that indeed he is a liar'.
39. And he and his army wished unjust greatness in the land and thought that they are not to return towards Us.
40. Therefore We seized him and his army and cast them into the river. See them, how became the end of the
41. And We made them leaders of the people of Hell that they call towards the Fire; and they shall not be helped
on the Day of Resurrection.
42. And We set curse to follow them in this world; and on the Day of resurrection, theirs is the ugly condition.
43. And undoubtedly, We gave a Book to Musa after We had destroyed earlier generation, in which there are
evident arguments for the people and guidance and mercy so that they may accept admonition.
44. And you were not on the western side of Tur, when We sent the command of Prophethood to Musa and nor
you were present at that time.
45. But it so happened that We produced generations and a very long period passed over them, and neither you
were a deweller among the people of Madian, reciting Our signs to them, yes We became the Sender of
46. And nor you were at the side of Tur, when We called, yes it is the mercy from your Lord (He gave you the
knowledge of the Unseen) that you may warn a people to whom no warner came before you, haply they may
be admonished.
47. And had it not so happened if any calamity would have touched them for what their hands have sent before,
they would say, 'O our Lord, why did you not send any Messenger towards us that we might have followed
your signs and might have believed.
48. Then when the truth came to them from Us, they said, 'why they were not given the like of what was given to
Musa'? Had they not rejected what was given to Musa before They said, 'two magics supporting each other"
and they said, "we are rejecters of all the two".
49. Say you, 'bring them any Book from Allah which is a better guide than these two, I shall follow it, if you are
50. Then if they accent not your saying, know you that they only follow their own desires. And who is more astray
than one who follows his own desires separate from the guidance of Allah. Undoubtedly Allah guides not the
unjust people.
51. And undoubtedly, We have sent for them the word in continuation that they may give heed.
52. Those to whom We gave the Book before it, they believe in it.
53. And when these signs are recited to them they say, 'We believed in it, undoubtedly, it is the only truth from our
Lord, We had already submitted even before.
54. They will be given their reward twice the recompense of their patience, and they repel evil with good, and
spend something out of what We have provided them.
55. And when they hear vein talk, they turn away from it and say, 'for us our works, and for you your works. Peace
be to you; we seek not the ignorant'.
56. Undoubtedly, this is not that you may guide whomsoever you like on your own accord, yes, Allah guides
whomsoever He will. And He knows well who are the guided.
57. And they say, 'if we follow guidance with you we shall be taken away from our land by the people'. Have We
not provided them a place in the safe sanctuary towards which all kinds of fruits are brought, a provision from
Us? But most of them know not.
58. And how many a city have We destroyed that behaved boastfully on their luxurious life. Then these are their
homes, which were not inhabited after them but a little. And only We are inheritors.
59. And your Lord destroys not the cities until He sends in their real resort a Messenger who may recite Our signs
to them; and We destroy not the cities but when their inhabitants are oppressors.
60. And whatever thing you have been given, is the provision of this worldly life and its adornment, and whatever
is with Allah is better and more enduring. Have you then no sense?
61. Is then he whom We promised a goodly promise with which he will meet like him whom We allowed to enjoy
the provision of this worldly life, then on the Day of Resurrection he will be presented arrested?
62. And the Day when He will say, 'where are My those partners whom you so imagined'?
63. Those against whom the word has been proved will say, 'O our, Lord', these are they whom we led astray, we
led them astray as we were astrayed ourselves; we return to You being disgusted with them. They worshipped
us not'.
64. And it shall be said to them, 'call your partners, therefore they will call, but they shall not hear them and they
shall see the torment What a good thing would have been if they had got the way'?
65. And the Day when He will call upon them, He will say, 'what answer did you give to Our Messengers?
Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman)
66. Then all news will become black to them on that Day, and they will not even ask each other.
67. But as for him who repented and believed and did good deeds; it is near that he may be successful.
68. And your Lord creates whatsoever He will and chooses. They have no power, Sanctified and Exalted is Allah
from their association.
69. And your Lord knows what is hidden in their breasts and what they disclose.
70. And He is the only Allah there is no god besides Him. His is only praise in the world and in the Hereafter, and
His is only command and to him you shall be returned.
71. Say you, 'look to it, if Allah makes the night continue over you till the Day of Resurrection, then who is god
besides Allah who would bring you light. Do you then not hear?
72. Say you, look to it, if Allah makes the day continue over you till the Day of Resurrection, then who is god
besides Allah who would bring you a night wherein you might rest'. Do you not then see?
73. And out of His mercy, He has made for you the night and the day, that you may rest in the night and you may
seek His bounty in the day and for this that you may accept the truth.
74. And the Day when He will call upon them, He will say then, 'where are My those associates whom you talked
75. And We shall after drawing a witness from every people say, 'bring your proof, then they will know that the
truth belongs to Allah, and that which they used to fabricate will be lost from them.
76. Undoubtedly, Quaroon (Korah) was of the people of Musa, then he showed high handedness against them, and
We gave him so much treasures whose keys were a heavy burden over a party of strong men. When his people
said to him, 'Exult not, undoubtedly Allah loves not those who exult.
77. And seek by means of that treasure which Allah has bestowed to you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget
not your share in the world and do good as Allah has done good to you and seek not mischief in the land.
Undoubtedly Allah loves not the mischief-makers.
78. He said, 'this indeed has been given to me because of a knowledge, which is with me. And does he not know
that Allah has destroyed before him such generations who were stronger in strength the him and greater in
accumulation? And the culprits shall be questioned of their sins.
79. Then he came out of his people in his adornment Those who desire the life of the world said, 'anyhow, we
would too had the like of that Quaroon has been given, undoubtedly he has a great fortune?
80. And those who were given knowledge said, 'woe to you', Allah's reward is better for him who believes and does
good work, and it is given only to those who are patient.
81. Then We caused him and his home to sink into the earth, and he had no party with him that it may help him to
save against Allah, and nor he could take revenge.
82. And in the morning those who had longed his position the day before began to say, 'it is strange' Allah
increases the provision for whosoever of His bondmen He pleases and straitens (for whomsoever He pleases),
if Allah had not been gracious to us, we too had been caused to sink. Ah', there is no good for infidels.
83. This home of the Hereafter, We assign it to those who desire not exaltation in the earth, nor disorder. And the
end is only for those who are pious.
84. Whoever brings good, for him is better than it; and whoever brings evil, the doers of evil shall not be
recompensed but what they did.
85. Undoubtedly, He who has made the Quran binding on you will bring you back where you desire to return. Say
you, 'my Lord knows him well who has brought the guidance and him who is in open error.
86. And you did not expect that the Book would be sent to you, yes your Lord showed His Mercy, therefore never
be a backer of the infidels.
87. And let them never bar you from the signs of Allah after they have been sent down to you, and call towards
your Lord and be never among polytheists.
88. And worship not another god with Allah. There is no god besides Him. Everything is perishable save His Being.
His is the command and towards Him, you shall be returned.